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Do You Feel Like A Fraud?

Written by: Oksana Saprykina, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Do you feel like a fraud? Do you doubt yourself? Do you think people are going to find out that you are not competent in your area of work? Do you feel you don’t belong? You may even unconsciously sabotage your own success. You may overwork and have burnout; you may set unrealistically high goals or standards for yourself. And when you can’t achieve them, you feel like a failure. Instead of celebrating promotions, they cause anxiety because – in your mind – you’ll now have to work even harder to keep them from learning the truth about you and your skills. If you have any of these feelings or thoughts you may have imposter syndrome.

In many cases, the majority of women and men experience it at some stage of their life. Though women struggle with this phenomenon more than men. It is also scientifically proven that high achievers or people who work in a high stress environment have imposter syndrome more often.

People who possess the imposter syndrome tend to be perfectionists.

Why do many people experience impostor syndrome?

There is no exact answer. Some believe it has to do with personality issues like neuroticism, anxiety, nervous system, while others think family and environment play more important roles.

Often our earlier life experiences play a significant role such as: when your parents are never happy with your behaviour and your grades in school, or your classmates and siblings outcast you. You start having the feeling of not being enough. Then people develop the belief that to be lovable you need to work hard, you need to earn love. It becomes a vicious cycle.

How to overcome imposter syndrome?

Overcoming this phenomenon is a journey. Here are some steps that can assist you on its way.

  • Recognise the issue and your unhealthy perfectionism and validate it.

Identify your feelings and feel them! Dealing with imposter syndrome is not about ignoring your feelings. Acknowledge them. It’s ok to feel this way. Work on letting these feelings go.

  • Use Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) Hypnotherapy to eliminate it in a fast way from your life

A very efficient method that can find the root cause of the issue and minimize or fully eliminate the problem. So you can live freely and enjoy life.

  • Talk to other people and share your feelings

Find trustworthy people whom you can open up to and share your feelings with. Alternatively, you may find people who experience the same issues in life. Remember you are not alone. You will be able to support each other.

  • Reframe your thoughts

As soon as you start feeling that you do not deserve or you are not good enough, stop and reframe your thoughts in a positive way.

  • Find a coach or a mentor

A coach will guide you to see things as facts and take steps and decisions which demonstrate your abilities and skills. You will be able to achieve your goals in a more efficient, stress free way.

  • Write down all your accomplishments

When you reach your goal, receive a promotion, lose a few extra pounds write it down, acknowledge it and praise yourself.

  • Celebrate success

Always acknowledge your achievements. Celebrate all your accomplishments and praise yourself. Do something nice for yourself and share your success story with others.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Oksana Saprykina, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Oksana Saprykina is an established Certified Hypnotherapist practicing an award-winning method ‒ Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) taught by Marisa Peer. Oksana lived and worked in four countries on different continents. She speaks three languages fluently and works with clients around the world. Oksana is an expert at identifying her client's talents and passions and converting them into the career of their dreams. She has the skill and ability to make a difference in someone's life in an extremely rapid straightforward way. She helps clients unblock and release old behaviors or beliefs and allow that person to take back the life they dreamed of but never believed that was available to them.


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