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Simple Tips & Tricks To Get A Better Night’s Sleep

A good night’s sleep is hard to come by… Sleep quality, and quantity of rest have both dropped in recent decades. In fact, many people have trouble sleeping on a daily basis. There are so many factors that can disrupt your ability to sleep well making a good night’s rest feel hard to come by. Work, stress, family, heavily packed schedules, caffeine, diet, to name a few all affect the outcome of our sleep. Although you can’t always control these factors that affect your sleeping abilities, there are a few key tips and tricks to help you get the best sleep possible.

Get Active

Move your body throughout the day to work off some excess energy. Keeping active throughout the day is the easiest way to guarantee that your body is ready to relax and rest later on. Getting out your extra energy will ensure that your body is going to need to take that break to relax and settle down later on. Exercise is one of the most scientifically proven methods for improving your sleep and overall health. It can improve all elements of sleep and has been used to alleviate insomnia symptoms. Although everyday exercise is important for a good night's sleep, exercising too late in the day can induce sleep issues. This is because exercise has a stimulatory effect, and can wake your body back up and make you more alert suggesting that early workouts are the best.

As important as regular exercise is to get a good night’s sleep, it can also occasionally result in overuse and achy muscles, making sleeping even harder. This is when we like to use evn CBD capsules to assist with the pain throughout the night. The capsules work as a powerful anti-inflammatory, focusing on relief to lead to a more relaxed night. Evn CBD Curcumin Capsules are made with broad spectrum CBD (cannabidiol), and curcumin, the main active ingredient in turmeric, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Evn CBD Curcumin Capsules contain CBD oil in a form that is travel-friendly and easy to consume, making it the perfect convenient addition to pack for all of your trips.

Regular exercise and a balanced diet are just as vital as getting a good night's sleep. Poor sleep has been shown to have an immediate negative impact on hormones, exercise performance, and cognitive function. In both adults and children, it can cause weight gain and raise the risk of different diseases. Good sleep, on the other hand, can help you eat less, exercise more effectively, and live a healthier lifestyle. They all play together hand-in-hand.

Cut the Caffeine

We get it, you’re already exhausted, and it’s time for that mid-afternoon pick me up- we’ve all been there. According to numerous studies, caffeine can impair sleep for up to six hours after use, resulting in an hour or more of lost sleep. Drinking coffee (or any caffeine for that matter,) after 3 p.m. is a poor idea if you want to start winding down and going to bed at a decent time. Once you start cutting the excessive caffeine early on, you’ll notice that your sleep schedule will start to regulate itself, and you won’t need that much caffeine anymore.

When we start to feel slumped in the middle of the day, we like to substitute evn Natural CBD Oil in place of caffeine. Whether you're scrambling to make a deadline, training for a fitness goal, running errands, or just trying to get a little more focused, evn CBD oil will help you stay calm and collected amidst your challenges. It helps wake you back up without all of the uncomfortable extra jitters that can come with high doses of caffeine. It’s the perfect mix of focus, and calmness, allowing you to really dial in on whatever it may be that you need to get done.

You should stop the alcohol intake early on in the night. Did you know that having a few beers late at night might have a detrimental impact on your sleep and hormones? Sleep apnea, snoring, and interrupted sleep patterns are all known to be caused or exacerbated by large amounts of alcohol consumed right before bed. It also affects melatonin production at night, which is extremely important for your body's circadian rhythm. Studies have discovered that drinking alcohol at night reduces natural evening spikes in human growth hormone (HGH), a hormone that regulates your circadian rhythm, among other things.

Set Your Bedroom Up for Success

Many people believe that the environment and layout of their bedroom are important aspects in getting a good night's sleep. Temperature, noise, exterior lighting, and furniture layout are some of these nightly influences. External noise, particularly road-noise, has been linked to poor sleep and long-term health problems in numerous studies. Try to minimize external noise, sources of light, and artificial lighting from gadgets like alarm clocks and televisions to improve your bedroom environment.

Your sleep quality is also heavily influenced by body and bedroom temperature. It can be difficult to obtain a decent night's sleep when it's too hot, as you may have discovered during the summer or in warmer areas. It has been proven that bedroom temperature has a much greater impact on one's sleep quality than external noises does. Higher body and bedroom temperatures have the ability to reduce sleep quality and increase arousal. Make your bedroom a comfortable, peaceful, pleasant, clean, and enjoyable environment to get the most out of your sleep.

