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One Of The Best Things In Life Is Free – ‘Be’ Your Self

Written by: Kel Green, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


This life is all about enjoying every experience to its fullest potential as the Real YOU!

Photo of cute nice charming sweet woman kissing you through air.

Don’t stay trapped in the programming of the thoughts in your mind which make you do what you always do. For example, ‘I just need to tick off all my tasks each and every day to achieve what I want.’ This way of thinking will not bring you peace of mind or happiness.

Today our time and attention are flooded with distractions and demands for action. We are constantly making choices each moment to do, do, do.


  • Is all of this doing bringing you closer to what you want or shifting you further away?

  • When you achieve what you want, will it eliminate all your problems?

  • Where did you learn that do, do, do is the pathway to experience happiness and success?

OK. No more pretending!

The constant repetitive thoughts looping on repeat in our mind and the heaviness of feeling in our bodies is saying something. It is telling us, ‘stop trying so hard to show up as something that we are not.’

We need to let go of always trying to be the perfect idea of ourselves, to remove the masks we have been wearing as we step out into the world.

Let’s name a few of these masks. How about the perfectly finished mask, or the big butch protector mask? I bet we all are familiar with the ‘don’t worry it's all ok’ one, which is often coupled with the mask of humour. The latter gives us an excuse not to deal with how we are really feeling. The masks we wear represent the personas we have adopted in our minds to cope with, be accepted, or thrive in our constructed realities.

Masks are not wrong, rather they help us to realise we have unconsciously become identified with them as who we are. This use of our mind keeps us trapped in a way of seeing and being in a world that is not based on truth. The only way out of the illusion is to free ourselves from the confines of the mind and become more self-aware.

Too much of our time, energy, and effort is spent trying to be an idea of someone that we are not. We have been trained by society, our parents and even ourselves to use our minds and body to pretend. We do this in order to satisfy the desire for acceptance in a social, professional, or community environment.

Many of us are waking up to the unreal communications of others delivered in sales pitches, networking, and presentations that don’t align with our values. Ironically, this increased awareness of the illusion has been fast-tracked through the explosion of social media.

People are noticing more now when someone is not genuine in what they say or do. Why is this? Well, it’s more obvious because humanity is evolving, and our consciousness is elevating.

We are all feeling the effects of a major shift in how we use the mind and body to deal with the massive changes occurring in the physical world. This is playing out in our experience of the relationship we have within ourselves and on the outside.

Circumstances are calling upon us to discard false appearances and embrace authenticity.

Today, we are being invited by the universe to embrace our true Self.

It is time to ‘be’ real.

To appear as our vulnerable, untarnished, unpolished, and imperfect self.

So, take a deep breath in and then breathe out a big sigh of relief … with the knowledge that you can be exactly who you are.

Being real takes courage, strength and vulnerability. It is the beginning of an acceptance of your personal truth. This is a willingness to feel with your body, the consequence of how you are living. It is a choice to hold the container of your experience and do nothing except ‘sit with it’.

To understand what I am describing here is to be able to ‘experience’ knowing it, to know in a way, that is not an intellectualized thought or an in-your-head process.

It actually means doing it – to take action and try it out for your Self.

What have you got to lose? Or on the other hand…What do you have to gain?

It is an understanding of your Self as a more powerful, expanded awareness of YOU!

To access the real authentic YOU, requires you to pause.

To stop, tune into, and then reflect upon your personal experience.

Following is an activity that is all about you.

Take some time to place your attention solely upon yourself, to contemplate and reflect upon your feeling experience.

This will…

  • Reduce and dissolve the feeling of disconnect between who you are and what you do.

  • Make it easier to know when it is your intuition or intellect speaking.

  • Increase your access to a greater sense of calm and balance

Being the real YOU requires practice. When done consistently, you will develop a more intimate relationship with your true self.

Awareness of the real YOU lies within.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Kel Green, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

The Art of Being You

For individuals who aspire to ‘be’ their best self, to live an extraordinary authentic life.

Kel Green M.A is a leader in ways to know your Self. An Educator, Speaker, Meditation Teacher & Self-Help Author who lives and breathes Self-Awareness.

Kel provides you with uniquely crafted personal development tools, wisdom, and techniques incorporated into your daily routine to allow you to access authenticity and your personal power.

Kel brings over 35 years of experience in IT businesses, eastern and western self-development tools along with transformative healing modalities. She has a Masters in Transpersonal Psychology, a business degree, has authored several Self-awareness books and is a long-time meditator and yoga practitioner.

Kel is a Brainz Magazine Executive Contributor, a regular on the podcast for The Most Intelligent Selection.

Kel uses her personal stories and challenges in breaking dysfunctional patterns to take the journey from head to heart. She draws on this as inspiration to provide programs, tools, and techniques to open your mind to a greater understanding of who you are.


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