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Five Shifts To Make Right Now To Fast-Track Your Business Growth & Increase Your Impact Tomorrow

Written by: Charlotte Petit Noble, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


From your sh*ts to your shifts, there’s only one letter. This “F” letter has the exceptional power to turn your fears and doubts into strengths and exponential growth. Are you ready to do the work and get your shifts together?

Not long ago, I was discussing with my business partner how most of what we hear, see, read, and absorb daily online and on TV were pure BS.

There is no wonder why entrepreneurs, coaches, and other freelancers feel stuck in their own heads, not knowing what to do next. There is no wonder why so many entrepreneurs, coaches, and other freelancers feel and are undervalued and underpaid.

The noise of society makes the whole process of being seen & heard very hard. Growing a business has become very confusing and far from enjoyable. We doubt, question, and pivot every two days because we see a new shiny strategy that works so well for some others that we want to try it for us.

The truth is that there are no right or wrong strategies. The answers to your questions lie within you. But with that constant noise, it’s impossible to hear the guidance we receive daily from the inside and stay on track of what we really want.

Every person on Earth is unique and has a different blueprint. What works wonderfully for someone rarely works for someone else unless awareness is developed and adjustments are made.

That’s one of the reasons nothing you tried before massively shifted your results yet and you still have a hard time getting your shi(f)ts together. Allow me today to share with you the five key S.H.I.F.T.s to help you break through the noise and finally experience your first or next quantum growth.

Stand Up & Stand Out

Standing up in a sense of being loyal to your vision and dreams is essential to finding clarity when it comes to your next steps.

Quiet the noise! Stay still. Receive.

Holding onto your vision and dream and developing an unshakable faith more about that later in this article will allow you to finally stand out with effortless ease and let the essence of you shine through the noise and chaos that our 3D world is making.

Even more when you have a business whose purpose is to serve as many people as possible to advance themselves.

When you are so confident and aligned with your vision and dreams, that’s when the magical SHIFTs happen and you start to co-create on auto-pilot with the Universe.

Honor & Hone Your Skills

When you fully stand up for your vision and choose yes, it’s a choice to go for it, you realize that your skills, which are big parts of your uniqueness and essence, are priceless tools that will play a huge role in creating momentum, standing out in a very crowded environment and changing the results.

You’ll also learn along the way that your services, including your message will grow and be refined as well. That’s where the beauty and magic land. The journey never ends unless you choose to stop learning and perfecting yourself and your skills.

I guess that’s also when you realize that the fun part of having a business and turning your shits into shifts happens when you are in motion, not when you reach the end line because the end line never really comes.

Innovate & Implement

Let me get things clear here, you don’t need to be Elon Musk to innovate. Innovating means doing something you have not done before. It means tweaking and adjusting the how so that you stand out.

Innovation does not necessarily require inventing something new, it simply means approaching your business and way of doing things differently.

I innovate by sending personalized voice messages instead of random DMs that go nowhere.

AND please, do not forget to IMPLEMENT your ideas. Having new ideas is generally not a problem. Following through and implementing is one of the most common challenges that I see in today’s entrepreneurship landscape.

Free Yourself

My favorite letter of the acronym for sure, and I’ll start by saying this: from your shits to your shifts, there is only one letter. That F letter has the exceptional power to switch your life and progress from one thing to another in no time.

So to turn your shits into shifts here is what I would suggest:

  1. F*ck society’s expectations your dream, your rules, your desired results.

  2. Forget what has not worked until now and be free to innovate.

  3. Free yourself from the noise that everybody (including your mind) is making.

The goal here is to go back to a place where you can hear yourself. It took me time to realize what I am about to say, so I don’t expect you to make the shift right away, but consciousness and awareness are definitely the first steps.

What you experience in your life and business is a direct reflection of what going on inside you. When you aim for a new set of results, you MUST start with yourself. This leads me to my last point, trust in yourself and in the support of the Universe.

Trust in Yourself & in the Support of the Universe

Pay attention here because that’s when thoughts and beliefs take a new turnaround for you.

When you have a dream and decide to turn that dream into a reality, you spiritually sign what I called a co-creation contract with the Universe. This agreement has two separate parts. The first one describes your responsibilities. The second one talks about the Universe’s responsibilities.

At no time or cost, you are supposed to take over the Universe’s responsibilities and vice versa. This agreement clearly states that you are in charge of the things you can control. When you fulfill your part and detach yourself from the things you can’t control such as the outcomes then the Universe starts to work for you.

Your Next Steps

Let’s innovate here and leave you with some actionable steps you can take right now to activate your quantum success and change the results you are getting from your actual actions.

So if you are game, here are the three things you can do today to experience your next quantum business growth:

  1. Implement one idea you have been holding off by the end of the week.

  2. Connect with three people in an unexpected way that is authentic, meaningful, and without expectations.

  3. Take action toward your business goals > Book your complimentary mini strategy session with me

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Charlotte Petit Noble, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Charlotte Petit Noble is an intuitive business growth & mindset coach with a magical approach to online marketing and social media. Charlotte's mission is to empower women entrepreneurs to find more joy, fun, and purpose in their coaching businesses by creating and selling impactful coaching programs and digital courses online.

From humble beginnings as a French immigrant, her journey with online marketing and business growth consulting began all the way back to 2008 when she worked with a famous fashion magazine, Marie-Claire, as a digital manager.

It took her more than ten years to understand that running a successful coaching business requires more than just top social media strategies. When she was introduced to more intuitive teaching and energy work in 2017, her whole world and work shifted to a more aligned and intuitive way to lead her business and her life, as both are highly rooted together.

Her intuitive way of teaching and coaching her clients and helping them cultivate their feminine flow to activate their masculine force makes her unique in the coaching programs and digital courses creation realm.

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