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You Get What You Focus On

Written by: Chris Janssen, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Don’t think of green. Don’t think of green. Don’t think of green.

What are you thinking about? Green, of course!

Here’s the deal: your thought language drives your focus. Your mind will latch like Velcro to your focus—good or bad. Focusing on what you don’t want will stick you with that negative mindset.

The words you allow to rule your subconscious matter, and today is the perfect time to refocus your mind. You get what you focus on, so:

  • focus on what you want—not what you don’t want.

  • focus on what you can control—not what you can’t.

  • focus on what you have—not what’s missing.

Simply put, mind your mind space. If thought is garbage, toss it out to make room for the good stuff. If past gunk starts to suck you down in its quicksand, free your mind by focusing on where you want to go, not where you are and where you’ve been.

The words you allow to play in your head matter—and moving forward really is a thinking thing you can control. Peak performance in life demands focus. Choose your focus; otherwise, other things or people will choose for you.

Here’s a simple focus-minded exercise:

On a colorful piece of paper, write down what you want to focus on (or find a picture that illustrates it) and use that goal as a focal point throughout your day. Consider making it your smartphone wallpaper. Post it on mirrors in your home and office. Make it the screensaver for your laptop. The trick is to strategically place that focus where you’ll see it quickly and often.

Whenever an off-the-positive-track thought tries to hijack your mindset, shift your eyes to your new focal point. Practice bouncing your focus from what you don’t want to what you do want. Soon your new focus will become your natural mind language. You’ll train your brain to focus on where you want to go.

So, what’s your focus today?

© 2021 Chris Janssen. No part of this article may be reproduced online or in print without the author’s written permission.

Want to learn more from Chris? Follow her on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin or visit her website.


Chris Janssen, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Chris Janssen is a Board Certified Life Coach with an honest, strategic style who helps her clients master habits and skills to move toward and thrive in what they love. Chris excels in working with high performers and understands the character traits associated with driven achievers. As a trained Business Coach, Chris specializes in closing the gap between where a company or individual is and where they want to be. Chris partners with her clients to access their creativity and resourcefulness necessary to achieve the sustainable results they want. She cares deeply about her clients' careers, relationships, spirituality, wellness, health, patterns, and mindsets. Chris says her clients are experts at what they do and she is an expert at the psychology of what they do. Together they are unstoppable.

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