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Love Big – A Step by Step Guide to Loving the Life You Live

Written by: Victoria Kopp, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The goal is to live inside of a life that excites you. A life that you would design for yourself. You want to feel peace and joy, create a mindset of abundance; while staying humble and cultivating healthy, lasting relationships.

The great thing about this idea is that no matter where you find yourself right now - It's Possible. If you are ready and willing to see the world from a different perspective, from the perspective that is meant just for you... You can begin to create the very life you have dreamed of living.

love your life

This is a daily step-by-step process that allows you room to make mistakes and do it again, but better this time. It is a moment-by-moment process that makes you more aware of what you do and do not want. From this awareness, you get to remove more of what you do not want and focus more on what you want. This focus will allow you to be filled with ideas, motivations, and energies, making it more and more clear what you get the pleasure of doing.

Looking at Step 1. Identify what you have control over.

Excitingly enough, you get to have control over your thoughts, your emotions, and your reactions.

Begin to take note of how you speak to yourself. Whose voice is this speaking to you? Do you want the things you're saying to be true? If not, how can you change them?

What can you tell yourself daily that feels true and good?

Can you talk to yourself about how excited you are for the future you're creating for yourself?

What place of peace can you create in your mind?

In this place, you can begin visualizing being told things that are good and true about you.

Now observe how you treat others. Do you treat others the way you would like to be treated? Do you want to learn lessons in a harsh way? Do you harshly speak to others? Or would you rather learn lessons with firm, kind clarity? And do you speak to others with firm, clear kindness?

Once you feel that you have explored your areas of control, begin Step 2. Things you enjoy in your life.

If you find solace in play, at school, during lessons, while cooking, reading, or writing, then take note of that. If you look forward to lying down in bed at the end of the day, make sure to note that. Or do you look forward to the family vacation every year? Is there a club you are part of that meets once a month that brings you joy? Does taking a shower to relax you or energize you? Do you really enjoy breakfast, or do you prefer dinner? Do you like how soft certain clothes are on your skin?

What are the things in your life that you value and bring you delight? Nothing is too small or insignificant. And nothing is too frequent or infrequent. If you enjoy your cup of coffee every morning, then that is a thing to remind yourself of and celebrate! Do not leave anything off of this list. And if you remember more things later on, then make sure that you add them in, as well.

Step 3. Begin removing things that don't serve what you enjoy.

There may be areas where this will take time. And nothing has to happen overnight. For instance, if you are miserable at your job because you know you were designed for something different and Step 1 did not help change things, it may take several weeks or even a couple of months before switching jobs. That is okay. And even healthy, responsible decision-making. If you can switch jobs right away, that is also great. The beauty is in the choice you can make to go after what serves your highest and best, not the time frame it takes to happen.

Sometimes the very thing that is not serving what we enjoy are our thoughts around it. If you love your baby but loathe 3:00 am feedings, it may be the thoughts around the feedings you need to remove. Remind yourself how this bonds the two of you; that these moments go by so quickly, and soon the baby in your arms won't need or even want you to feed them. Take in how your baby smells and the adorable little baby features they have. Just by changing your focus, you remove the thoughts that do not serve your joy, and you are creating more joy instead.

Finally, Step 4. Building the life you love.

By this point, you are doing it! You have begun to love yourself better and more deeply. You have become a safe space to think through things and tell yourself who you really are. This has allowed you to love others better and more deeply. Giving back to others who they really are from a strong, healthy, genuine place. Your relationships will begin to grow stronger and feel more stable.

You have started to cherish the moments that matter to you. You emphasize the big moments that you get the excitement of planning and working towards and the daily moments that sometimes slip through the cracks when we forget to notice how we appreciate them.

Things that no longer serve joy in your life have begun to fall away. And some of the things making changes in your life just happened. They did not even require conscious planning on your part.

All of these things will allow you to feel more confident, more at ease, and more excited to live—just the way you were created to be.

If you would love more tools and tips on a journey, you've already created, follow me on Facebook or Instagram!

Visit my website here!


Victoria Kopp, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine

Victoria is one of the most sought-after lifestyle strategists in the online coaching space, helping women overcome their self-doubt and start living inside of their dream life. Through winning her own battles of overcoming PTSD from an assault; altering her feelings of low self-worth; and calming her anxiety she built a life that she is both proud of and happy to live. This journey allowed Victoria to develop a lifestyle program using truth-based systems that have worked in countless situations with various individuals. She is thrilled and excited to help you thrive in life, too.

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