Elizabeth Chanter of Honour Being is a Creatrix, Classical Homeopath and experienced shamanically trained Reiki Master in The Golden Reiki Way. She offers in-person and Remote Reiki Treatments, Attunement and Training, Honour Sacred Art Workshops and Retreats (Dreaming Your Inner Child), and conducts regular Moon Ceremonies in person and online.

Reiki and Inner Child Healing offer a powerful combination for addressing emotional wounds and fostering self-love. By tapping into the universal life energy of Reiki, individuals can access a deep sense of calm and clarity, creating space to reconnect with and nurture their inner child. This transformative practice helps release past traumas, heal emotional patterns, and restore a sense of wholeness and inner peace.

“Open your heart, Listen to what it is telling you, Follow your dreams.” – Paulo Coehlo
Our soul is always calling to us, but so much happens in our lives that takes us away from our true self and our original blueprint.
Who is your inner child?
“Each one of us has an “inner child” living inside.” – Esther Goldstein
You have an Inner Child. I have an Inner Child. We all do. Your “inner child” is a part of your subconscious that has been picking up messages way before it was able to fully process what was going on (mentally and emotionally). It holds emotions, memories, and beliefs from the past, as well as hopes and dreams for the future.
Coming home
Sometimes, our Inner Child becomes harmed as the result of generational patterning. Sometimes, it’s a karmic fallout. Sometimes, it’s viral imprinting. Most often, it’s the emotional experiences we pass through, especially during childhood, which are a combination of all of these.
Slowly, little by little, we begin to close down, lose our way, and lose our trust in ourselves and in life. We may rush around in a constant state of distraction and busyness. We may separate. We may disconnect. We may develop addictive behaviours.
All of these are barriers we place around ourselves, protecting our hearts from further hurt and harm.
And we may lose our ability to dream, to create, and to play.
When this happens, we lose touch with the magic of life.
We forget the Songs of our Heart and Soul, all the innate potential with which we were born.
Dreaming is key
The key to a fulfilled life is the ability to dream, envision, and bring those dreams into being in the here and now.
Sadly, for many, the harms and wounds of childhood experiences lead to a loss of trust, both in the self and in life. And often, in our adult life, this becomes buried deep inside, in the unconscious place of the Inner Child, yet determining the course of our lives.
We forget how to dream, or our dreams seem to vanish into the air.
Unlived and unfulfilled lives lead to imbalances and unwellness in the emotional, energetic, psychological, and spiritual aspects of our Being.
The wisdom of the body
“There is no greater wisdom than that of the body.”
Ultimately, the body begins to give this expression through physical sensations and dis-ease.
And then what may begin as a sense of discomfort or unease may develop into physical illness or accident and injury, sometimes a very serious one which begins to limit and even threaten our lives. Yet those illnesses themselves hold keys to understanding when we can see through to their true causations.
When we are wise, we listen.
Then those illnesses may themselves become the '“growth point”, when we can embrace the realisations they bring.
Ultimately, the illness itself may become a healing gift.
Sometimes, the greatest wisdom is to reach out and ask for the love, help, and support of others, and the most difficult thing to do.
Sometimes, simply to be is enough.
Sometimes, simply to be is the only road to healing.
Dream, create, and play
“Let’s learn how to dream, create, and play together power and beauty in unity and harmony.”
Many people approach issues of the Inner Child through talking therapies. However, at Honour Being, I weave together active listening with the gentle support of Golden Way Reiki. Reiki has the power to move gently to those deeply hidden places to bring the inner shifts needed to heal.
I combine this with Sacred Art Workshops to assist in the release and healing of the Inner Child, returning each individual to true well-being, joy in life, and creativity.
If you would like to know more, book a Discovery Call and find out how you can work with me both in person and online. Just send an email or go to my Honour Being Website.
To receive my beautifully illustrated “5 Step Guide to Wonder Without Overwhelm” please click on the link.
Elizabeth Chanter is recognised as a leader in her chosen field of healing, energy medicine and Golden Way Reiki. Since 2004, she has been assisting others to make transformational changes in their lives, leading to positive, lasting, and sometimes extraordinary results. She is passionate about helping her clients to evolve and grow into the bright, beautiful beings they were always intended to be. Having passed through many personal dark nights of the soul, she combines empathy, deep compassion and understanding with many years of professional expertise in her field. She believes in the regenerative power of hope, listening and healing touch.