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The Eight Core Skills To Consciously Shift From Imposter Syndrome Into Healthy Self-Esteem

Written by: Abigail Stason, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Inevitably, during my teachings, workshops, and conversing with friends, the topic of Imposter Syndrome arises. Many terms have morphed over the years, including self-concept, self-love, and the latest buzzword, imposter syndrome. I prefer self-esteem. All these terms point directly to how we treat ourselves, and how we relate to ourselves directly impacts how we relate to others. At their core, human beings want to be free of their critical mind chatter.

woman in blue scale looking a far with clouds background

What is the alternative?

It’s time to put down the self-whipping stick and cultivate healthy self-esteem. Yes, healthy self-esteem is a practice! Navigating the human condition and relating to ourselves requires skill and mastery. Like other skills I teach, our self-esteem is a place where we must dedicate effort and energy.

Here are your foundational practices for cultivating healthy self-esteem:

  • Living consciously is the practice of presence, respect for facts, constantly expanding awareness, and a commitment to learning.

  • Self-acceptance means I may not like everything I think, but with unconditional love and unacceptance to learn from my mistakes.

  • Self-responsibility is to take responsibility for my actions and life, including independent thinking in contrast to passive conformity to others.

  • Self-assertiveness is standing up, speaking up for ourselves, and inviting others to stand up for themselves. Active existence rather than passive.

  • Living purposefully means having goals that increase self-efficacy. Goals are not to improve ourselves but instead for self-expression.

  • Personal Integrity is to show remarkable congruence between what we claim to stand for and how we live and lead.

  • Self-Respect is a sense of being worthy of happiness, the feeling that joy and fulfillment are our natural birthright. The experience of self-respect makes possible a human non-neurotic sense of community with other individuals, the fellowship of independence, and mutual regard.

  • Self-Efficacy is trust in our mental processes and abilities –confidence in facing life’s challenges.

Simply put, our relationship with ourselves is the most important one we must cultivate. Instead of criticizing ourselves (which has zero transformational value), we can develop a prosperous and intimate personal relationship through deep involvement in the practice of self-esteem. Love is the conduit for your peace, ease, and freedom.

Do you want to start loving yourself? Visit my website for more information. And start practicing immediately by diving into your learning and development with my online course.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Abigail Stason, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

More Master Teacher than coach, Abigail “Abby” Stason is a social activist and skill builder with 20+ years of professional experience as a leader, organizational consultant, and group facilitator. As a disrupter, Abby is committed to a new social awareness in favor of exposing outdated structures that are no longer of service, giving way to the experience of peace, freedom, and truth in the world. She is a catalyst for societal evolution. In short, she helps human beings, leaders, teams, and organizations wake up by equipping them with behavioral skills for a modern world. Abby created a conscious leadership curriculum, a series of practices that are easily accessible to everyone.


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