Written by: Maxine K. Brown, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Wow, what a year. In January, we packed up our final few belongings and moved into a holiday let for six weeks whilst our narrowboat Never Two Late was completed. It had been a hell of a journey, and the final few weeks were extremely stressful. The delays were getting to us as a couple, and then, on March the 3rd, that was it; we moved aboard.

We made many trips to and fro, filling up the boat and making it into our home. It was a hell of a learning curve, and it wasn’t made very easy with the fitter going back on his word of the handover. There wasn’t one. But after speaking to many other boaters over the last nine months, this is a common practice, which is a shame. We argued more than ever before, blaming each other for what hadn’t been done to our specifications. It was terrifying at one point. I think we both thought our dream was not going to continue. Luckily, deep down, we were solid, and we were not going to let others ruin what we had been dreaming of for years. We had fantastic support from my parents, and I don’t think we would be where we are today if it were not for them.
Changing your life can be scary, and you find out who is behind you and supporting your changes. If it is something you want, you should go for it. You only have one life, and it's never too late hence our boat name, Never Two Late.
I had always wanted to continue working, albeit part-time, this has worked out well for me, and the pandemic helped as I do all my coaching over zoom or telephone. Clients are comfortable with this, and due to the pandemic, it has become more common to seek non-face-to-face support. My clients help me, too, as I know I am helping them, giving me a purpose, which I have found over the months I need. I have a small office in the front of my boat, and I book my clients to work around my travelling. I am offering FREE half-hour sessions to ensure that my client is happy working with me, that I am happy with them, and that I know that I can help them.
I have written three children's books during my relaxation time, and their feedback has been excellent. The books are all about our Lakeland terrier cross. The adventures of Mexi the boat dog, each book has an underlying lesson to the child; the first is to be kind to everyone, the second is about the death of a friend, and the third is about being good. I shall also add another self-help book to my repertoire next year to help grieving people. All my books are available from Amazon.
Finally, one of the best things I have done this year is to start my Alternative Living Chats podcast. This allows me to talk to many different people who have also changed their lives, it is so interesting, and everyone has a different story.
Why am I telling you all this? Life is so short. You don’t know what is going to happen next year. If you have a dream, start planning to live it. Yes, there will be hiccups and difficult roads to go down, but honestly, if you never try, you will have many regrets. I have learned much this year about myself, my relationship and my business. I wouldn’t change a thing because I wouldn’t be where I am now, loving my life, truly in love with my husband for being brave enough to do this and helping and inspiring others to go for their dreams or change their lives to make them better for them.
If you need support, message me; thank you for reading this and good luck with your dreams.

Maxine K. Brown, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Maxine has for many years been completing different coaching and counselling courses to enable her to help people that are going through challenging times. She specialises in grief and bereavement support. She started MKB Life Coach to give affordable support to others.
She has personally been through loss, a marriage breakup, and complicated times throughout her life, so she can relate to you even though no person’s situation is the same.
She aims to assist people in enabling them to continue with their lives and feel happy and content when they have struggled through life-changing periods of their lives.
Her values are to be supportive, empathetic, and affordable always, and she wants everyone to feel safe when they are either in a one to one or group session with her.
Recently she has published a self-help book, “31 Days Life Changing Journal”, which is aimed at helping people change their mindset and start to become positive after going through a traumatic time.
Maxine believes it is essential that you feel at ease with her when you are working together, so with this in mind, she offers everyone a free hour meeting.