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How to Use Lessons of 2020 to Move into 2021 Confidently & Empowered

Written by: Elena Herrera, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Are you beyond ready to say goodbye to 2020 and welcome 2021? I sure am!

2020 was a year of intense changes and challenges individually and collectively. For many of us, this has been an incredibly difficult year - while transformative and life-changing.

In some ways, life kept going on as normal, but in other ways, it was a year of events that threw our plans out of the window, shook our foundation, tested our faith, and left us in fear for our future.

2020 has been a very significant year in many ways. Divisions were at an all-time high, connections were limited and strained, our foundation and daily lives were drastically changed, and stress, anxiety, and fear have been prominent.

How do you process all this and move forward?

I know you can’t wait for all the challenges of 2020 to be over and move on to 2021 with the hope of new beginnings and exciting opportunities. However, before jumping into the next year, it is important to reflect on this one and the lessons it has taught you.

I bet you had many hard lessons this year! But you know what? There is a PURPOSE to all of them! Yep, these difficulties didn't just happen to you, and they had a reason.

Let’s reflect together on some of the great lessons 2020 has taught us…


Everything we had been carefully sweeping under the rug over time was thrown into our faces all at once this year.

The energies of 2020 forced us to confront and deal with our internal shadows - self-destructive patterns, limiting beliefs, old suppressed emotions, old childhood conditioning, relationship dynamics, and internal void.

The beauty of our current circumstances is that we had nowhere to hide!

2020 offered a unique opportunity to see the TRUTH about yourself and life - to get clear on what was no longer working for you, break out of the well-worn cycle, find a new perspective on your situation, reexamine your heart’s desires, and re-evaluate what you really want in relationships and life.

LESSON 2: Slowing Down

The global pandemic forced us to slow down big time. And for those of us who resisted, lockdown happened. Many of us kicked and screamed, refusing to limit activities, but eventually surrendered.

In our world of constant movement, slowing down doesn't seem to be an option most of the time. So, when Covid-19 happened, it brought with it its own blessings - even though we were not able to see those blessings right away.

So, what happened when we slowed down?

A new space opened up. I bet you felt this space.

There was a sense of deeper connection and nourishment - more quiet time, more time at home, more time with our loved ones, and more time for personal interests.

Maybe you were able to spend quality time with your kids, cook healthier meals, implement a much-needed self-care routine, or turn to healing modalities such as meditation or journaling.

Whatever that new space opened up for you, I am sure it was beneficial and supportive.

LESSON 3: Surrendering to the unknown and embracing the change

We are in a time when great shifts can occur in our lives, even though we can be confused about how to handle the changes and how to move forward.

Fear not… you can leverage this time to your advantage by learning to trust yourself and lean into your dreams.

How do you handle change? Are you a person who welcomes change, or do you resist it until you have no choice but to change?

Change is inevitable, and when you surrender to change, you allow in things that your mind never thought possible. And most of the time, the results are much better than you expected, right?!

We have to trust that everything happens for a reason and life has a way of evolving in a way that we cannot imagine. This year tested our faith and forced us to trust the process.

Aside from all challenges, chaos, and lessons 2020 brought with it, it also brought an opportunity for powerful transformation. The lessons offered huge potential for self-growth, self-love, and self-expansion if you were willing to do the work.

Take a moment to reflect and learn from these lessons, so they don’t repeat themselves - lay the GROUNDWORK for future success!

Now that 2020 is over, how can you welcome 2021 while feeling empowered and confident?

GO INWARD! There are a lot of powerful shifts happening now and continuing into 2021. This is the time when you are being pushed to let go of outdated beliefs, heal old wounds, and drop the defenses to create space for new - new perspectives, new views, new views, and new possibilities. This is a great time to focus on self-reflection, self-awareness, and self-growth. If you are willing to do the inner work, this time will support you greatly.

SELF-CARE will be crucial this year. Put yourself on a priority list. Take time to make healthy meals, move your body (fitness, yoga, etc.), journal, and meditate. In addition, get clear on your values, passions, and type of energy you want to bring into 2021. A whole new direction is opening up for you - if you embrace it.

SEEK HELP - you will greatly benefit from a support system. 2021 is the birth of a new world. You will be pushed to shed an old identity to form a new one. This is the time to do some deep inner work. Doing this work can be challenging, emotional, and, at times, even overwhelming and painful. However, it is essential to our journey of growth, success, and fulfillment.

Remember, you don't have to do your inner work all on your own. As a matter of fact, it is beneficial to work with a professional who can help you see the blind spots you cannot see.

My recently launched custom 6-month “The Radiant Power of a Balanced Woman” program is exactly what you need to get through next year more smoothly. This program is designed to bring you self-awareness, healing, and trust, and these are the themes for 2021. The more you understand what is happening within you, the more you can go through all of the changes without losing your balance and alignment.

Feel free to fill out a questionnaire on my website to see how I can support you in your specific issues you are struggling with so you can walk through 2021 with confidence and trust.

Goodbye, 2020 and WELCOME, 2021 - We are so ready for you!!

Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram or visit my website. I’d love to hear from you.


Elena Herrera, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine My personal story of transformation took my life from “unconscious” to “connected and meaningful.” Applying the same tools and modalities I teach today, plus my gift of intuition, I grew from a personal trainer to a full-blown Intuitive Transformational Coach who helps dozens of people to live a life of self-awareness, radiance, and fulfillment.


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