Written by: Amanda Kunkel, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Let’s face it. What is going to get you to and past $1 Million is NOTHING like what has gotten your business to six or even multiple six-figures. Maybe you’ve been thinking about all the things that are going to make it possible. And it probably seems overwhelming.

Here’s the thing though: it’s just ONE step. Crazy right? And it’s already done. Here’s what I mean... You have this thing that is part of your energetic DNA. It’s called your Universe Map. You and The Universe—YOUR heart-centered connection to source. You may call it God, Goddess, Buddha, Mother Nature—created ALL of your life before you were born:
Family dynamics EVERYTHING.
The Universe with its infinite wisdom has guided you throughout your life on this pre-mapped course. Including ALL the “GPS Recalculating” routes. After all, you are in a world FILLED with other people and their own sovereignty, but the Universe always gets you back on track, so there is nothing to worry about. Because the Universe infused your Universe Map with the best GPS system, EVER. You will touch on every single desire you put into place in your Universe Map during your life. How and WHEN you get there is up to you, though, and when you’re aiming for the next level of your business, I know you don’t want to meander there someday. You want it now. The fastest way to get to and through your next level (i.e. that next THING you want to experience: The Million, hiring a whole new team, etc.) is to lean into everything you’ve been avoiding. It sounds easy, but because you’ve been avoiding it, that means it is a HUGE trigger (which is why your brain keeps telling you to avoid it).
This is about you choosing your success. Saying YES to yourself. And following that Universe Map. The Universe knows the way. However, YOU have to take the first step. By saying YES to yourself. It will be INTENSE. There will be times you want to resist and run away, but this is all part of The Universe Map. Because “the thing” to get you to your next level and paradigm shift to a whole new BEING is like nothing you’ve done before. And I’ve seen it work in my own life . . . I’m dyslexic and was never helped in school. No one at University even noticed. Dyslexia presents itself in many different ways. For me, it is all about getting concepts backwards. Plus the added, “Spelling and grammar? What is THAT?” At University I had to bust my hump and wear myself out to be entered into the honor’s college. In fact, I was scared by my entire writing and communication experience. When I started my business, I had a difficult time writing copy for social media and my website. Especially about what I do. The concepts and ways to explain what I do just got jumbled in my head, and I could barely make heads or tails out of it. So I did a deep dive into copywriting for a year by working with a copywriting coach and a business coach. It was uncomfortable, but I leaned in. I often cried. Pushed the computer away and stomped out of the room like a four-year-old. I almost gave up every day. It was intense. Yet I KNEW it was the next step in my own evolution. I kept letting The Universe guide me on my own Universe Map and trusted. Even while cursing at the computer. My income tripled that year and continues to do so. All because I leaned in when I didn’t want to. I trusted and followed my Universe Map. It isn’t intense anymore. I can sit down and channel copy just as easily as baking. BUUUUT editing to clean up grammar and spelling still needs to happen, which computer systems do for me.
Now, strangers reach out to me to compliment my copy. They even invite me to contribute to their publications. (Not chasing anyone down makes being visible easy, AND I love not having to hustle for it).
This is all because I followed my Universe Map and said YES to my next level. So the question is, “Will you say YES to YOUR next level?”
The Universe is waiting…

Amanda Kunkel, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Amanda effortlessly connects to The Universe (God, Goddess, Buddha...YOUR heart-centered source that is... ) to hand you your unique, direct path to 7-Figures. She assists radical self-thinking businesswomen who have demonstrated business maturity and the ambition for acceleration. Women who are ready to embark on a dimensional energy shift away from doing into BEING. Amanda provides game-changing opportunities for women to step into true, deep leadership in their industry, based on radical self-thinking and new paradigms to allow them to step into their own Wealth Being.