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5 Limiting Beliefs that Hold Every First-time Online-preneur Back

Written by: Barbora Jedlovská, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


If you are a first-time online-preneur, most likely you can agree that sometimes fears and worries hit you when least welcome. I mean, it's okay. You are just human, and even though you know that your success is inevitable, our old conditioning sometimes gets us when we are not wearing our strongest suit.

In this article, I want to guide you through the 5 most common limiting beliefs that almost every first-time online-preneur experiences, either consciously or unconsciously. It might be real, at least at some point in your entrepreneurial journey. So before you claim that it's not for you, give it a read and observe if you can spot some patterns. It can be truly eye-opening. Let's dive in.

First things first What actually is a limiting belief?

Limiting belief or sometimes referred to as a limiting paradigm, is mental programming that has almost exclusive control over your habitual behavior because it is rooted deeply in your subconscious mind, and (here is the part we want to pay attention to) — almost all your behavior is habitual. That being said, you might consciously be aware of it. However, controlling your actions and thinking on a subconscious level is the part of your mind that is responsible for the results you want to achieve.

Limiting Belief No.1

There is no space for me on the market.

The online world is absolutely fantastic with all the opportunities and possibilities it brings. Still, from my experience working with clients, often newbie online-preneurs can get paralyzed by oversaturation on the market, feeling there is no space for them because there is already plenty of what they are offering. This cannot be further from the truth, and here is why: no one is you. You are one of a kind, and your unique talents, gifts, the way you explain things or see the world is the right way for someone out there who literally needs you. So before you give up, connect to your vision, connect to 'why' you started your online-preneur journey, and that should kick you out of doubts and limitations. You are needed! You are unique! No one can play you because there is no more of you.

Limiting Belief No.2

I need another qualification.

Really? Do you think that another course, another education, another certificate will prove that you are an expert in your field? Most likely, that's how you've grown up believing in such a thing (btw, me too), but I can assure you that is not anymore required. It is great to self-educate yourself and always want to improve and grow in things that interest you, but it is not required for your success. That's what I am trying to say. Often you might spot a pattern that you seek more information and education only for the sake of validation towards your expertise. That should not be the point. If you like to educate yourself, do it! It is one of the most beautiful gifts you can give to yourself, but don't condition your success for it.

Limiting Belief No.3

I am too young/too old.

Are you? Or is it just a very unpopular opinion in nowadays society to decide according to the age if you should or should not do something? Who even has the right to say if you are too young or too old after all? Listen, you are at a perfect time of your life at this very moment. Divine Timing is always playing in your favor. Don't get caught up in the age game because that is just a concept you have been taught to believe. The biggest prerequisite to flourish, thrive, and be successful in anything is your passion for it. I can guarantee you that no one cares whether you are 20 or 45. People care about what you have to say and if you can help them. So as long as you have something valuable to share, something that can help someone else, don't keep it for yourself just because you feel discouraged by your young or old age. In the end, age is just a number.

Limiting Belief No.4

I will invest in a coach/mentor after I see some results.

Please save yourself time, money, and energy while feeding this limiting belief that you should invest in guidance after you experience some kind of success (small or big). Investing in yourself, especially in a coach or mentor for yourself, will bring you success faster, save you time and in the long run, you will earn and gain more. This is something I cannot emphasize more. Having that mentorship, accountability, someone who can help you dissolve the hidden blocks you can't see yourself and helps you create momentum is literally priceless. The earlier you surround yourself with such a person or community, the faster you will see results.

Limiting Belief No.5

I need to be everywhere.

When it comes to online business and exposing yourself, it can become quite overwhelming. Too many social media platforms, creating a website, starting a podcast, it can feel like a lot. Even if you hear from marketers that you need to be present everywhere, from my experience, I humbly disagree. Don't take me wrong, it's nothing bad to be everywhere, but as a first-time online-preneur, it can be quite time-consuming and stressful. In my modest opinion, choosing a platform that you feel the most aligned with, together with knowing if your audience is based, there is a smart move to do. You can always expand further, but for the beginning, I would highly suggest keeping it within 1-2 platforms maximum. As you grow, you can always add more. However, quality over quantity always pays off.


I would like to leave you with a little exercise in the end. Now having some understanding of limiting beliefs, I want to invite you to closely observe within 24-48 hours which 1 or 2 things from this article you might be thinking subconsciously as a first-time online-preneur and nurturing as a limiting belief. Be very observant and map your limiting beliefs - it can be the way you think, the thought pattern that is repeating on an everyday basis, the unpopular opinion you hold too tight to, and so on. Don't forget to be gentle with yourself. We are all work in progress, and we learn as we go.

If you enjoyed the article and would like to know more about me, please visit my website. I'd like you to come and say hi.

I am also present on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


Barbora Jedlovská, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Barbora Jedlovska is a proud 1/3 emotional Projector, Subconscious Coach, Human Design Guide, and an online educator and business owner.

Barbora helps first-time onlinepreneurs on how to grow and maintain flourishing online business with ease and flow so that they work only three days a week. Unlike other approaches that focus mainly on doing which eventually leads to burning out, Barbora's approach emphasizes transforming deeply rooted limiting stories and aligning to your unique energy signature and soul's essence so you can vibrationally attract more while doing less. This process allows you to embody your authentic energy and do everything from a place of alignment.

Barbora's approach is half scientific and half esoteric/spiritual as she strongly believes that both aspects are equally important when it comes to transforming someone's life. In her work, she applies Human Design, Neuroscience, Quantum physics, Spirituality, and Energetics.

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