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When Things Fall Apart – Reverse-Engineering Reality Creation Fails With The Gift Of Revision

Written by: Marja West, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Happy Spring Fall—depending on where you are on our great earth! It’s been a long minute since my last article. To be fully transparent, I’ve been in a dark and challenging place, slowly recovering from a ski accident in January, resulting in a torn right meniscus and concussion, which put me on a painful-despair-filled mental-emotional roller-coaster ride. The surprising failure of my visualisations and reality creation intentions toward my goal to learn to ski, being physically immobile, unable to drive, and feeling very unwell because of the concussion, tested the resolve of my usually Sunny self, causing me to doubt myself.

Group of shining and dimmed light bulbs on wooden block ladder with fibers in a shape of Failure and Success words.

Learning to ski has always been on my bucket list. I was super stoked to receive a private two-hour lesson at a nearby ski resort as a gift. As a huge fan of the Abraham-Hick Law of Attraction Teachings, I did my usual reality creation ritual, prepaved and prepared for my lesson and epic experience, utilising visualisation and watching several YouTube videos on Skiing For Beginners.

Never in a million years did I envision anything less than a stellar experience of finally learning to ski and adding another activity to share with my partner. My enthusiasm and excitement were off the charts. I even manifested several beautifully functional skiwear ensembles that fit me perfectly. In my mind, I envisioned a hot and romantic ski getaway with my man and being introduced to learning ski basics at a pace that allowed flow and fun.

Even With The Best Intentions — Shit Still Happens

Despite my epic visioning and positively affirmed intentions, snags began as soon as when we hit the road to the ski resort 3 hours north. The weather was precarious and included bizarre roadway detours. The mountain scenery was gorgeous, snowy, bright, and dangerous, slowing us down to a four-wheel drive 5-20 mph crawl! We made the best of the in-the-Matrix glitches, listening to beautiful new music by Brian Culbertson from his Trilogy Albums.

When we arrived at the ski lodge, though my partner was confirmed a couple of months prior as the performing magician for their annual winter gala that evening, we were not in the resort’s guest system. The front desk person curtly explained that she would need authorisation from their corporate offices to book us for our extended VIP Guest stay, and none of those qualified to make such decisions was at the lodge presently as it was the weekend.

Thank God-Goddess-All-That-Is for technology! We texted our contact for the event, who happened to be at the lodge. She reassured us that we would be checked into our room within a few hours, so we explored the small town, found a place to have lunch, and then picked up my ski equipment rental, where my partner performed some magic card tricks. Then we scoped out the gala location, where I got to play a beautiful, neglected grand piano.

We checked into our room with enough time for my man to dress up for the gala. I kissed him, wished him a fabuloso show, and took out my journal, making myself cosy with my delicious brie cheese and white wine. I began affirming and visioning my intentions for tomorrow’s ski lesson, practising putting my ski boots on and walking around the room. I went to sleep feeling confident and excited!

Yikes! I Manifested a Bully Ski Instructor

Perhaps I was just naïve. Walking around the room with the ski boots on was one thing—but walking to the shuttle stop to get to the ski area was an awkward shocker, as was the walk from the shuttle to the meeting post for my lesson.

Initially, my instructor seemed personable and nice enough, but I quickly realised he was NOT tuned into me. He seemed over-caffeinated, talking way too fast, hell-bent on following some invisible script and timeline like he had to be elsewhere. He didn’t seem to understand that I was an uber-beginner and I’d never put on actual skis. He did NOT adjust his pacing, which stressed me out. Several times, I asked him to slow down, but he ignored my requests. I was constantly trying to keep up. After briefly instructing me how to put the skis on, he had me “sashaying” after him up to the ski lift!


The lesson was nothing as I envisioned, nor seen on the YouTube videos where I watched inspiring ski instructors teach ski basics to their eager beginners: like walking in skis to start. I asked him to slow down, but he kept motioning for me to follow him. I was terrified. It was super busy with many snowboarders and skiers. And there I was skis on for not more than five minutes in line for the lift, with no instructions from him other than to follow him. Luckily I was experienced in getting on and off aerial trams with small children in tow, so I managed the lift, but rather than advocate for myself, I went into denial that I was dealing with a bully, trusting and hoping that I was in good hands, when clearly, I was Not. I went with his flow.

OMG! Huge mistake!

Long story short, I crashed and fell hard over a dozen times in my endeavours to imitate his movements. He was annoyed that I had watched YouTube, accusing me of having too much useless information in my head. He knocked my helmet hard with his fist several times and told me I was overthinking. I was offended. At one point, I shut him out, found my flow through recalling video instructions, and successfully made a dozen nice turns down the mountain, which I later learned my partner witnessed.

Unfortunately, I crashed trying to avoid a collision, getting my legs and skis tangled up—I heard and felt my right knee crunch and tear! The pain was excruciating. It knocked the wind out of me. Tearfully, I called out for help to straighten my leg, which was bent at a very sharp angle behind me, my right ski pinned by my left leg. He didn’t care and coldly stated, “if you can get yourself up, you’re NOT that hurt.” Wow!

