Written by: Jodie Konstantin, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Do you find yourself living paycheck to paycheck? Do you catch yourself looking at others with money and wonder how many people they screwed over to get there? Or do you dread opening the mail because you know it's going to be another bill you know you will have to juggle something to pay it?

If you answered yes to any of these, it's a good chance you need a money mindset makeover.
I had no idea my money mindset was so negative until after my divorce; with no job, no money, and no self-belief, I was triggered by money and stressed. I spent 90%of my time holding back tears, heart-pounding, wondering not only how I got here but how on Earth was I ever going to get out.
For me, it was real, real hard, really stressful, and after sitting eating a piece of bread, id had to split it over two days to pay my bills to feed my daughter. I realised I could not change the past, nor could I change the money in my bank that day, but would I could start at that very moment was addressing my mindset around money. Scarcity wasn't just some imagined idea. It was extremely real for me. It's easy to have a positive mindset when money is abundant, but when things are tough, I mean really tough, that's when it matters the most how you choose to think.
My Money Mindset Tips...
Firstly Identify your current money mindset. Put some time aside to look at how you think and feel about money, not what you think you should believe but what you believe to be true for you.
Do you find if you have the money, you unconsciously "need" to spend it? What do you catch yourself saying to others or yourself about money? Do your limiting beliefs sound something like "money doesn't grow on Trees" "money is the root of all evil," "people like us never get ahead," "As soon as I have savings, something happens," "I'm bad with money."
Do you only look at your bank account when you're worrying about money? Do you budget, set money goals, or do you avoid it like the plague?
When did you first adopt these beliefs? Awareness is vital to change.
Secondly, once you have become aware of your beliefs around money, take any limiting beliefs and reframe them to a new empowering belief. write the new ideas you would like to adopt and find ways to prove yourself wrong in your old thoughts; for example, if you believe that money is the root of all evil, find ways that money has helped others in charity, hospitals, animal rescue, etc. reframing that old belief could sound like "the more money I have, the more people I can help" or "money is a powerful tool to help others and change the world for good." Say these affirmations daily. At first, they may not feel real, and your old beliefs may rare their ugly head, but the more you repeat your new positive money affirmations, the more natural they will feel.
Gratitude, I know this one can be hard when money is tight, but this is when it is most important.
The Magic by Rhonda Byrne teaches the power of gratitude, gratitude for all the money that has come into your life, all the services products you have ever received. Did you have school books, a roof over your head, food on the table, a phone, a car? Sometimes we take these things for granted, not realising just how lucky we are. I can guarantee that no matter your financial situation, you are richer than a large chunk of the world's population if you are reading this. If you slept in a bed with a roof over your head, had a shower, got your phone or computer, and ate food today, you are extremely blessed. Take time to give thanks.
Make getting better with money a priority! Do you budget? Do you pay attention to what you spend every day? or do you bury your head in the sand and avoid thinking about your finances altogether?
For a week, take note of everything you spend. I mean everything. Make no judgment; just become aware. Once you have tracked your spending for the week, take some time to see what you could change, reduce or stop to help you reach your goals faster.
Write out a budget and set a savings goal, get in the habit of putting something in savings even if when you start you can only afford 10c trust me, this one got me. I remember thinking even 10c was hard, then magically started finding more and more money to save. Make savings a natural habit.
Free yourself from living up to the expectations of others. It's easy to fall into the trap of keeping up with the Joneses. As the saying goes, "Too many people spend money they haven't earned to buy things they don't want to impress people they don't like." Get comfortable telling people you are saving for a house, not spending money on takeaway, etc. You don't need a new outfit every time you leave the house. Now don't get me wrong, if those things bring you joy, then fine but make sure you are spending money on things you like, not what will impress someone else or pretend to be something you are not. choose your words carefully if you decide not to go out for dinner with a friend because you are saving; instead of saying "I can't afford to eat out," you could choose to say, " eating dinner out is not a priority for me at the moment."
So to Recap, how to improve your money mindset.
Identify your money mindset
Reframe limiting beliefs
Practise Gratitude for all that you have (even if it feels like you don't have much right now)
Make getting getter with money a priority
Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses
I'd love to hear how you find these practices or any others you practice to have a magical money mindset.
Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more info!

Jodie Konstantin, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Jodie Konstantin, is a heart-centered certified life coach and Holistic counsellor. After her journey from homelessness, illness, and heartbreak she has dedicated her life to helping others transform to live the lives they desire.
Jodie is the CEO and founder of Total Wellness Journey to Empower people to find balance of Mind, Body, and Spirit. Jodie is an Empathic coach, Entrepreneur, Blogger and Home-school mum on a mission to help people find their own power and passion for a free and happy life.