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Feminine Energy For Ambitious Women

Emily Evans Russell is a single mom, multi 6-figure business owner, and a Master Mindset & Life Coach. Emily empowers women during life’s pivots so that when big changes occur (relationship, job, finances), they can easily move forward with clarity, ease, and fulfillment

Emily Evans RussellExecutive Contributor Emily Evans Russell

Picture this: It’s a busy Monday morning. You’ve got coffee in one hand, your phone is buzzing with notifications, and your to-do list keeps growing. You’re on autopilot, pushing through stress and chaos, always feeling one step behind. Sound familiar? I’ve been there, too.

Two women bending while holding hands.

Not long ago, it seemed like I had it all: a multi-six-figure business, a beautiful home, amazing kids, and a job that took me around the world. But I was burned out and disillusioned. If this was my dream life, why did it feel so draining?

The answer was an imbalance of energy - and more specifically, an imbalance of masculine and feminine energy. When I first explored this topic, I was intrigued but skeptical.

To clarify, no matter your gender, or if you identify as a male or a female, all of us have both of these energies (and infinite others), and the key is to discover a way to utilize them in your life for the greatest fulfillment.

As a woman who has prided herself on being able to do anything a man can (while wearing pearls), let me say that embracing my feminine nature seemed counterintuitive to everything I’d done to build my business.

Masculine vs. Feminine energy - The ‘hit’ & the ‘miss’

When masculine energy is a ‘hit’, it has the beautiful qualities of presence, patience, resilience, and steady aligned action. When it’s a miss, it becomes about force, push, hustle, and overriding what our body, heart, and intuition are telling us.

Unfortunately, the ‘miss’ qualities were what I’d embodied to build my online business and coach thousands of people worldwide.

Feminine energy, on the other hand, is a ‘hit’ when it’s about intuition, creativity, collaboration, and energy over strategy. Ironically, my intuition was screaming at me to slow down and realize I was no longer running the business of my dreams but working at an unsustainable pace.

When coming to that realization, it was tempting to fall into when feminine energy is a ‘miss’ - feelings of helplessness, codependency, or just ‘I can’t do this anymore.’ But there is always another choice and option.

Nurturing our nature

In a society that rewards productivity and achievement, it is easy to prioritize the push and hustle energies. But for women, our feminine energy is our superpower—innate as breathing. Embracing it isn’t about learning something new but nurturing a side of us that has always been there.

Feminine energy for ambitious women

So, how do we return to our feminine nature without sacrificing the dream life we’ve worked so hard to create?

1. Honing our intuition

Many of us have ignored our intuition for years. Honing it requires digging deep and asking ourselves what is true for us. Are we living life the way we want, or are we following a path we think we should because of societal conditioning? Our intuition always knows what’s true for us. It can be as simple as asking yourself each day, “What is true for me I have not yet discovered?” and “What would I choose here if I were being true to me?”

2. Allow yourself to receive

For ambitious women who are used to being the main providers, receiving can feel foreign. But allowing yourself to receive—whether it’s help, gifts, or even a coffee from a friend—creates trust and allows you to relax and get out of fear and fight-or-flight mode.

3. Honor your need for rest and replenishment

Ambitious women often pride themselves on not needing rest. I was guilty of this for years. But now I know my best work happens when I let my body take the lead and give it the rest it needs. Our creative brains can’t thrive if they’re busy keeping our burnt-out bodies from collapsing.

Nowadays, I achieve more in 2-3 hours than I ever could in 8 hours chained to my laptop. My brain can be creative and focus on tasks that truly move my life and business forward.

Embrace your feminine energy

Stepping out of hustle mode and embracing your femininity may feel foreign, especially if you’ve spent years chasing success. However, allowing yourself to slow down and hone skills like intuition and nurturing can make creating the life you desire easier and more fun than you’ve ever imagined.

The way forward

So, the next time you find yourself caught in the hustle, take a moment to breathe, listen to your intuition, and allow yourself to receive and rest. You might just find that everything you’ve been working so hard for comes to you more effortlessly when you embrace the balance of both of the ‘hit’ energies of feminine and masculine and embody the whole.

To guide you on your journey, I’ve created a program, where you can say goodbye to feeling scared, lonely, or overwhelmed. Get an entire year of support in Fearless Femmes, with 260 audios, 5-10 minutes each, designed to give you ahas and personal breakthroughs so that you can trailblaze your new path with ease.

Here's to having a clear vision, connecting to our bodies and intuition, and honoring our unique energies and embodied power.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and visit my website for more info!


Emily Evans Russell, Master Mindset & Energy Coach, MAT

Emily Evans Russell is a single mom, multi 6-figure business owner, and a Master Mindset & Life Coach. Emily empowers women during life’s pivots so that when big changes occur (relationship, job, finances), they can easily move forward with clarity, ease, and fulfillment. She holds her master's degree in teaching and has trained in Rapid Resolution Therapy, Yoga, and has been a facilitator of seminars in consciousness, energy and mindset for 10 years. The tools and perspectives Emily shares in her community are anything but traditional, yet they are wildly effective. Her target: to teach others how to uniquely design their lives using a mix of subconscious mind hacks, perspective shifts and simple energetic upgrades.

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