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Opening The Portal To Your Own Abundance

Written by: Rebecca Mennen, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The universe is made up of energy. Seen and unseen. This omnipresent force transforms and transmutes. It is a pulse that radiates energy that has the potential to shift and influence its surroundings. Think of the last time someone walked into a room that captured your attention and drew in your curiosity. What made you notice them and want to focus your attention on them?

Young woman practicing yoga on the beach in a beautiful sunset.

Unconsciously, it is the feeling you get from the energy they are putting out. Most of us are unaware of our own energy, but we are aware of what we are attracted to. This can be a good thing or a bad thing. If you are stuck in a relational pattern and haven’t given your mind and body the time to detox all the hormones from that energetic exchange, you can be attracted to that same energy and keep repeating a toxic cycle that you’re addicted to but can’t shake. When you are fully clear and aligned with a deeper meaning or intention, it’s a good thing. That’s when things turn around, and you begin attracting all you need to fulfill your heartfelt desire. The problem is that our subconscious mind likes running the show, keeping us on autopilot. Embedded narratives, beliefs, and thoughts absorbed from the world around us at a young age continue to shape our behaviors and the energy we emit today. Unless, of course, we interrupt this by doing the work necessary to mature our masculine and feminine energies. This merging and maturing of your masculine and feminine energies are what creates wealth consciousness. This union of energy opens the portal to your own abundance. Most of us unconsciously attract similar dynamics of the past as we think this will resolve our unhealed traumas. Yet, it is the conscious decision to heal from our traumas and the conscious steps we take to do it that ultimately shift our reality. This healing process alchemizes the energetic blocks that trauma creates in our bodies. This subtle physical and energetic release allows us to mature from our wounds and make better decisions. When you do this, you create the space to make a conscious response instead of a usual reactive one. The true test is seeing if an old emotional trigger still sets you off. The ability to shift your response from a previous upsetting response to a way that creates more connection and relatedness is a superpower that will change your life and your outcomes. It will lead you to a new life that is more in alignment with your energetic blueprint, a blueprint that wants to lead you to more prosperity and abundance.

It is rooted in you feeling safe and confident in your ability to speak up for yourself and set boundaries.

Shifting your external world is not the answer. It only temporarily changes or distracts you from the deeper work of looking within and shining a light on all the dark places you have ignored or suppressed.

Uncovering and releasing the pain you have been holding on to sets you free. It purges what is holding you back. You then create the space for more joy, pleasure, and peace.

Shifting your mindset and feelings opens a new portal for you to attract what’s more in alignment with the more mature you.

This is key to building a wealth consciousness.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Rebecca Mennen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Rebecca teaches others how to find financial freedom in a more sustainable, regenerative way. She offers workshops, 1:1 mentoring, and group coaching for those interested in learning how to create a more self-reliant lifestyle - one that feels so abundant, that there's no need to retire from it. As a financial planner with 22 years of experience, Rebecca helps clients materialize their dreams through her Money Karmaâ„¢ program which is founded on the truth that wealth is an inside job.

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