Written by: Barbora Jedlovská, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

You are offering terrific services! You know you can help many people. You want to shout from the rooftops: 'Hey, I have the solution! Hire me now!' And yet, your potential clients just look at you, roll their eyes, and walk away. At that moment, it hits you 'My clients don't even know they need me'!

So where the h*ck is the problem? Let me tell you.
Sell the results they want ‒ NOT your expert solution If you are a coach, therapist, practitioner, nutritionist, or someone in the self-help industry, you need to realize that you as a business owner are wearing two hats ‒ you are a marketer and a coach/therapist/nutritionist etc. And even more important, you need to distinguish when to wear each hat. So as much as you want to show that you are a great coach, keep all that for actual coaching sessions and when it comes to speaking to your prospects and potential clients, put on a 'marketer' hat, big time! Why? Let me explain the logic behind this. If you are talking to your audience, leads, or prospects in 'coaching' language, you usually talk about the root of the problem. But guess what? Your audience does not know that, they don't relate to the root, often they are not even aware of the root, that does not relate to them and therefore you want to speak to their symptoms which a great marketer always does. Let me state an example. Let's say I want to sell you painkillers for headaches. No marketer, no ad would talk about the root such as lack of hydration or lack of sleep first, instead, they would most likely speak to you describing your PAIN to the slightest details because that's what is bugging you and that is what you relate to the most and want to get rid off at the first place. Then, when you find a specialist, they might recommend you to improve your lifestyle, such as making sure you drink enough water or making sure you have good sleeping hygiene, but that's not what sells you the painkiller. So think about what your services do for others… How do your services reduce 'the pain' and what results does it give them? And keep your expert solution for the actual coaching sessions once they invested in you because you showed them you can help them get rid of their biggest pain.
Connect the dots between what they want and what you offer Your audience or potential clients need to see that there is a connection between what they want ‒ their desired results, and the offer you are having. They need to clearly see that the desired results X can be solved by you in your offer Y. With our previously stated example about a painkiller (offer), I would lead with the transformation from being in terrible pain, bad mood, not being able to enjoy moments with your family, or focusing properly on work which elevates more stress that you are behind to carefree vibrant days, thinking clearly and living your days fully again (desired result).
Nail your messaging Having clear, concise, and consistent messaging is key. Often what I see in other onlinepreneurs is that the message is simply too confusing for their audience. The content can be great and even valuable however if your audience is not sure whether you are a health coach or an influencer, they will most likely leave. Keep in mind that people's attention span is only a few seconds and in those few seconds, you want to make sure that they will categorize you right for your field of expertise. So, as I said and it's worth repeating, be clear, concise, and consistent with your message and make sure that each content you put out there truly relates and speaks to your expertise and your offerings.
It's all about how you position your offer Now we getting to the point when you have your lead's attention. They may ask: 'How do you help me achieve XY?' That's when you start talking about your expertise, you start positioning yourself and your unique solution or method ‒ and show them how it all works together to get them what they want. They are all ears. They want to know what you've got. They are most likely dying to have your offer and when you did everything right as described in steps 1-3, they will be chomping at the bit to hire you. Once again, getting back to our initial example: you are not selling that painkiller ‒ you are selling life without pain, sharp focus, being happy and energized, thinking clearly, enjoying each moment. Whatever it is that’s important to the potential client that you can deliver with your solution.
Conclusion: When your prospects don't know they need to hire you, that's because you are trying to sell them what you know as an expert. You, instead, have to leave your coach hat and get into their head, be familiar with those painful symptoms of theirs and desired result, and enter the conversation there and sell to that conversation.
Your solution or process or how many modules you got does not matter. Until you make sure that you can show your potential client that you can give them what they want, your expert or coach hat is irrelevant.
''Your expertise is irrelevant. Your best module training is irrelevant. Your passion is irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the transformation your potential client wants and speak to that.'' Thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed this article. If you feel called for more Intuitive business guidance, don't hesitate to reach out.

Barbora Jedlovská, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Barbora Jedlovska is an international Mindset, Manifestation & Personal-development coach, online educator, and ex-pat living in Scandinavia for the last 11 years. She has been certified as a high-performance Proctor Gallagher consultant working alongside Bob Proctor.
Barbora helps to draw out your hidden blocks and blind spots, effortlessly dissolve them and propel you towards your highest potential. With Barbora, you work on reprogramming your thinking and unblocking limiting beliefs that are holding you back on your deepest subconscious level.
Barbora supports people who are stuck, frustrated, confused and isolated to find inner peace, clarity and connection so they can go all out and really flourish instead of merely existing or settling for a mediocre life. She is all about bringing more alignment and ease to your life while helping you to raise your awareness and consciousness to reach your full potential.
Barbora's approach is half scientific and half esoteric/spiritual as she strongly believes that both aspects are equally important when it comes to transforming someone's life. In her work, she applies Human Design, Neuroscience, Quantum physics, Spirituality and Energetics.