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How Focused Are You?

Written by: Tracy Palmer, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


“Being focused minimizes distractions and lowers your risk of being blindsided. Focus protects your goals and dreams from being consumed...” Priscilla Shirer, from the book “Life Interrupted: Navigating The Unexpected”

Wow, what a powerful perspective on how important it is to remain focused. Truth is, life has a way of presenting many reasons NOT to stay focused and to get off track from achieving the goals or dreams that you have set for yourself. Sickness. Death. Financial distress. New marriage. New baby. I could go on and on, but you get the picture! If we are not careful, these things will completely derail us from fulfilling the purpose or vision for our lives. So let me ask you this question, “How focused ARE YOU this year?”

One way to be successful at remaining focused is to develop an unstoppable mentality. That means you must be relentless, persistent, and have a consistent set of beliefs and standards that you rely on in order to achieve your goals and dreams. A person that has an unstoppable mentality has mapped out a plan to get them to their desired destination. To be Relentless, you must be determined to never give up no matter what you may face. To be Persistent you must continue in a course of action, in spite of difficulty or opposition, in order to reach a set destination. Finally, having a Consistent Set of Beliefs and Standards means to have an unchanging or unwavering set of principles that guide your journey. Proverbs 4:25 says, “Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you.”

Here are a few strategies that I hope will help you to remain focused:

Don't let contradictory circumstances dictate your expectation.

Honestly, I have to remind myself of this often! Our expectations can shape the way we view what is going on around us. For example: If I always expect to struggle financially, then I will not seek how to develop a plan for success. If I expect to always suffer with an illness in my body, then I will not seek how I can do more to improve my health. As you can see from these examples, you must expect better so that you can strive to do better, and then you will not let what you currently see be your permanent reality. Sometimes it just takes a little bit of FAITH! “Faith assures us of things we expect and convinces us of the existence of things we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1.

Don't focus on what was lost.

These past few years have been really tough for so many people. Loss of jobs, finances, lives, and for some, freedom. Even though loss can be painful, focusing on what was lost keeps us from moving forward and experiencing life more abundantly. An abundant life is one filled with love, joy, peace, strength, etc… for your mind, body, and soul! The reality is we cannot change the past, but we can shape our future. Do not allow past pains to keep you from your future success.

Move in silence and let the results speak for themselves.

Sometimes you just need to talk less and do more! There are times we reveal too much, too soon, and then we must backtrack because of embarrassment or the vision not working out as planned. This can cause us to become distracted and blindsided. Remember, there is a time and season for everything, so please be patient. At the right time, doors will bust wide open for you, and you won't have to say a word! The final destination (results) will speak for itself!

To sum it all up: Remain focused because your future depends on it!

“Success doesn’t just happen. You have to plan for it!” ‒ Anatole France

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Tracy Palmer, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Tracy Palmer is a Transformational Business Coach that has over 25 years of extensive knowledge and experience as an accountant, tax preparer, and small business development consultant. After providing years of bookkeeping and tax services, Tracy began to find herself developing more of a passion for coaching new entrepreneurs on what was necessary to begin their entrepreneurial journey. Through UBS Financial Wellness Services, LLC/GTTR with Tracy Palmer, she provides strategies & solutions that will help them to develop a plan of success to ensure sustainability, profitability, scalability, and longevity. Tracy also finds joy in using Biblical based principles to empower and inspire entrepreneurs with messages of hope and encouragement as they deal with the ups and downs of entrepreneurship.

Besides being a Transformational Business Coach, Tracy is also an author, content creator, podcaster, talk show host, and owner of "Getting To The Root (GTTR) Network,” a premier online media network.


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