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Do I Choose An Online Course Or A Face-To-Face Course?

Written by: Rossella Tocco, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Rossella Tocco

The choice between an online course and an in-person course depends on numerous factors and your personal preferences. Here are some advantages and disadvantages of both options.

Woman sitting on floor and using laptop

Online courses

Online courses are held remotely via e-learning, using the potential of new Information and Communication Technology (ICT). 

  1. Online access: Online courses require an internet connection and a connected electronic device (such as a computer, tablet, or smartphone). You can access the learning materials from anywhere at any time.

  2. Digital format: E-learning courses use digital technologies to deliver educational content in digital format. These can include video lectures, slides, discussion forums, interactive quizzes, and chats with faculty and other students.

  3. Flexibility: You can choose the best time to attend the lessons, divided into modules and freely attended.

  4. Wide audience: Online courses reach a wide audience, allowing anyone to participate from around the world.

Face-to-face courses

  1. Direct interaction: In face-to-face courses, you can interact directly with faculty and classmates. This can foster a deeper understanding and relationship building.

  2. Structure and disciplines: Face-to-face courses follow a rigorous syllabus and offer a structure that may be useful for some people, but not if you need to stick to your learning time.

  3. Group experience: Participating in classes with other people from all over the world can be challenging and motivating.

In summary, online courses are ideal if you want flexibility, time-saving, and a large audience to meet. Face-to-face courses are best suited if you value face-to-face interaction and a well-defined structure.


In addition, a serious online course should offer you

  • Constant support: A tutor is available to answer your questions.

  • Certificate of attendance or professional qualification: At the end of the course, you should receive a certificate certifying your participation or your acquired skills.

  • Course material included: The course cost should also cover the course material.

  • Assessment tests: Periodic tests to assess learning.

And how do I get to practice in an online course?

Practice is essential to maximize learning and get the most value out of your training experience. Here are some practical tips:

  1. Get actively involved: Actively participate in classes, answer questions, participate in discussion forums, and complete assigned exercises. Interaction is key to learning.

  2. Apply knowledge: Apply what you've learned in real life. For example, if you're taking an NLP course, use your day-to-day to figure out how to apply the techniques.

  3. Collaborate with other students: If possible, collaborate with other students. Host virtual study groups or participate in group discussions. Collaborative learning can be very effective.

  4. Use supplemental materials: Many platforms offer additional materials such as slides, articles, or extra exercises. Take advantage of these to delve deeper into the concepts.

  5. Follow a study plan: Organize your time and follow a study plan. Set weekly goals and maintain a learning routine. My courses are always divided into weekly topics to focus on step by step.

  6. Take notes: Even if you're online, take notes during lectures. This helps to strengthen your memory and focus on key points.

  7. Check your comprehension: Take quizzes or self-assessment tests to check how much you have learned. If you're not sure, go back to the basics.

  8. Attend live webinars: Many platforms offer webinars or live sessions with experts. Participate in these opportunities to interact directly with teachers and other students.


Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!

Rossella Tocco Brainz Magazine

Rossella Tocco, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

After graduating in law, Rossella continued to deal with people and practiced as a civil lawyer for 13 years. She attended postgraduate specialization courses in Coaching at the International University Center of Arezzo, she became a Practitioner, Master and NLP Trainer, also working internationally as a Coach and Trainer. She is accredited by ICF as a Master Certified Coach.


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