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6 Tips To Embrace Your Sexuality And Increase Your Happiness And Success In Life

Written by: Jane Haridat, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Jane Haridat

Sexuality is a confusing and complex topic. Very often, we are unaware of the connection between our success, failures, and our sexuality.

spider web with droplets of water

It is our most important inner source of creation and existence, yet the most confusing, rejected, and wanted subject of our life. The full access to this source within is covered by shame, guilt, and judgmentt. Sexuality can be experienced from a heart and soul connection bringing freedom, equality and harmony in relationships. Uplifting yourself and others.

It can also be possessive, needy, demanding, belittling and destructive. This is the dark and horrific side of our sexuality.

Important to know that in both cases it has a huge impact on all layers of our life including our business. Sexuality is in the first place a individual journey, that can be explored with others. But just like happiness it remains a individual journey. Both depend on our inner growth and liberation to create success from within to become visible in our business.

What is meant by sexuality?

It is not the same as just sex. As already mentioned, sexual energy is the energy from which all life sprang, but all that exist is being created by our sexual energies. Whether it is a beautiful painting, a book, art, nature and even money.

Money is created by our sexual energy. In our business we want to create more money. More money gives more opportunities for a greater service to the world. To keep the flow in the sexual energies we need more awareness of the topic itself and the mutual connection with our successes, failures, and cash flow.

What can be done to create and keep this flow going on?

It involves awareness of a variety of important topics such as building a positive relationship with the body, becoming aware of what womanhood or manhood means for you, discovering the own sexual preferences and desires. And to dare to communicating about it. Be willing to open the heart and soul to receive and give love. Daring to be vulnerable. Respecting each others boundaries and creating a safe space to feel free.

Discovering and exploring these sexuality related topics will lead to embrace your own sexuality, in your own authentic way connected to your own heart and soul. Embracing your own sexuality is embracing your true self. Just imagine running your business from your true self. When you are in the flow, your business flows with you. Your flow becomes your cash flow.

The benefits of embracing your sexuality

Your self-confidence and self-esteem will increase

When you embrace your sexuality, you can develop a greater sense of self-confidence and self-esteem. This can spill over into other areas of your life, making you feel more capable of achieving your goals and pursuing your dreams.

Your relationships will improve

When you feel comfortable and confident with your own sexuality, feel safe and at home in your own body, and are connected with your heart and soul, you are better equipped to form healthy and fulfilling relationships with others. This can include romantic relationships, friendships, and professional connections. No need to say that this is a fertile breeding ground to make your business grow.

Your love life will be more fulfilling and satisfying

The heart and soul connection makes it easier to feel free and open during the lovemaking. You feel deeply connected with your partner which creates the space to be fully present in the moment.

Brings you to your authenticity

Being authentic make you feel comfortable and leads to greater overall happiness and fulfillment. A happy and authentic sexuality makes happy people. Happy people create a happy and successful business with more unique products. A unique business creates more cashflow. More cashflow creates greater service to the world.

6 more tips to embrace your sexuality

  1. Just know that judging your sexuality is judging yourself and the success of your company.

  2. Your sexuality is a natural and integral part of who you are as a human being. It is a fundamental aspect of our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves, and as such, it deserves to be explored, understood and celebrated. So CELEBRATE and stop judging your nature.

  3. Shame, guilt, and judgments are there to be transformed into inner power to be used for your happiness and success in all layers of your life.

  4. We all have hidden blocks in our subconscious mind that are waiting to become gems for us to gain more success. Keeping them hidden is hiding our full potential for more success.

  5. Be patient with yourself. Embracing your sexuality and anchoring in your true self is a wonderful lifetime journey with many magical outcomes. If you're willing to see the magic of this human journey life will be magical. This magic will impact your business.

  6. Your sexuality is unique, because you are unique. Honoring this uniqueness of yourself is honoring the uniqueness of the rest of the world. It increases happiness for all.

Embracing your sexuality is embracing everyone's sexuality for a better and happier world, filled with peace, harmony, and success for all. If you have questions about the topics or want to share your story, feel free to plan a 30-minute free call with me here.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and visit my website for more info!

Jane Haridat Brainz Magazine

Jane Haridat, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jane Haridat is a well-known passionate spiritual teacher, healer of sacred sexuality and soul embodiment, a multidimensional medium, writer, and motivational speaker. She is also doing wedding ceremonies to give couples the most unforgettable and magical experience of their life. Her mission: Raising global awareness about what sexuality truly is and how a good flow impacts all areas of our life including the success of our business. Her vision is that understanding the essence of our sexuality, creates happy independent people. Happy people make happy families. Happy families create a happy planet filled with peace and harmony. Embracing your sexuality is embracing your true self, is her strong belief.


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