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How Do We Tap Into Our Divine Intelligence? Exclusive Interview With Agnes Chau

Brainz Magazine Exclusive Interview


Agnes Chau is a Transformational Life Coach and Private Consultant. With her training in various life-transforming modalities and her prior experience as an Engineering Executive, Agnes helps clients succeed in all aspects of life. Agnes enjoys helping people tap into their Divine Intelligence to identify the most effective path forward for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. She specializes in PSYCH-K®, Tong Ren tapping, and other modalities for wellbeing. Agnes has received many awards, including, Connecticut Woman of Innovation for Large Business Innovation and Leadership, the Manufacturing Institute’s STEP Ahead award, the Society of Women Engineers’ Advocating Women in Engineering Award, and several patents.

Agnes is also the President and Founder of The Empowered Heart, Inc. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit She volunteers her time as a certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Women Empowered Instructor.

Photo: Gudenschwager Photography Inc.

Hello Agnes Chau, tell us more about yourself!

Thank you for this opportunity.

I am a Transformational Life Coach, a PSYCH-K® facilitator and a private consultant to executives, leaders, coaches, healers, and influencers. With my training in various life transforming modalities and my prior experience as an Engineering Executive, I help clients succeed in all aspects of life. I enjoy helping people tap into their Divine Intelligence to identify the most effective path forward for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. I specialize in PSYCH-K® facilitation, Tong Ren tapping, and other modalities for wellbeing. By holding sacred space for people’s wisdom to be revealed, I facilitate transformation sessions for my clients to overcome limiting beliefs, embrace new empowerment stories, and become the best versions of themselves.

I am also the Founder & President of The Empowered Heart, Inc., a nonprofit, that empowers groups of people, especially women, through education of strategies, tools, and techniques to apply for self-defense and physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

Through my journey, I discovered that living a life that is aligned with one’s Divine Path is how one creates happiness from within. I believe that every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. It’s a matter of realizing the growth potential and taking action, even baby steps, to create the life you want. I believe every person can tap into Divine Intelligence within to restore mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Our Divine Intelligence is that part of us that is connected with Divine Source.

What are the services you offer?

My Transformational Life Coaching business, Agnes Chau LLC, offers transformation sessions to help individuals succeed in all aspects of life. As a lifelong learner, I have acquired a treasure chest of tools for the restoration of wellbeing. In holding space for clients, we allow their Divine Intelligence to guide us as to which wellbeing modalities resonate with them the most. One of the modalities that is used often is PSYCH-K®. PSYCH-K® is one of the most powerful, effective, and efficient modalities to address the root of problems and transform limiting beliefs, mostly at the subconscious level, to align with the conscious mind’s goals. It can be used to address self-worth/self-esteem, grief/ loss, relationships, personal power, overall wellbeing, prosperity, and spirituality. Tong Ren tapping, a method more powerful than acupuncture, is a modality used often for physical benefits as it addresses the psychological, emotional and physical bodies. I also offer free brain health questionnaires to help people understand how their thinking and feelings are connected with different parts of their brains. Know that you can improve your brain at any age and improve your life.

My nonprofit, The Empowered Heart, is focused on group activities. Two significant programs we offer are Empowered Heart Circles and self-defense training for women. Empowered Heart Circles are community events for self-care, self-compassion, and self-love. When we take care of ourselves, we can be more present for others. Also, my volunteers and I teach the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Women Empowered Program at Certified Training Centers. We also sponsor women who want training and can’t afford it on their own.

Tell us more about PSYCH-K®, what is it?

PSYCH-K® is a spiritual process with psychological, and often physical benefits. It helps free people's minds from the prison of limiting beliefs. PSYCH-K® is an incredibly powerful and effective modality in transforming limiting subconscious beliefs (including perceptions of stressful or traumatic events) that could be related to a condition (physical, mental, emotional) or situation. These beliefs are usually acquired in the early stages of life and often persist into adulthood, below the level of conscious awareness. A PSYCH-K® balance quickly helps one overcome limiting beliefs at the subconscious level to achieve one’s desired goals with the permission of the superconscious. There are several PSYCH-K® balance modalities and they consist of whole-brain body postures or movements to reprogram the subconscious mind. PSYCH-K® can help people align with core beliefs (e.g. self-worth), relationships, optimal health and wellbeing, optimizing brain function, life bonding, alternative life, verbal and non-verbal rapport, and releasing perceptions of stress or trauma.

How do we tap into our Divine Intelligence?

Breathing into the heart to connect with the Divine Heart is one way to tap into our Divine Intelligence. As we breathe into our hearts, we can ask questions. Responses may come in the form of an inner knowing, an image, a sound, or some sign that resonates with you. Divine Heart Journaling, is a method I teach in Empowered Heart Circles to better develop the relationship with our Divine Hearts. Our Divine Intelligence is connected with the Divine Source that is within and outside of us, and it is accessed through our Divine Hearts.

What keeps you motivated?

Helping people align with their Divine Path and supporting them in their expansion of happiness from within is what keeps me motivated. Observing the rapid transformation in individuals overcoming limiting beliefs is exciting. Helping people transform fear-based emotions into love-based emotions to live empowered lives helps raise the collective vibrational energies for healthier communities.

Photo: Gudenschwager Photography Inc.

How do we transform fear-based emotions into loved-based emotions?

There are several methods to transform fear-based emotions into love-based emotions. In Empowered Heart Circles, we do breathing through the heart meditations, chi kung exercises, and other activities to empower oneself. It is also important to be aware of what we consume. Our subconscious minds are always recording and it is important to be aware of what we are feeding our minds and bodies.

How do we make sure that our brain is operating at its optimum?

Many things help the brain, including eating a healthy diet, coordination exercises, different types of meditation, engaging in new learning, having healthy relationships, taking brain-healthy supplements, and embarking upon the inward journey. Being aware of the automatic negative thoughts that pop up, questioning the underlying beliefs related to those thoughts, and transmuting them into automatic nurturing thoughts will consciously reprogram the mind with more empowering stories.

If there is deep-seated subconscious programming that no longer serves us, a PSYCH K® whole-brain balance may help us let go of any self-sabotage or limiting beliefs. PSYCH-K® whole-brain balances for optimizing the function of different parts of the brain are transformational.

Anything else you would like to share and how can someone get in contact with you?

Visit my website to learn more about my services and to sign up for a transformation session. Listen to my upcoming podcast interviews with Close Up Talk Radio on September 21st and October 19th. See me onstage at the Million Dollar Mingle Business Networking Event in Scottsdale, Arizona on November 4th, 2022.

Visit to learn more about our programs and events. Visit our exciting booth at the Wellness by Choice Expo on November 12-13, 2022.

For more info, follow Agnes on LinkedIn and Instagram.

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