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What Is Animal Communication?

Emma Liston is best known for her "magical" ability that goes beyond traditional energy healing. As the heart of Being-Magic, she works with both humans and animals, though animals are her true passion. Calling herself an “animal kingdom guardian,” she sees her work as a life purpose, using her unique gifts to bring comfort to those she helps.

Executive Contributor Emma Liston

Animal communication covers many aspects, from how animals convey information to other animals via chemicals (pheromones) to sounds, colors, odors, and movement. It can also be linked to the study of general animal behaviors. Then there is the more "woo-woo" aspect of engaging in a "conversation" with your animal as you would with a friend. So, what exactly does this mean? You may have companion animals (pets) that share your life and home and are as important to you as your human family. You may be curious about what your animal is thinking or why they do certain things. Perhaps there is one animal whose loss you still feel deeply, even after many years. This article aims to explain this "conversational" aspect in more detail.

Teenage girl sitting on sofa playing with her black dog

Understanding the deeper relationship between animals and humans

To animal lovers, there is no difference between their animal companions (pets) and their human family members. In fact, many will tell you that their animals often mean more to them! Animals accept you just the way you are, they don’t judge, and they offer only love. Animal communication can be a beautiful way to explore the deeper relationship between you and your animal when you realize they are sentient and sovereign beings, just like you.

Your view of your animal may be altered as you learn that they are more like you than you first realized, have messages for you, and often help you in ways beyond your understanding. In a series of books called His Dark Materials, Philip Pullman beautifully illustrates the deep bond between humans and animals in a rather unusual and magical way.

Can animals really talk?

Yes, they can, and they do this all the time. Think about a dog wagging its tail to show it’s happy or a cat raising its fur to show it’s not so happy! They may not use words, but when you consider that 90% of human communication is non-verbal, it isn’t really a stretch to apply this to animals too.

But this can be taken one step further. Consider the times when you may have thought of someone, and then they call you soon after. Or when you and a friend both say the exact same sentence at the same time. This is a form of telepathy, and every individual has experienced it many times in their lives, even though they may not be conscious of it. It’s through telepathy that you are truly able to converse with your animals. Think about this in the same way that a medium may make contact with a loved one who has crossed over; this is also a form of telepathy, in a sense.

What is the role of an animal communicator?

An animal communicator can help with all sorts of issues when it comes to your animals, ranging from behavioral to emotional and even physical. For example, your animal may be exhibiting an "undesirable" behavior, you may have a medical "mystery," or your animal might seem to have a seemingly irrational fear. The communicator goes to work with an open and curious mind, allowing the information to flow.

It’s important to understand that the animal communicator is just an interpreter of messages and that each communicator will interpret these messages in their own unique way. This is why you need to find a communicator who "feels right" for you. In addition, a good animal communicator is there to share information from the animal’s perspective; it’s literally their job to be the animal’s voice, no matter what. Therefore, a good communicator will share all they receive, even if it’s uncomfortable. The communicator knows that animals always have their human best interests at heart, and everything comes from a place of unconditional love.

5 Ways in which animal communication can help

1. Behavioral issues

Perhaps your cat will not use the litter box, or your dog is aggressive with visitors. Animal communicators can find out the "why." It may be hard to believe, but animals do not just act out randomly; there is always a reason, and it’s often a surprising one.

2. Emotional issues

You may find that when you leave the house, your dog becomes destructive due to some kind of separation anxiety. It could be that your cat won’t eat and seems "sad," but there’s no medical condition evident. There can be a multitude of reasons for these issues, ranging from very simple to quite complex.

3. Physical issues

It may be that your animal keeps getting a recurring ailment, no matter how many different treatments you have tried. In some cases, your animal may be "mirroring" something that needs to be looked at by you or even physically taking on a condition so that you do not become ill. Whatever the reason, an animal communicator can help you find the root cause and explore what other healing methods may work to resolve the issue.

4. End of life

As an animal lover, one of the hardest times you may face is knowing when your animal is ready to leave its body. You may swing between worrying whether your animal is suffering and being concerned about euthanizing it too soon. Animal communicators can assist in finding out what the animal actually wants, and in most cases, you will discover you already "know," on some level, what your animal wishes for. This can provide much peace of mind during a time of extreme emotional upheaval.

5. Animals in spirit

Communicating with your animals who are no longer in a physical body is one of the most sacred "services" an animal communicator can provide. This may seem a bit of a stretch, but consider the fact that everything is energy, and energy never dies. When the soul of your animal leaves its physical body, its essence is still very much "alive." In fact, the animals you feel the most connected to have often been with you in more than one lifetime or perhaps more than once in this very lifetime. An animal communicator can provide the means for you to connect with any animal that has passed. These "conversations" can be some of the most sacred of all, often helping you work through any doubts or deep grief that may be lingering.

Why does all this matter?

As we evolve and begin to reconnect with ourselves, our planet, and one another as human beings, animals have an essential role to play. Firstly, they are whom we share our planet with they are sentient beings just like us. When we truly connect at this level, we lose the illusion of separation and realize we are all part of one whole and that we are all important parts of this whole. Secondly, animals have mastered unconditional love, and humans have much to learn from them in this regard. Finally, accepting others with different viewpoints, appearances, and even different species is an important step toward creating a more peaceful, loving, and connected planet.

Start connecting with your animal today

If you love your animals and want to learn more about them, and this article has piqued your interest, your world is about to become much richer and much more fun! Your animals have so much to teach you and tell you. They aren’t here in physical form for very long, so if you feel called, now is the time to reach out and truly connect with your animal at this deeper soul level. Animals often have soul contracts with you, which will be explored in a later article.

Do some research and find an animal communicator who resonates with you (you will always be led to the right one). If you still have questions or aren’t quite sure where to go from here, book a call to learn more about the bond you share with your animal, thereby enriching both your life and theirs.

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Emma Liston, Energy Healer

Emma Liston is a passionate advocate for animals, combining healing and interspecies communication to create meaningful change. Together with her global community, she facilitates worldwide healing events for animals affected by war, natural disasters, and other crises. Her unwavering belief in the magic that surrounds us, drives her to inspire a global shift in the way we care for all living beings—one animal, one human, and one act of kindness at a time.

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