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An Astrological & Numerological Reflection Over The 2021 Journey – Expect The Unexpected!

Written by: Corina Dudu, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Our journey in 2021 has brought us a few days ago on The Middle Earth, as the Wizard Gandalf The Grey would say. Middle Earth is associated here with July’s Cancer season when we take a well-deserved break to explore the Summer Kingdom vibe during the 7th month of an Universal Year 5 of the year 2021!

In Numerology, each calendar year is reduced to a single-digit number, which vibrates into a unique energetic influence, and it’s called Universal Year.

Consequently, each individual on the planet is going to experience this unique energy of a specific number during the entire year, between January 1st and December 31st. To get to the current Universal Year number, just sum up the individual numbers of the current year together: 2021=2+0+2+1=5, and here we are at the Universal Year!

What Does It Mean The 5 Universal Year?

The number 5 represents in Numerology the energy of instability, freedom, independence, adventure, and risk-taking.

Change is the keyword, and throughout a 5 Universal Year, we are pushed to extend our boundaries, to embrace the flow of exploration and new opportunities with an adventurous and fearless spirit.

To deal with a 5 Universal Year, there is only a way: expect the unexpected!

However is still ambiguous, the vibe of the Universal Year 5 is revolutionary, exciting, and fresh energy which allows us to easily align with the new energetic influence, progress, and impactful change of the Aquarius Era.

Following a heavy and hardworking Universal Year 4 energy of 2020 with focus on reconstruction meant to get us out of the box, a 5 Universal Year invites us to explore the true meaning of freedom where the old-fashioned patterns and beliefs will no longer work.

July 2021, The 3 Universal Month

According to Numerology, July 2021 is a 3 Universal Month (7+2+0+2+1=12, and 1+2=3).

The number 3 is one of nine very important symbols in Numerology, being friend with 6 and 9. In Numerology, each number from 1 to 9 has its own personality and a different meaning.

By understanding the unique energy of these numbers, we are invited to understand their influence and their guiding messages when they show up in our lives, as there is a certain sign that there's an opportunity waiting for us.

When Number 3 shows up, it is optimism, communication, creative expression, mental agility, curiosity, unlimited creativity, and social activity that are the opportunities on the plate.

It's hard to take yourself too seriously when the number 3 comes on the stage and inviting us to look out for fun. Nevertheless, July is going to be a busy month!

Also, considering an analogy with Astrology, Number 3 corresponds to the Planet Jupiter, the Air Element, and the two zodiac signs of Sagittarius and Gemini transitioned since May 2020 by the Axis of Destiny.

This is quite challenging, taking into account that the Axis of Destiny consisting of North Node and South Node Shows Your Life's Purpose on Your Birth Chart!

While The North Node indicates the karmic mission/lesson you came to learn it in this life, The South Node shows the karmic lessons/knowledge you brought with you from previous lifetimes that you may fall back on, jeopardizing the achievement of the actual life mission.

But nothing to be worried about, as The Universe will grant the second chance for the next life with the same karmic lesson!

Consequently, it’s important to live the North Node as much as possible, to get out of your comfort zone, and to avoid living in the past. Living life in the South Node can make you feel stuck, confused, and unable to live up to your North Node’s full potential in order to complete your life’s purpose.

During the current transition of the North Node in Gemini and the South Node in Sagittarius, on a collective level, our focus goes on intellectual growth and travel on short distances. In January 2022, the Axis of Destiny is going to move to the next zodiac signs, and for the next one and a half years, the North Node in Taurus and the South Node in Scorpio will focus our attention on all aspects related to Finances on a collective level.

As an HR Professional, Coach, and Astrologist, one common question addressed during the past years from different people is how to find out the purpose of their life.

More and more people have started to question themselves why they feel unhappy, stuck in their life on family or career, and my practice helped them to get more clarity on finding their purpose in life that resonates with their Higher Self.

The most important aspects of the planets during July

  • July 1st: Mars in Leo Opposition with Saturn in Aquarius and on July 3rd, Mars Squared Uranus in Taurus

We are still under the tension created by this fixed T square, and we are warned to keep our calm as the anger level might suddenly explode. The Mars-Uranus square pushes all our buttons, and we may feel overwhelmed considering that Mars in a Fire sign has access to ignition faster under the drive of Uranus. Thanks to Chiron from Aries sign, a harmonious aspect of trine comes to help us to heal our wounds when we decide to connect with our ourselves and to act from a calm space of awareness.

  • July 7th-8th: Venus in Leo Opposition with Saturn in Aquarius and squared Uranus in Taurus.

Venus is about how we feel about life related to love, pleasures, relationships, and finances, and when Venus is opposite Saturn, then we feel restricted, limited, and controlled. Venus in T-square with Saturn and Uranus will initially push us outside our comfort zone similar to what just happened with Mars, but once again, Chiron comes to save the situation, healing our heart once we are set up to higher frequencies.