Apart from the soothing surroundings, the quality of the bed you are sleeping on can also impact your sleep. One study looked at the effects of a new mattress for 28 days and found that it reduced back pain by 57%, shoulder discomfort by 60%, and back stiffness by 59%. It also increased the quality of sleep by 60%. According to other studies, on top of a new mattress, new bedding can drastically improve sleep. In addition, poor-quality bedding might exacerbate lower-back pain, thus resulting in poor quality of rest. The best mattress and bedding are highly personal to individuals. If you're looking to upgrade your bedding, consider your own preferences, and do some research. It is suggested that you replace your bed and bedding every 5–8 years. Comfort is key here!

Keep It Consistent

Along with comfort, consistency is essential to good rest. Being consistent in your nighttime routine is ideal for securing that full night of deep rest. Consistent habits within your nightly regimen helps in reinforcing your body’s natural sleep timer, thus allowing you to sleep deeper, and longer.

The circadian cycle of your body runs in a loop, synchronizing itself with both dawn and dusk. Consistency in your sleep and waking times can help you get better sleep in the long run. Those who have irregular sleeping patterns and go to bed late on weekends, also often encounter poor sleep. Other research has found that irregular sleep patterns might affect your circadian rhythm and melatonin levels, which signal your brain to sleep. If you have trouble sleeping, attempt to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day. Getting into a solid routine might even develop into not even needing an alarm after a few weeks.

Personally, we like to start our night off by doing something nice and relaxing to ease our mind before we hit our pillows. Reading a book, listening to calming music, taking a hot bath, breathing exercises, or meditating, are always helpful in reaching that prime relaxation mode. When you’re busy and on the go all day, it’s important to wind down, ease your thoughts, and let your mind slow down a bit.

Silence Your Phone

The association with technology has been proven to be beneficial to sleep time and time again. Disable all of your notifications so that you are not as easily distracted, and place it far away from your bed so that it does not become tempting.

Using your phone before night is bad for your general health, according to numerous research, so let's look at why. Your eyes are harmed by blue light. The blue light emitted by your phone screen suppresses melatonin production, the hormone that regulates your sleep-wake cycle (aka circadian rhythm). This drastically affects your nighttime alertness, thus reducing your overall REM sleep time. 30 minutes before bedtime, turn off all electronic devices. Stop using electronic devices, such as your cell phone, iPad, reading devices, and televisions at least 30 minutes before bedtime, according to the National Sleep Foundation. Instead, get out a physical book from your nightstand and begin reading before going to bed. You will be surprised at how much faster you will be able to fall asleep, and how much better the quality of your sleep will be.

Even if you religiously follow through with all of the standard tips and tricks to get a solid night's sleep, unfortunately, it’s never an absolute guarantee. Sometimes you still need a little extra help to balance out the stress and anxiety that comes with our busy days.

Lately, we have started to add evn CBD Sleep Powder to our nighttime routine, to assist in generating a full, good night's rest. CBD is renowned for a variety of "mood" benefits, but it excels at making individuals feel relaxed and tranquil. CBD has been demonstrated to help people sleep better, and for longer periods of time throughout the night.

For a deep, restful sleep, evn CBD Sleep Powder combines a sleep-enhancing blend of vitamins, minerals, and full spectrum CBD, assisting you in getting the rest you require to feel your absolute best. The cocoa flavored mix is made with ingredients like L-Theanine, melatonin, and magnesium to help promote sleep and prevent those restless nights. Mix 1 teaspoon of the powder with any milk, tea, or hot water, and you’ve got a delicious bedtime treat that will help you sleep. Evn’s sleep powder helps slow the racing thoughts in your mind, and relax every part of your body, making not only falling asleep, but staying asleep, easier than ever. Evn's Sleep Powder contains 20mg of full-spectrum CBD per serving, allowing for the entourage effect, in which terpenes and other cannabinoids collaborate to boost CBD's effectiveness.

If you’re not a chocolate lover like us, evn also offers their CBD in the form of gummies. Each gummy contains 10 mg CBD, and is lab tested, gluten free, organically sourced, and completely free of THC. The best part? Evn offers them in both sweet, and sour variations! A little something for everyone, no matter what your preference may be. One bottle of evn CBD gummies contains 200 mg of Broad Spectrum CBD.

Try evn CBD

We love evn CBD for their high-quality CBD that is fully sourced from family-owned hemp farms based in Colorado. All-natural, completely organic ingredients make evn CBD one of the best CBD brands in the game. CBD combined with powerful non-cbd organic extracts helps to create potent products that are all-natural, and proved to improve your daily life.

Although getting a good night’s sleep is not always easy, there are plenty of ways to help you get closer to achieving that full night of rest. Sleep is essential for good health, and should be worked on improving every day. It is suggested that you prioritize sleep and use some of the suggestions we mentioned above. Try evn CBD for yourself, and finally enjoy that full night of deep sleep. Check out evn CBD’s full product line for a better night’s sleep and make sure to use code BRAINZ15 for 15% off your order today!


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