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Speed Pass To Enlightened Wealth

Written by: Murray Ansell, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The journey into the abyss that is one’s mind is fraught with visitations from many and various actors who would represent themselves as oneself, but are nothing more than one’s shadow consciousness, that which we have believed to be truth, but which could never be so, as it isn’t aligned with Love. The truth is always aligned with what is loving for the one receiving it, and the mind is filled with remnants of choices made by oneself and one’s ancestors that have not been so aligned.

This is not to say that these thoughts are “bad”, as it’s unhelpful to examine them within polarized frameworks like good/bad or right/wrong. The most helpful prism through which to filter them is “are they loving for me or not?”

So, what does this really mean, and how can we decide what is loving for us and what is not?

The Significance of Purpose

This comes down to what is aligned with what is purposeful for the individual versus what isn’t.

Each of us has a unique and magnificent purpose, and life unfolds in a way that is supportive of our discovering whatever that is. Sometimes this will involve our being challenged in a way that pushes us to find previously untapped resources within us. In some such situations, we are being invited to take what we have learned and share it with others so they may transcend, or avoid going through, similar experiences.

When we overcome major life challenges, we not only gain new knowledge from that experience, but we also change our energy to create an energetic solution that can be used by others we may then coach or mentor. As beings of energy, we are always impacting others with our energy, whether we’re aware of this or not.

Influence through Epigenetics

The emerging science of epigenetics studies the influence of people’s environment on their genes. This influence happens energetically as the brain switches on genes (i.e. memory of ancestral choices) in response to the frequencies of those its person is interacting with. This can be someone, a thing, or experience in the immediate vicinity, or happen remotely, by phone, or even in response to thought waves.

This epigenetic response is an ancient survival mechanism that pre-dates humans, has nothing necessarily to do with one’s purpose, and often creates energetic resistance to discovering that purpose. One’s purpose is the domain of one’s Soul and not accessible through one’s biology.

As social animals, humans are continually having epigenetic responses to our environment. Each time this happens, our frequency changes slightly in a way that is usually imperceptible. However, as this mechanism exists as a survival mechanism, each activation is rooted in fear to a greater or lesser extent. For those interested in living purposefully, each activation adds another layer of resistance to discovering one’s unique and loving purpose.

Overcoming Activated DNA

DNA activation is a daily occurrence for most people in our modern, highly interconnected world. When it happens, our brain activates new patterns of thought and emotion in response to our current environment. These patterns originated with our ancestors in a different time, place, situation, and energy, are not necessarily helpful to us today, and remain activated until detected and de-activated.

So, how can we respond to what we’re experiencing in a way that will serve our best interests?

Starting in 2003, the founders of Life Energy Coaching (LEC) have been engaged in daily research that has developed an energetic solution to the effects of DNA activation. This solution has neutralized its effects and replaced this fear-based biological guidance system with always reliable, Love-based, Divine guidance. The product of this research project is Life Energy Coaching’s range of modular programs.

The Modular Programs

Each of LEC’s modular programs addresses a fundamental aspect of human life, is powered by Archangelic energy, and is just 6 weeks in duration. The programs are offered in 3 levels, each subsequent level building upon the transformations delivered in previous levels.

Level 1 Programs ‒ Healing

Level 1 addresses the relationships with oneself (Love Your Self) and money (Financial Freedom), fully transforming each of these extremely important relationships back into alignment with Love in just 6 weeks.

Because how we feel about ourselves is reflected back to us in all of our relationships, Love Your Self not only repairs all deficits in our feelings about self (e.g. self-acceptance, self-doubt, self-worth, self-confidence, etc.) so we feel great, it also transforms our relationships with others so they either become loving, or end in a loving way to be replaced with new loving relationships.

When preceded by Love Your Self, Financial Freedom cleans up non-loving, self-sabotage in relation to money so self-destructive money patterns are addressed and replaced by loving thoughts and feelings toward money along with the unlimited allowance of it into one’s life.

Level 2 Programs – Reconnection

The core Level 2 programs are Know Your Self and Know Your Purpose. Know Your Self borrows from the Archangelic connection of LEC’s founders to help those who use it reconnect with their Archangelic, Ascended Master, and Angelic support teams. It also ensures that the user’s essence and Source are fully connected so s/he can receive accurate Divine guidance and support from Divine Flow. Once this program has been completed, the program participant will start to notice regular synchronicities, as well as heightened intuition as s/he receives a flow of guidance from mainly Archangelic and Ascended Master guides.

Know Your Purpose is another 6-week journey, this time removing all egoic and low-frequency spiritual blocks to the participant’s heart energy being able to reveal his or her unique and magnificent purpose. How this reveals itself will depend upon how the person is most receptive to Divine guidance, and can be through repeating synchronicities, dreams, epiphanies, and messages from other connected people, among other possibilities.

Level 3 Programs – Expansion and Impact

The Level 3 programs remove all inner blocks and barriers to making the greatest possible impact with one’s purpose. Love Your Business restores the consciousness and energy of its users back to Love in relation to business. This will be important where starting a purpose-driven business is important to magnify the impact of the person’s purpose.

Enlightened Wealth removes all remaining scarcity consciousness so its users embody the knowing that whatever they outflow with love is always replenished with more than they have given, to encourage being a vessel for delivering Love into this planet. It also helps enable fruitful collaborations with other enlightened people that magnify their impact in ways they could not do alone.

This 36-week journey to Enlightened Wealth is only able to happen with the active involvement of the Archangels and their direction of and collaboration with the co-founders of LEC and with the Life Energy Coaches they have certified. It is this collaboration that has allowed the Archangels to manifest energy solutions that allow human beings to live with real-time guidance from the highest frequencies of Love and use their energies to manifest their highest purpose with ease and Grace.

Follow me on LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Murray Ansell, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Murray Ansell has a diverse business background including Big 4” accounting, investment and commercial banking, and technology licensing. In 2003, Murray noticed a self-sabotaging pattern in his consulting business, which led him to awaken to his spiritual nature and into a Soul-led journey into the world of human energy. Murray was guided from the Archangelic realm, including to form Life Energy Coaching (LEC) and Business Energy Coaching (BEC). All programs and coaching delivered through these business units use a unique quantum field that massively accelerates clients and their businesses into successfully fulfilling their unique and magnificent purpose.


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