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Single Happy, Do You Speak Singlish?

Written by: Bernadette Bruckner, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Being "happy" often occupies people's minds for a good reason. Indeed, living a happy and fulfilled life is one of our most important goals as individuals. When it comes to happiness, there are many factors at play – including whether we are in a relationship with someone or not. In today's world, the answer to this question seems squarely in the affirmative – as many people understand that they do not need someone else to experience joy and contentment.

Attractive smiling young woman making selfie in sky blue background..

For example, there are countless examples of strong, confident, and booming individuals who choose to lead fulfilling lives while remaining single. Through their work, hobbies, and other interests, these individuals cultivate rich and fascinating lives – proving that being solo can be en vogue. Thus, it seems clear that being "happy" does not necessarily require having a partner by your side at all times. Instead, what truly matters is finding ways to make yourself content with yourself and your own life choices. After all, as the saying goes: "Whether you think you're complete or incomplete without a partner doesn't matter; what matters is how you feel about yourself." And so long as we love ourselves for who we are, happiness will naturally follow!

The single, FOMO-fueled life.

A single person's fear of missing out, or FOMO, can be incredibly frustrating. This feeling is often fueled by the endless stream of couples constantly popping up on your social media feeds. Whether it's wedding photos, honeymoon snapshots, or their daily activities, it can feel like you're always being left out.

But while FOMO may seem like a universal experience for singles, there are many benefits to not being in a relationship. For one thing, you have ample time and energy to focus on your goals and pursuits. Whether it's a new professional endeavour, a creative hobby, or simply some much-needed relaxation time, being single affords you the freedom to explore all aspects of your life without considering anyone else's needs.

And in this age of unprecedented connectivity, staying off social media can be just as empowering as pursuing your interests. After all, how much joy does scrolling through other people's seemingly perfect lives bring? Instead of getting caught up in the false sense of "missing out," embrace the freedom and opportunity that comes with singledom and make the most of it!

Redefining Singlehood

When most people think of being single, they imagine a life of loneliness, isolation, and lack of fulfilment. However, this outdated definition is incorrect and harmful; we are perpetuating the stigma surrounding unmarried individuals by defining singlehood as something inherently negative. Instead of thinking of singlehood as a deprivation or a deficiency, we should start to redefine it as something genuinely positive and empowering. After all, being single does not necessarily mean being alone; in fact, many people consider themselves to be happily unmarried. So, if we want to embrace singlehood as an essential aspect of modern life fully, we must push back against stereotypes and prejudices and reframe the conversation around being single. Only then can we truly embrace this exciting new era where individualism and independence are celebrated rather than shunned.

When it comes to being single, I've learned there's no right way to do it. Being single means being wholly unattached and free of social obligations for some people. For others, it might mean spending time alone without interest in entering a serious relationship. And for yet others, being single is something that happens on occasion and doesn't define their entire existence. And So, for anyone feeling disconnected from the dating scene or searching for someone special this Valentine's Day season, know that you're not alone! We're all just trying to find techniques to make our lives work in unique ways–whether we settle down or stay single forever. And at the end of the day, only you can decide which option is right for you. So go out there and keep exploring what this crazy world has to offer! You'll never know where your journey might lead unless you take that first step.

Single and Happy: What You Need to Know?

Whether you're single by choice or circumstance, the world of the single living can seem both intriguing and intimidating. Ask yourself, Is it better to be single, or would you prefer to have someone to share your life with? Some might think it is best to find a happy medium – keeping an open mind about pursuing relationships while valuing your own time and enjoying activities on your own. After all, being comfortable while single ultimately comes down to putting yourself first. Whether you embrace Singlish or part in part-time singling, there are many benefits to adopting singledom and making the most of your time without a partner. And who knows – perhaps someday you'll meet someone that changes everything for the better!

Being single can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience in many ways. For those comfortable being on their own, it means freedom and independence; for others, it may simply involve seeking new opportunities for social interaction. However, if you feel yourself longing for a relationship, it can be easy to get caught up in feelings of unhappiness or depression when alone.

It is where self-care becomes essential. Whether your free time involves pursuing hobbies or interests that keep you active or simply practising mindfulness and relaxation techniques that help ease the stress of the daily grind. Focusing on yourself is key to building a solid foundation that will support you even through challenging periods of singleness.

In a world where so many partnerships are built around two people complementing each other and growing together over time, being a single person is both an inspiring expression of freedom and autonomy and an opportunity to connect meaningfully with others in meaningful ways. So whether you're happily single or longing for a relationship, there's no reason not to embrace the full power and beauty of being yourself alone!