  • July 9th, 2021: New Moon In Cancer

The beautiful New Moon takes place at 18° Cancer and makes a supporting aspect of a trine with Neptune in Pisces, sustaining aspect of a sextile with Uranus in Taurus, and opposite with Pluto in Capricorn. Actually, the New Moon in Cancer makes aspects with all generational planets which are going to increase our intuition and prepare us to receive divine guidance. Cancer is a feminine, cardinal sign of the Water trigon, which is made up of Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio and is ruled by the Moon. Cancer represents our foundation, soul, emotions, mother, home, family, traditions, roots, need for protection, nutrition, conception, and therefore, the New Moons in Cancer are great for birthing personal projects that you’ve been creating and nurturing for some time.

  • July 11th, 2021: Mercury In Cancer

Mercury enters in Cancer after a long journey spent in his sign of residence, including his well-known retrograde period. If Mercury in Gemini is curious and oriented to the outside, Mercury in Cancer is private and introspective, paying attention to emotions and perceptions in order to create a mental comfort.

  • July 13th, 2021: Venus Conjunct Mars In Leo

Venus and Mars represent the antagonistic characters, and they are attracting each like the opposite poles of a magnet. They are going to meet each other at 19° in Leo, and as a result of their passion, something new related to the sector of life represented by Leo in your own natal chart will be born once you return to the source to understand who you really are. This strong conjunction will reveal a fundamental truth about yourself that is going to set you on a new creative path, love, relationship, or project.

  • July 15th, 2021: Chiron Retrogrades in Aries

Chiron is the wounded healer and during his transit, is focused on healing what has been hurt and needs to integrate the lesson. When Chiron is direct, we look for healing with real support from outside (coach, doctor, etc.), and when Chiron goes retrograde, we aim to heal ourselves from inside by finding our organic way of healing. This time Chiron goes retrograde at 12° Aries.

  • July 17th, 2021: Sun in Cancer Opposition with Pluto in Capricorn

The Sun represents our personal identity, our vitality, and Pluto is the Divine will, the power of nature. The opposition means a conflict that requires processing and integration of both energies, and the perfect aspect comes at 25° Capricorn.

As human beings, we want to express our identity (Sun), but as humans, we deal with outside forces above of our control (Pluto).

Once we decide to control the world around us, then the power and control fights will start, and Pluto doesn’t agree. On the opposite, if we do not express our identity, the feeling is helpless and resigning to circumstances, and the Sun doesn’t enjoy this.

The solution is to act from our Higher Self, not from our Egotic Self, in order to consolidate inner strength and resilience.

  • July 21st, 2021: Venus Enters in Virgo

Virgo is an Earth element sign which loves to be practical and in service to others. Also, Virgo is a mutable sign that likes to move and to get things done.

Venus is the planet of feelings, and placed in Virgo is going to use an emotional pragmatism that is not supposed to exist, but it might be considered as “useful” from time to time. During the transit in Virgo, Venus will help us to understand and to practice how to be more pragmatic and down to earth with our feelings in order to use them for a useful purpose. Venus also will make harmonious aspects with Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, which is a great transit for any practical projects.

  • July 22nd, 2021: Sun Enters in Leo

After almost one year, Sun returns to his residence and officially opens the magical season of Leo. Happy Birthday to all Leos!

During the Sun transit in Leo, we are invited to honor the Sun by integrating its qualities: radiance, confidence, authenticity, elevation, passion, generosity, and courage.

  • July 23rd, 2021: Full Moon in Aquarius

The Full Moon will be at 1° in Aquarius. It is conjunct with Pluto in Capricorn at 25° and also with Saturn at grade 10° in Aquarius. However, there are 9° away from Saturn. It is still close enough to feel its strong influence. The energy of the Full Moon will bring us back in January 2020, when we had the Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, and now we are invited to measure the progress made during this time. The energy of the Full Moons helps us to get clarity on the things kept in the dark and now are ready to be revealed.

  • July 27th, 2021: Mercury Enters in Leo

Mercury will enter in Leo after a very short journey in Cancer. Once the short introspection in Cancer is finalized, then comes the right time to deliver the message to the world during its transit in Leo.

  • July 28th, 2021: Jupiter Step Back in Aquarius

Jupiter will re-enter in Aquarius after a very brief journey in Pisces in order to complete some unfinished business. During its transit in Pisces - his second residence, Jupiter helped us to become familiar with the Pisces energy, while it has increased our intuition, imagination, expanded the horizons, and also helped us find answers beyond the logic. Now is the time to return to the logic of Aquarius and to finish what we have started and not yet completed.

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Corina Dudu, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Corina Dudu is an HR Professional & Certified Life and Career Coach specialized in Talent Management and Career Development, with deep expertise in Corporate international HR processes gained over 20+ years across cultures.

Corina is dedicated to delivering transformational change to people and catalyzing individuals’ potential by eliminating mental barriers to accelerate their career growth and achieve a healthy work-life balance.

Corina is also a Certified Astrologist and Numerologist. She is passionate about supporting others by guiding and coaching through the various aspects of a person’s life to fulfill their unique destinies and overcome life's challenges. She believes transformation begins with each individual connected with his higher self and is essential in achieving life purpose through a conscientious and colorful life journey.

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