I should’ve stayed down, but I didn’t.

Barely able to see through my tears, I painfully rallied for a third trip up the lift and down the mountain and crashed harder, hitting my head on the hard-packed snow. This time, I was done. I could NOT get myself up—I was stuck and in so much pain that I couldn’t move. Impatiently, he yanked me up; my head was reeling, and my right leg throbbed sharply. Lacking empathy and compassion, he never once asked me if I was okay. He urged me to continue skiing down the rest of the way; I refused, and my skis were removed.

He left me injured and alone to navigate the rest of the way down the mountain. He said, “You are so close to having things click. Get out of your head!” He finished by indicating that while it wasn’t by any means the ski resort’s policy—that I should smoke a joint or drink two margaritas and get back on my skis later that afternoon. He handed me his card and skied away. What a psychopath!

I later learned that as a PSIA Ski instructor, he was required to report my injury to Ski Patrol, and Ski Patrol would’ve come to get me to transport me down the mountain.

My boyfriend eventually found me and helped me the rest of the way. It took over 40 minutes to return to our room. The trek back did NOT help my injury. Every step was beyond painful, negotiating the slippery steps from the ski area back to our room. My knee had blown up, and luckily, I had packed ice. I had zero confidence in any outside help; what else could I do but begin the healing process?

Healing Through the Gift of Revision

That was over nine weeks ago. I finally feel like I’ve turned a corner. I’ve felt anger, betrayal, frustration, disappointment, shame, guilt, vengeance, and despair. I’ve spent hours ruminating over details, crying, learning to negotiate how to go up and down the stairs, and dealing with pain and dizziness. Every day, I do my physical therapy strengthening and flexibility exercises. I can finally do an abbreviated version of Sun Salutations, minus knee bends.

I wrote to the ski resort twice to report my experience with the instructor’s negligence and received no reply, leaving me feeling upset and powerless. I fantasised about suing the resort and the instructor. Still, I did sign a waiver of liability, so I decided to deal with my hard feelings metaphysically and practice the Ho’opono’pono Forgiveness Prayer.

More forgiveness, please.

The Reverse-Engineering Reality through Revision journalling exercise eventually yielded relief for me through the numerous versions I’ve since written out. The version that truly landed for me was the version where I stopped the lesson from the very start of feeling bullied.

Revision is a deceptively simple journaling exercise:

  1. Choose a painful event, a break-up, an accident, a conversation that blew up, or a mistake.

  2. View it from your mind’s eye and in a journal, especially if you have trouble focusing, revise and rewrite it, moment by moment until you have morphed it into a pleasing version.

  3. Rewrite it and revise it to your liking so that your Revision makes you smile and uplifts you.

  4. With practice, you will notice that your coming days will conform to your revisions

  5. After you write this out, you can either reread it or, in your imagination, in your mind’s eye, relive it repeatedly.

At first, it will seem odd and surreal, but remember that your mind doesn’t care if what you’re thinking or focusing on is actual or imaginary. Eventually, you’ll find yourself experiencing your revisions, as this practice, if really lived in your mind through your focused Attention and practise of this powerful exercise—I promise you, your tomorrows WILL shift.

Let us affirm together our power as Grand Creators of Reality:

  • I am complete within.

  • I have everything inside.

  • I am my authority and advocate.

  • When I meet people who disappointed me today, they will not tomorrow, for I’ve changed the nature of that being and have changed them. They bear witness tomorrow to the Revision that took place within me.

  • Through this practice of Reverse Engineering Reality through Revision, it is my responsibility to tend to the garden of my life and make it a beautiful lush garden by utilising the pruning shears of Revision and watching the Matrix world dissolve and evolve into the beautiful garden of my awesome life in the Beautiful True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe—because I’ve consciously made it so.

  • And so, it is.

Thank you for reading along. I trust you found this helpful. Please trust yourselves. When something feels off—it’s because it is. Check out my YouTube video on The 7 Benefits of Reverse-Engineering Reality Through Revision here.

Until next time, here’s to Love, Truth, and Beauty!

Marja (mahrrr-ya)

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and visit my website for more info!


Marja West, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Marja (pronounced Mahrrr-ya) West is an author, mentor of The Hermetic~Natural Law Principles, and a leading expert in Energy Mastery, Reality Creation, and Trauma-Based Mind Control DeActivator focusing on handholding survivors of Human Trafficking, Rape Camps, Satanic Ritual Abuse, Cult/Tribal, and NSP Abuse (Narcissistic-Sociopathic-Psychopathic), to evolve from Victim to Victorious. Well-known for her zero-filtered-laugh-out-loud humour and disarming, electrifying presentations, Marja is the author of the book F'd Wide Open: The Rude Awakening of the Heart-Based New Humanity. She is also a medical intuitive, martial artist, singer, multi-instrumentalist-musician, dancer, and plant lover.


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