Written by: Allyza Shaine, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Focusing on how-to content, educational or tutorial type of content, is the worst way to grow your audience, and it's even worse if you think it's the only type of content that will get people to trust you, let alone buy from you.

Let’s take Gary V for a moment
He’s one of the few who has grown their audience at rocket speed with loyalty, and if you take a peek at his content, you’ll find that how-to content is not the primary content pillar.
So why is it that value = educational?
As if to say the only way to add value to anyone's life is to educate them We both know it isn’t
Gary V is the perfect example of that.
So why do coaches keep telling everyone that you must add value to grow your audience and get people to trust you?
I honestly don’t have the answer to that… but I know it is 2024.
The market is smarter than it was when online coaching was a thing. Google is at the tip of our fingers.
So what do we do instead?
Shift their perspective
One of the most value-adding things we can do for our audience, clients in our community, is to help them shift their perspective.
Think of a common thought as a norm being taught in your industry (be careful that these are more normalized or indoctrinated rather than opinion), once you have identified one, simply share the mistake they are doing while also sharing the solution on how to they can either improve, change their perspective.
Here’s the important thing to remember when shifting your audiences’ perspective, you have to meet them where they are at
Connect the dots for them. Don’t go right into the deep end otherwise, they will simply show themselves out and say that it isn’t relevant to them, their business, or their situation.
Let me give you an example:
A common teaching in the coaching space is to give all your best stuff for free
The better the content you give away for free the more people will become attracted to you… or do they?
OR are you simply setting atone for your audience as the info booty call?
They’ll only come to you for free content because they can rely on you to give the best stuff for free, so why even bother to pay?
And if I may, encyclopedias aren’t the best sellers in bookstores… so why are we continuously shoving educational information to our audience as if they’ll buy the next edition of your encyclopedia?
Best-selling books, the ones people wait in line for on launch day, get people to identify with and see something differently.
The readers get to become someone else by experiencing the world differently… through a different perspective
So why do we keep teaching the “give your best stuff for free”? And continue treating our content like an encyclopedia? I know it worked ten years ago when information wasn't so accessible, but now that the market has changed, it's time for us to change how we approach our content and delivery to our audience.
As a thought leader and an authority in your industry, it's up to you to set the tone for our industry and the future and create a value that goes deeper than face-value information.
Let’s add value differently, one that ends people’s suffering and changes their lives. Here’s today's challenge:
Add value by Shifting their perspective.
How are you adding value to your audience today?
Want to share your newfound perspective? Send me your insight at allyza@allyzashaine.com.
If you are a thought leader or a Powerhouse coach who wants to become THE Go-To in your industry, join me inside my free email list community, Influentially Disruptive.
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Allyza Shaine, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Allyza Shaine, the pioneering Authority & Marketing Coach and Founder of the A.T.M Method™, is a true unicorn in her field. With a former US Marine background, she brings a fresh perspective and unique approach to coaching. Her insights on women's wealth have been featured on CBS News, ABC News, and shared alongside influential figures like Sally Krawcheck and Monique Idlett-Mosley. As the founder of The Qavah Company, she specializes in positioning powerhouse coaches as industry leaders. Living the military lifestyle while traveling with her three girls, Allyza embodies resilience and empowers others as the generational wealth catalyst for female entrepreneurs. Her transformative journey inspires women worldwide to break generational barriers and achieve unimaginable success on their own terms.