In today's fast-paced world, the concept of single living is evolving. Rather than viewing singlehood as a phase to be endured while one searches for the right partner, more and more singles are choosing to embrace their status as an opportunity for professional and personal growth. At the same time, rather than committing exclusively to one relationship at a time. Many singles are taking a more part-time approach to single, opting for casual flings or other scenarios that allow them to continue searching for their ideal partner while maintaining freedom in their day-to-day lives.

Of course, this shift in how we think about singlehood has led to new professional focus and exploration avenues. For some singles, this means exploring professional fields traditionally associated with partnerships or families, such as nursing or teaching. For others, it means pursuing professional goals that defy traditional norms about what it means to be single – such as fluid singling, taking professional risks, or making career moves that might have been considered less acceptable in previous decades. Regardless of how they approach professional life and relationships alike, it is clear that the modern concept of single living promises new possibilities for individual fulfilment and professional success. And at a time when society is increasingly emphasizing leading a balanced life centred around health and happiness, it is clear why so many singles would opt for this form of empowered lifestyle over its traditional counterpart.

Many of us long for a more straightforward way of living in our professional and personal lives. We long for the freedom that comes with being single – the chance to set our schedules, pursue our goals, and make decisions on our terms.

But this desire for a single life often runs against the reality of professional and social obligations. For those who need to maintain a demanding career or take care of children or other dependents, it can be challenging to carve out the necessary time and space to focus on ourselves and our needs.

At the same time, we must also consider how social norms affect our perceptions of single life. Without the structure that comes from associations with significant others, spouses, or family members, many people feel uncomfortable or even unsupported when going through their daily routines alone. They may view those who live single as lacking in maturity or maturity or even as a potential danger or risk to themselves or others.

The Single Life: It's Not All Bad

Despite all these challenges, however, there are many positive aspects to living single that we should not overlook. Through self-exploration and self-reflection, we have an excellent opportunity to delve into our true passions and explore ways in which we can further develop our professional interests, creative talents, and personal growth. And by embracing spontaneity and seeking out new opportunities as they arise, we can foster more exciting relationships with ourselves and others. So if you're dreaming of a single life filled with possibility and promise, don't let any lingering doubts hold you back! Follow your heart's desires and embrace all that life has to offer – one day at a time.

It is a habit to see people living and working in partnerships in today's world. Whether they are professional partners, business partners, or romantic partners, these individuals often complement each other in unique ways. Some bring skills and talents that others lack, while others share common interests and goals.

Whatever the case, it is logical that working and living in partnership has become the norm in today's interconnected world. Furthermore, this trend is unlikely to change anytime soon; as our population grows and diversifies, we will only need more diverse collaboration and cooperation to thrive. So, in short, a world is indeed full of partnerships – professional and personal alike – and there is no reason to believe this trend will fade soon. Instead, it seems that partnerships will only continue to grow in popularity as we move forward into the future. And for that reason, we should embrace them with open arms!

In the end, You are your masterpiece. You're not bound by what other people think or say about you – only you can decide who you are and what you want to be. If you're unsure if you're single or not, that's okay! Only you can determine what's best, and only you can know what your true feelings are. Don't let anyone else control your life – you are the only one who knows what's best for you. Live your life the way YOU want to, and be proud of the person YOU are. For more help and guidance, read our new publication, "Single Happy, Do you speak Single?"

For more information, follow me on Facebook, Instagram and visit my website! You can buy my book here! Read more from Bernadette!


Bernadette Bruckner, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine The creative all-rounder worked successfully in different working fields in Austria and abroad. Through her interest in corporate communications, marketing, human resources, and many other business areas, she has appropriated an enormous amount of knowledge over more than 30 years. Numerous educations at international top trainers like Richard Bandler, Robert Dilts, Roy Martina, and Clinton Swaine. Internationally active as a holistic trainer in health, nutrition, and mental health with exceptional holistic resilience methods. Founder of "iMM – intuitive mentoring method and 1-min-coaching-to-go“, further development of NLP, as well as, ORINITION® ‒ n(fl)ourish soul.mind.body.“ – an innovative nutrition work of (re-)membering our own body intelligence. Successfully Master’s degree in health management with a focus on public health. International Ph.D. & research in health communication with a focus on psycholinguistics combined with neuroplasticity and health economics. International bestselling publisher and author of numerous books in different languages. Global Author Award 2018 / Nominatee NLP Award in Research 2019 in London. In 2021 opening my own research center for intuitive science in Austria.


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