Written by: Dani Green, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Our Brain Versus Our Mind. Our brain is the mechanical operating system of our body. Our brain, breath, and heart keep our bodies alive. Our brain and our gut are filled with chemicals and reactions that impact our day-to-day lives. Until the age of 7, our experiences are downloaded into our brain, body, and subconscious mind. After the age of 7, we grow in the capacity to reason and adjust.

Our mind can be seen and understood as bigger than our brain and our body. Our mind is the energetic force that connects us to one another, to God, and the universe. It has been said that all knowledge is available to us in the sphere of our minds.
Small And Alone?
Considering you and the number of people on the planet, you might feel like you are just one of many. Do you feel small and alone? I ask you to consider yourself and your mind. Your mind can be felt and understood as being as big as the universe. As vast as all known and yet-to-be-revealed information and intuition.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and feel the expanse of the universe. When the deep knowing of your mind becomes clear, open your eyes. Do you feel instantly smarter, more important, and more connected to everyone and everything? You are smart! You are important! You are connected!
How to Find Peace of Mind
Consider the mind as containing Human consciousness and Divine consciousness. We can see more and more truth being revealed in nature, science, philosophy, and maybe even, in religion.
At this present moment, you know all that you know. In the next moment, more will be revealed. Everything belongs. The miracle of Love is that the force of Love can miraculously create good in every circumstance. Love fills the cells of our body. Love surrounds us. Love is always for us all.
We can have Peace of Mind when we allow ourselves to find the good or wait for the good to be revealed in every circumstance. Sometimes we cannot see the good right away which means we must continue to wait until the good can break through our pain and suffering. This healing and transformation can take months, years, or even, lifetimes.
There is always a solution. Good will always prevail. Love always wins.
Ivory Tower
Sometimes I feel like I live in an ivory tower. I have not had to face the tragedy and suffering that so many others have faced. I wonder if the truths I speak of are true for those who have struggled to endure their lives.
I think if we all knew we are infinite and powerful beings, physically, spiritually, emotionally, and energetically, it would make a difference, even in our suffering. For you, today, I hope so.
Two Red Hearts
I've been known to give out two red acrylic hearts at funerals, in network meetings, and to my friends and family. When I do, I say the most important I know. As a blessing and a prayer, I say, “Love is always with you.“
You are never alone! Love is always with you!
Let Dani Be Your Guide to Finding Love!
Dani offers a free 20-minute The Emotion Code session, which helps to remove an inherited or current emotion. Activate Your Soul Power! Live Your Infinite Greatness! Be Your Own Hero! Book a FREE Breakthrough phone call and find out about The Soul Power Experience!

Dani Green, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Dani Green is a certified hypnotherapist, speaker, author and spiritual activist. Dani’s core focus and passion is to guide clients to rewrite the past, present, and future Story they tell themselves at the subconscious level and to discover their own Inner Mantras.
Dani has a 12-session course called The Soul Power Experience. The courses, Be Smoke Free and One & D.O.N.E. Weight Release are each six sessions. Dani also offers Intuitive sessions.
Dani opened her hypnotherapy practice in 2015 and uses client-centered hypnotherapy, as well as The Emotion Code, PSYCH-K, and RIM.