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7 Simple Tips For Creating Healthy Habits That Stick

Maria-Stella is a passionate advocate for women's health and well-being who embarked on a transformative journey from corporate burnout to becoming a beacon of empowerment and education. With a profound understanding of the challenges women face in maintaining their well-being and a healthy lifestyle whilst juggling multiple responsibilities, Maria-Stella offers a unique and proven strategy for the prevention and management of burnout.

Executive Contributor Maria-Stella Contera

As a performance and change coach, I've seen countless individuals struggle to adopt healthy habits, only to abandon them shortly after. The truth is, that creating lasting change requires more than just good intentions. It demands a thoughtful approach, self-awareness, and a willingness to adapt. In this article, I'll share seven simple tips for creating healthy habits that stick.

 Beautiful woman using smart phone on hardwood floor in front of her laptop at exercise room.

1. Start small

One of the most significant obstacles to creating healthy habits is biting off more than you can chew. Ambitious goals may motivate you initially, but they often lead to burnout and disappointment. Instead, begin with tiny, achievable changes. If you want to start exercising, commit to a 10-minute walk each day, or don’t be afraid to start even smaller and go for a 3-minute jog. Doing something is better than doing nothing. You can always build up from there. Small wins will build momentum and your confidence, motivating you to take more action. 


2. Identify your why

Understanding your motivations is crucial to sustaining healthy habits. Ask yourself: "Why do I want to make this change?" Is it to feel more energetic, boost your self-esteem, or enhance your overall well-being? Connecting with your purpose will help you stay committed when challenges arise. But get deep when identifying your why, don’t stay focused on the superficial why, find the deep reason for wanting to create the change.


3. Create an environment for success

 Your surroundings play a vital role in shaping your habits. By surrounding, I refer to the physical surroundings and the people you surround yourself with. Eliminate or limit exposure to triggers that might derail your progress. Surround yourself with people who will encourage you to stay on track and support you in achieving your goals. Remove physical distractions such as if you want to reduce screen time, remove certain apps from your phone, or unsubscribe to the bulk of your email messages that clog your inbox. If you're trying to eat healthier, purge your pantry of junk food and stock up on nutritious options.


4. Scheduling and task blocking

Consistency is key to developing healthy habits. Schedule your new behavior into your daily planner or calendar, just as you would any other important appointment. Task blocking is a great way to build time into your busy schedule for tasks that support you to create healthy habits. This might include blocking out time for meal-prepping, time to exercise, or to start and finish reading the book that’s collecting dust on your bedside table. 


5. Celebrate wins and forgive setbacks

 Acknowledging your achievements, no matter how small, is vital to maintaining motivation. Treat yourself to something enjoyable when you reach a milestone, like a relaxing bath or an activity you enjoy. The reward options are limitless. Remember that setbacks are inevitable. They happen to all of us! Simply acknowledge the setback and quickly refocus on your goal.


6. Find support and accountability

 Surrounding yourself with people who encourage and support your goals can make a significant difference. Share your aspirations with a trusted friend or family member and ask them to hold you accountable. Having a coach to support and guide you that you can regularly check in with is a great accountability partner. We are more likely to achieve a personal goal when we hold ourselves accountable to someone who will support us along the way, than when we are trying to go it alone.


7. Be patient and persistent

 Creating healthy habits takes time, and it's essential to be patient and kind to yourself throughout the building process. Don't expect to transform overnight, instead, accept that it is a gradual process. Remember that every step forward is a success, no matter how big or small and it's okay to focus on one day at a time.


Building healthy habits that last requires a thoughtful plan and a self-compassionate approach. Start small, connect with your purpose, that is, your deepest why, and surround yourself in an environment that supports your path to achieving your goals. Schedule time in your calendar to work on creating your healthy habits, whether it’s for three minutes or 30 minutes. Always celebrate milestones, and find support and accountability with a Wellness Coach. Most importantly, be patient and persistent, and remember that every small step forward is a success. With time and commitment to take action, you will develop healthy habits that stick to enhance your well-being and transform your life.


Ready to create healthy habits so you can live at your healthiest and personal best? Take the first step and book a 30-minute coaching consultation by clicking here now.



Maria-Stella Contera, Holistic Wellness Coach

Maria-Stella is a passionate advocate for women's health and well-being who embarked on a transformative journey from corporate burnout to becoming a beacon of empowerment and education. With a profound understanding of the challenges women face in maintaining their well-being and a healthy lifestyle whilst juggling multiple responsibilities, Maria-Stella offers a unique and proven strategy for the prevention and management of burnout. Maria-Stella's resolute mission is clear: to empower and educate women to be in control of their health and well-being so they live life at their healthiest and personal best. She does this without adding extra pressures into their busy life and without feeling guilty.

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