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A Year In Review – How To Practice Healthy Habits In The New Year

ritten by: Cassandra Wiley, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


This past year, I provided information about immune health, chronic illnesses, and even healthy eating tips while on vacation. If you have seen positive results with these tips, it is necessary to continue living a healthy lifestyle. At the beginning of the year, people are all about improving their health, losing weight, and so forth. But how long does that last? Is it something that will continue throughout the year, or will it be temporary?

Here are ways to ensure practicing healthy habits throughout the year.

1. Think about the consequences. Before making lifestyle changes, you may have been in a life- or-death situation. (If I do not lose weight, I can die). Another instance is reversing a diagnosis for a chronic illness, then going back to your old habits that brought it on.

2. Immunity boosting is necessary. Immunity is critical to fighting off viruses, illnesses, and the like. Not just during the winter months, but all during the year. Particularly in this climate that we are living in currently.

3. Positive reactions. As a result of lifestyle changes, you may have more energy, better sleep, and better hormone health.

4. Get a handle on fear. Some people are very fearful of their health and future right now. Here is where immunity-boosting comes in. A healthy diet correlates to a healthy immune system. A healthy body can fight off illnesses. You do not have to fear going outside or doing activities you enjoy.

5. Listen to your body. Once your body has adjusted to receiving healthy foods, it will tell you if you eat something different, whether by gas, nausea, or the like. That sick feeling after eating fast food after one year of not eating it.

6. Temporary is not long-term. This sounds elementary; however, I am collaborating with clients that tried temporary solutions. They lost weight, but they gained it back plus more. They reversed chronic illnesses, returned to old habits, and chronic illnesses, like high cholesterol or pre-diabetes returned. Behavior changes and lifestyle changes must be permanent to keep positive results.

As you think about your health and wellness goals, how are you measuring up so far?

Being healthy not only includes the physical but also the emotional and mental. Are you looking for better whole health? Consider if health coaching is right for you. Visit my website here. Read more from Cassandra!


Cassandra Wiley, Executive Contributor, Brainz Magazine Cassandra Wiley is a health coach and founder of Have Faith and Live Well with Chasadah LLC. She focuses primarily on chronic illnesses such as pre-diabetes, high cholesterol, and obesity. Her mission is to empower individuals to lose weight and teach a new healthier approach to food to live better lives. She was successful in reversing her pre-diabetes and high cholesterol diagnoses naturally. The weight loss was an added benefit. She has helped clients change their diets and “have faith” in themselves to meet their health and wellness goals.

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