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How to Create a Powerful Vision for Your Life in 3 Steps

Written by: Cynthia Jones, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll wind up someplace else – Yogi Berra.

Is your vision clear? Do you know where you are your business is going?

A question is so simple but yet so complicated. Understanding the vision is fundamental. Every decision you make has consequences, and without a clear vision, you fall short of having the life you desire. Your vision must be strong and steady as it guides you to the place you truly desire; if not, you will find yourself having an imbalanced life. If you try to base your vision on something other than your inner self, you will find your life not satisfying and empowering. With a clear vision, you will have fulfillment, purpose, and meaning in your life.


I can still remember when I first wrote my vision. I was afraid to let go and dream. I thought maybe I could do this wrong. Not sure why I thought that when my vision is personal to me. I had to rewrite it about 4 times before I read the vision statement and just smiled.

Creating and believing in your vision is not always an easy step. It will require you to believe in what you are doing or want to do and become a focus that will work and be dedicated to the process. By creating a vision, you can reach far beyond your current level. It will require you to get out of your comfort zone. You sometimes believe more in what you can’t do than in what you can do. Your heart and soul want to become more focused on what you can do, and you will create from that positive energy.

Here are three steps to help you get started.

1. The first step is to create the vision at least 5 to 10 years into the future. And the best way to do this is from within. Often, you want to look at what others are successful at, the latest statistics for growth in a certain field, or what others have given you as a vision. So envision something you like doing or always wanted to achieve, and when you are doing this, let go of all barriers, obstacles, or challenges. Do not hold yourself back. Let yourself go. Is it traveling the world, being the best Mom ever, the top executive CEO, Making a million dollars, or starting your own business? Whatever your vision is, YOU CAN ACHIEVE It! It will become your reality if you can hold the vision long enough. Many times the vision is let go because of fear. Do not let fear steal your vision and dreams.

2. Write the vision and ensure it incorporates every aspect of your life. It should include family, business/career, health, spirituality, money, and relationships. What would your everyday life look like once you achieve this vision? Where will you live? Will you have a business, or will you work for someone? How do you spend time with your family? What car do you drive? Do you have parties and invite a lot of friends and family? Incorporate as much as your life into the vision as possible along with your business or career.

3. After you are done with your vision, begin to set goals from what you have written. This can become one of the hardest steps, especially if you are not already involved in your vision. For me, it was planning my business. I started my business but did not have many goals or aspirations until I created the end picture - vision. Once I saw my business's great success, I began to set intentional goals to reach that end goal.

I know this vision session has given you the steps to create a powerful vision that allows you to see beyond your present condition. Visualization is a powerful tool, and it was given to you for a reason. You can create the life you desire. Through vision, you dream, created, and manifest what does not exist yet. But like I stated before, you must hold steady to the vision long enough. You only receive what you can give, so fill yourself with positivity, and as you are freely giving it, you will receive it. You will have your vision and all you desire, but it will take determination, commitment, and faith. I believe you have what it takes, so dream in abundance.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!


Cynthia Jones, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine As a first-generation college student, Cynthia began her career in Cybersecurity with a bachelor’s degree in Psychology and a double masters in Information Assurance and Cybersecurity Policy. She worked her way through college with limited support. Fortunately, she had her husband by her side as she completed her master's degrees. As she entered the male-dominated field of cybersecurity, Cynthia had to learn how to show up with confidence to avoid dismissal, which many women struggle with. At this job, she realized her ability to empower other women to become fearless in pursuing their purpose. She now has accumulated 20 years of experience in mindset coaching and has helped many women on and offline pursue their goals with courage and continues to watch them succeed.

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