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A Story Tying In Mental Health & New Year – Fresh Start

Written by: Dr. Tomi Mitchell, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


The start of a New Year is the perfect time to make some changes, it’s fitting that when you want to transform yourself or modify certain things that you do so at the start of the New Year. This gives you a whole new slate to work with; you can forget about the old year and the old one and make a completely fresh start. It’s a chance to turn over a new leaf and begin again to make this year better than the last. I think it would be fair to say that each and every one of us can find faults with ourselves and areas that could be improved upon. However, more often than not the stresses of everyday life get in the way and these thoughts are soon forgotten and pushed to the back of our minds. With this, instead of making a new year’s resolution, I am encouraging you to imagine the life you want and how will you turn this into reality.

Know what you want and why you want it. Many of us have vague ideas of how we would like our lives to unfold. We think that we might be happier if we had more money, were younger or better-looking, or had a more interesting partner. We might not, however, be able to point to one or more specifics. If we want to pursue change, we must know what we are pursuing change toward. We must focus on a goal – or several goals – that we then focus upon unwaveringly.

You can’t get what you want if you’re not exactly sure what you want in the first place. Let me clarify though, you don’t need to know how you’re going to get there, you just need to know what you’re reaching for and what are your big motivating factors. Once you’re clear on that, the universe will send you everything you need to manifest your dream!

Chances are that the big thing that you are looking to create is not the reality of your life right now. In fact, it may feel very far away. And that’s okay.

You have to get clear on what you want in order to manifest it. This is the foundation for manifesting your desires. To help you figure out what you really want to bring to reality, try making clarity into a ritual. Boil a pot of tea. Make a cup of coffee or some hot chocolate. Light a candle, sit down with your favorite beverage and start writing.

Close your eyes and go through the visualization process. Think big! Don’t let time or where you now get in the way. The more outrageous, the better! Once you’ve visualized, write out where you’d like to be in eight areas of your life:

  • Home

  • Health

  • Love

  • Friends/community

  • Career

  • Financial

  • Travel

  • Spirituality

Now get specific. The universe likes details. Describe where you live. Where is your home? What does it look like? How does it feel living there? What color is your bedroom and what form of bed do you sleep on? What do you have for breakfast and what do you hear outside your window? What’s your view when you wake up in the morning? How much money do you make a year? How much is in your savings account and your wallet, etc. Get the idea? In order to truly feel your dreams, it’s best to describe them in as much detail as you can.

And most importantly: Write in the present tense. For example, instead of saying “I want to attract my ideal life partner,” say “I am happily married to the love of my life.” It might feel weird at first, but have fun with it. This is a playful activity. The more fun you have, the more results you will see. Trust me.

If you’re still a bit stuck, don’t worry. For even more clarity, answer these questions in your manifestation journal:

  • What do you love to do? They could be small things. But they are clues as to what you really love. That could lead to a bigger vision. (e.g., I love being outside in nature.)

  • What do you want to learn? (e.g., I’ve always wanted to learn how to make a website.)

  • Is there a problem in the world that you want to solve? Think about what it is that upsets you and how you would like to be part of that solution.

  • Listen to your heart. Is there something that’s been speaking to you for a while? Is there a desire that keeps coming back to you but you’ve been afraid to let it out? Are there dreams, signs, or synchronicities that keep showing up? Listen to the pull that’s coming from within, not what other people have been telling you that you should do. They may or may not be a match. That is up to you to decide.

Accountability is a super-important key to easy manifesting. The more you surround yourself with positive and supportive people who are also manifesting, the more you will accomplish.

An accountability partner is someone with whom you check in on a regular basis to help keep you on the path to manifesting your dreams. Knowing that you have to tell someone whether or not you did what you said you were going to do is one of the greatest motivators. You’re way more likely to follow through when you have an accountability partner. If no one other than you know what you’re up to, it’s easy to make excuses as to why it didn’t get done.

Having an accountability partner not only helps keep you on your toes, but it also creates a space for you to talk specifically and intimately about your goals, your next steps, and anything that’s holding you back. If you’re hitting roadblocks, your accountability partner is there to listen to you and offer you encouraging support. Plus, it’s always easier to manifest your dreams when you have other people around you who are also up-leveling their thinking.

This partnership can be uncomfortable at first—especially if your partner doesn’t follow through on her intentions. If she doesn’t follow through, you can ask her, “Why didn’t you do it?” Allow her the space to come up with her own answer. Often, it’s fear that gets in the way. It could be a lack of time. Sometimes it turns out that what we thought we needed to do wasn’t actually all that important, and something else was. That’s fine! You, as the partner, have the opportunity to lovingly hold the other person accountable, not by being mean if your partner doesn’t follow through, but by asking her to reflect on it. See if she can still commit to the action and set a new date for when it will be accomplished. Remember though, if you’re too easy on each other, it completely defeats the purpose.

You’ll find that you and your partner inspire each other to take action because as one of you begins to take action toward your dreams, the other feels the need to keep up. It’s great because it will motivate both of you. You can use your conversations as a space to share success stories and cheer each other on. Each partner’s wins propel the other forward. You’re also there to offer moral support when you hit stumbling blocks. You might even want to talk more often or keep an open line for when you’re stuck and need help. Once you start talking, you’ll figure out a system that works best for you.

Life is nothing but continuous change. Just when you think you have got yourself into the all-time perfect zone, bam! Something happens that turns it upside down.

In more ways than one, we need to be nimble, flexible, and willing to turn on a dime. This goes for our jobs and livelihoods, our relationships, our health—and it goes for our goals as well.

Take your time to contemplate your life and what you love doing. Consider all the aspects of your life and figure out whether you can learn the signs that will take you to where your purpose is. They’ll be there and once you find them, you’re on your way to living a purpose-driven life.

It’s never too late to make changes in your life. Mark today as the beginning of your pursuit to find and your purpose. After a few years, you will thank yourself for starting today.

Follow Tomi on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit her website for more info!


Dr. Tomi Mitchell, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Dr. Tomi Mitchell, MD, is a leader in the health & wellness industry, known for her advocacy for social issues, including health reform. She believes in the whole person's approach to life and health. Rather than resorting to quick fixes, she gets to the root of problems by taking the time to understand her client's emotional, physical, mental, environmental, financial, spiritual, and social health. She believes these factors affect individuals' behaviors and beliefs about themselves and others. Dr. Tomi Mitchell believes that people feel lost or overwhelmed when there is a loss of balance, so she takes such a holistic approach with each client's situation.

Dr. Tomi Mitchell has appeared in many publications, including but not limited to Thrive Global, Fox, NBC, CBS, Global News, CBS & many other news outlets. She has her own blog & leads two ClubHouse clubs, and has been a guest speaker numerous times.

She is a game-changer, and she gets her clients' results and refuses to compromise her integrity by sugar-coating issues. Using over 10 years as a family practitioner and certified life & health coach, she is able to help her clients create transformational, long-lasting results!


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