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Reasons Why You’re Subconsciously Letting Your Impostor Syndrome Win

Written by: Eva Martins, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The hard truth is that we often think of dealing with impostor syndrome as a waste of time or an action that does not really need our immediate attention. Our IS will just end up in our subconscious mind letting it absorb our whole being.

You probably think, "But I have other problems right now." I want to stop you right there. No problem will ever be solved if you will not see it as a REAL PROBLEM. Financials, relationships, careers, and your other areas of life will be affected by your impostor syndrome in so many ways.

And to help you decipher the dangerous scheme of the impostor syndrome that has been destroying the lives of millions of women day by day, here are the reasons you're subconsciously letting it win over you.

1. You do not recognize it as destructive.

The idea of having impostor syndrome is not something you are not conscious about. You have been comfortable with 'it is just in your mind.' While you are not totally wrong, IS really populates your mind. However, destruction doesn't stop there.

Your IS is producing toxic thoughts like, "I'm not good enough," or "this is not how other moms do it," affect your day-to-day life and can potentially sabotage your plans. For example, achieving a goal, finishing a dream project, getting a job with better pay, mending family relationships, or imposing growth within yourself — either or all these can be jeopardized with your impostor syndrome.

2. The 'I'm-used-to-it' mentality.

Now, this is alerting. In this case, you are trying to be okay with having IS in your life. Worst (and knock on wood) even if you are already OKAY WITH IMPOSTOR SYNDROME. You might not admit this to yourself often, but you deserve better, and you can do better than this. So I am going to be frank with you.

You are letting it win over you. Afraid that you'll go through complicated things, you're just going to be okay with having those terrifying voices in mind. It's like saving yourself from so much worse is a bothersome action. But believe it now or realize it later, fighting against your impostor syndrome is worth the fight.

3. Believing that your impostor syndrome is right about you.

You are your biggest enemy. Humans have the freedom to set their own beliefs. To choose the things that you should believe in. Why would you believe something that will only hinder your growth? No matter how playful our minds can get, you still have the power to refocus your vision and declutter the toxic thoughts.

And so every time your impostor syndrome is trying to feed you things to absorb, always choose to believe in YOU. Choose YOU. Other people can't save us from these drowning thoughts. We are our own anchors.

This list can go on and on as other women have different experiences dealing with impostor syndrome. But I want you to know that sometimes our impostor syndrome occupies our minds rent-free because we let it win. We listen to it. We believe in it.

Well, this is the end-game of your suffering. As someone who managed to surpass the dark life of having IS myself, I have the suitable methodologies and strategies to empower your mind, body, and soul and reconnect your love for yourself to vanish the impostor syndrome in your life entirely.

The battle is yours, but you don't have to feel alone. I'll be with you every step and lead you to the door of breakthroughs where there is clarity rather than self-doubts, dreams rather than nightmares, and relevant actions rather than toxic comforts.

You deserve a whole life. Always choose to believe in yourself and dwell in your true purpose.

With love,

Eva Martins

P.S YOU should not be the reason why your current self is stuck and deprived of opportunities.

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Eva Martins, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Eva is the founder of the Global Women leadership Academy, a number 1 international and best-selling author, international speaker, executive leader in Fortune 500 Company, and a business owner with a mission to empower women to skyrocket their lives.

She started her career in a male-dominated corporate industry where she soon grasped that if you do not have power, you go nowhere. Her mission is to drive gender equality at all levels of society and encourage women to raise their voices and goals, that's why her Leadership Academy to empower women was created.


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