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Do What You Love, Love What You Do

Written by: Andrée Funnell, Senior Level Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Life is too short to spend it doing anything other than what you love. What you love is, perhaps, what you are meant to do in the greater scheme of things. What you love is who you are. I call this living your PURPOSE.

A woman wearing an orange blouse is happily working in a couch with laptop. She is doing what she love.

When you are living your PURPOSE you are doing what the universe intended you to do and it’s exhilarating and fulfilling beyond belief. It doesn’t feel like a job it’s a vocation that you love doing.

It is not easy summing up life and defining it in one or two pages. Nevertheless, in the next few minutes, I am going to try and tell you what I believe in, how I came to believe the way I do, and how these beliefs have affected my life.

Love what you do

Sometimes, try as we will, things do not go according to plan, and we find ourselves doing what we MUST, rather than what we choose. For many of us, we took a job or forged a career in an area that did not inspire or excite us just to earn a living and keep a roof over our heads.

For others, we took that job because someone in our lives such as a parent figure told us what career path we should take, even though inside your inner voice was screaming at you ‘that’s not what I want to do. That was me years ago; I wanted to go to Art College as I have a creative streak in me and wanted to expand my horizons in this area, however my parents had other ideas. They wanted me to go to secretarial college to learn a skill as they believed (in those days) that this would be a secure job and profession for life.

I did go to secretarial college and passed with distinction and started my career as an Audio typist, then legal secretary, Executive Assistant to a General Manager and was successful. However my heart was not where it needed to be and knew that there were other things I could do. I have always loved helping others develop and grow and have a passion for helping people. I therefore decided to forge my HR career spanning 20+ years.

However in my 40’s, I was making good money, a senior manager in a large corporate retailer but I was not happy, fulfilled and had no quality of life. In fact, I was miserable and knew I needed to escape the corporate rat race which I did in 2002 to set up my own coaching & training consultancy.

In the last 20 years I have run a successful business as a coach and trainer and in the last 18 months now do what I love. I am now a Confidence Coach for Professional Women helping them to get clarity and confidence to forge their own successful career doing what they love.

When we are doing a job or are in a career that does not inspire, excite or fulfil us we become negative and start to take instead of give, draining others and ourselves of life and power.

By loving whatever we are doing, and giving it our all, regardless of whether it is of our conscious choosing or not, we remain positive; we remain kind; and we remain capable of caring for ourselves and working toward that ultimate in successful living—doing what we love.

When you love what you do

If you realise yourself and do what you love you will find that you are possibly providing a service to a human purpose larger than yourself. ” Loving what we do means taking responsibility a step beyond self and into the larger community. Loving what we do takes effort, determination and tenacity. It does not just happen and if definitely won’t land in your lap.

My Confidence Coaching for Professional Women is based on this philosophy out of the experiences and incidents of my life. I completely understand my client’s pain points as that was me 20 years ago in my corporate career.

As an empathic coach, I can easily relate to my clients, their stresses and pain, their wants, needs and desires. The reason for this is that I can totally empathise as I have been there and my vision is to help others not to experience the pain and unhappiness I endured.

Through my Coaching business Confidence Coaching for Professional Women – I help women find their purpose, passion, personal brand and re-boot their confidence. They also learn to connect, share and learn from one another. Seeing women make these strides towards empowerment and renewed happiness will bring me satisfaction that is far greater than any senior management role ever could.

My philosophy affects every aspect of my life. Today and every day, with my goal of doing what I love in mind, I work at loving what I do. In other areas of my life, I also put my philosophy to work. Because I am loving what I do, wherever I am and whoever I am with, I try to be kind, and give generously of myself, and to treat everyone who comes into my life with respect, consideration, kindness and compassion.

If we are to be successful in life we must learn to do what we LOVE, but that is only the beginning. We also have to make an effort to love what we do. Whether life brings us a fast food dinner or a banquet, we have to be grateful for the opportunity to do our best.

And if you’re still reading, you know that it’s no longer acceptable to NOT have a coach to help you do what you love and love what you do!

Call me today at +44 07702 818665 to arrange a 15 minute Clarity Call to find out how I can help you achieve the success and growth you want in your life. Alternatively email me

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, connect with me on LinkedIn and visit my website for more info!


Andrée Funnell, Senior Level Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Andrée is a multi-award-winning Coach, Learning & Development Consultant, best-selling author, and speaker. She is the founder and driving force behind the success of Aspiring Future Competence (AFC). Since its inception in 2002, AFC has helped clients across a wide range of business sectors to get visible, get heard, and get ahead by applying inspirational ways to bring about positive change and empowerment. She has over 20 years of HR & training experience working in corporate organizations and a further 18 years delivering development solutions that make a difference to people’s careers and lives. She is a qualified coach, professional trainer, and NLP Practitioner. She discovered that Authenticity is the key to happiness, fulfillment, and success and is keen to get the message out there to others. ‘Behind the Mask’ is Andrée’s literary debut about ‘Authenticity.’ It’s an essential interactive step-by-step guide to turning your life around and achieving the kind of life you deserve by living authentically.

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