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Interview With Susanne Venaas – International Spiritual Coach

Susanne Venaas is an International Spiritual Coach based out of St. Albert, Alberta Canada. Susanne works both in-person and virtually connecting with her clients in their transformation and growth. She also supports learning via her online school, and her Rebel Soul Podcast to help them connect to their most authentic selves. Wellness to her is an integrative approach to body mind and spirit. Susanne has been featured in Yahoo News + Finance as one of the top 10 Spiritual Coaches to watch in 2021, as well as featured in CEO Medium as an expert in her field, and her Rebel Soul Podcast made Top 10 Spiritual Podcasts in Canada after it's first 6 weeks of going live in May 2021. Her passion is working with others to cultivate a deeply meaningful and connected life.

Susanne Venaas, International Spiritual Coach

Who is Susanne Venaas, and what type of work does she do?

Susanne Venaas is an international Spiritual Coach based out of St. Albert, Alberta Canada. She works both in-person and virtually, as well as via her online school with clients to help them connect to their most authentic selves. Wellness to her is an integrative approach to body, mind, and spirit. She shares tips and insight on her acclaimed Rebel Soul Podcast which reached Top 10 in the Spirituality genre in Canada within 6 weeks of launching it.

What struggles did she have to overcome in order to be where she is today?

Five years ago, Susanne was a full-time teacher and found herself amidst a health crisis and in the midst of many diagnostic procedures and unanswered questions, she began exploring self-healing and connection modalities such as Yoga Teacher Training, Meditation Teacher Training, attaining her Reiki Masters Certification, becoming a Certified Life Coach, Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner, and Past Life Regression Therapist. These modalities helped her manage a chronic health condition and navigate the waters through a Malignant Melanoma diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. One to always prioritize her physical health prior to this health crisis, she recognized the importance of all of these practices to her healing. She came to realize how important the connection of body, mind, and spirit was to integrative health and wanted to share this with others.

How does Susanne use her work to help others be their best selves?

Susanne is passionate about working with individual clients both in person, as well as virtually around the world to help them connect to their most authentic selves. Using all of her training and certifications, as well as life experience and natural intuitive gifts, Susanne’s approach is unique and transformative in helping others reconnect to themselves and navigate life, health, abundance, and relationships with a new lens. Finding a “label” for her work title has been a struggle over the last 5 years for Susanne as her practice, offerings, learnings, and integrations shift and nuance with her growth. Rest assured she is competent in holding safe space for healing and growth as proven in her numerous testimonials both on her website and on Instagram.

What are some of Susanne’s greatest successes to date professionally?

Susanne has experienced success within the first half of 2021 with features in CEO Medium and Yahoo News and Finance where she was labeled one of the Top 10 Spiritual Coaches to Watch in 2021. One of her joys is speaking on topics of interest and interviewing people in the realm of transformation on her podcast, where she reached immediate success! Her dreams in the years to come are to continue to speak both on her Podcast Platform, in both online and in-person events and summits, and to write and publish a book to help others.

What advice would Susanne give to others on their journey of self-growth?

If Susanne were to share one piece of advice, it’s that you are not your story, but you ARE creating your story with every breath you take while on this planet. The possibilities are endless, and you can find your passion and purpose at any point or age in life. “It’s never too late! I’m 42 years old and I feel like I’m just kick-starting my purpose on this journey of life!”

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