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Useful Habits That Will Help In Learning And Self-Development

The world is constantly changing: new technologies are emerging, the pace of life is getting faster, and the amount of information is growing every day. To keep up with all the changes, it is important to learn and develop. Today we’ll talk about good habits that will help simplify learning.

#1. Psyching up

To develop good habits for studying, first of all, you need to properly psych yourself up, that is, mentally prepare for learning. This will help certain rituals that will accompany your training.

For example, put a mug of your favorite tea on the table every time or light a candle. This will mean that now is the time for productive work. When such a ritual becomes a habit, it will be easier for the brain to tune in to learning.

#2. Self-reward

Rewarding yourself can be another useful habit for self-development. Our brain loves to be praised. BBC study proved that compliments make a person feel better and become more productive.

Set yourself rewards for learning blocks of information (for example, for reading a book or listening to a podcast). As a reward, you can buy something for your collection, attend a concert, SPA or even go for a weekend out of town or to a massage in Dubai. Massage is generally an ideal gift – it will not only give positive emotions, but also improve health. If the massage session was carried out correctly, then lightness, relaxation, tone in the body and purity of mind are usually felt.

Important! So that the reward was something desired, but not necessary. Don’t set food as praise: you should always eat well, regardless of training.

#3. Mnemonics

Mnemonics are techniques that help you remember information quickly and efficiently.

At school, we often taught the rules with funny rhymes and phrases. You can come up with your own abbreviations, rhymes, associations, etc. If you need to learn foreign words, try to associate them with different objects.

Using these habits for self-development, you will be able to absorb the material more easily. We recommend developing this skill every day for 5-10 minutes.

#4. Refusal of self-criticism

Self-criticism is not always a good habit. Sometimes it can lead to anxiety and depression. The more we blame ourselves for our own failures, the worse our mood and well-being, and this is a direct path to serious psychological problems. Therefore, don’t reproach yourself too much for the difficulties that arise in your studies.

Analyze your actions by asking yourself questions: “What can I do better next time? What other topic do I need to study to make this question more clear? Who can help me to study this topic? This method will help you stop criticizing yourself if you made a mistake or did not take the time to study a certain issue.

#5. Discipline

Discipline is an important habit for those who want to achieve serious results. And here you need to clearly understand why you need self-development, what global goal ignites you for this activity. For example, learn Spanish to travel around the world.

Also, a necessary condition for good discipline is the resource state. If you are filled with energy, it will be easier for you to take actions, even if at the moment they are boring and uninteresting. These useful habits for self-development will allow you to competently organize the learning process.

To develop discipline, create for yourself the right conditions for learning: the psychological mood, the environment, the time allocated according to the plan, and the necessary materials. Try to build perseverance and diligence. Always keep motivation in mind and don’t forget about the goal. This will help to avoid lengthy preparation and, as a result, postponing important tasks.

Move towards the goal in steps: set mini-tasks and deadlines for their implementation (for example, read four books in a month, that is, you need to read one book a week). If you can’t become disciplined, work on bad habits: gadget addiction, entertainment abuse, etc.


Despite the fact that good habits for self-development should be present in our lives every day, a person cannot study around the clock. If you constantly overload the brain, problems with productivity, health and emotional state can begin. Therefore, when planning a day, determine the time not only for training, but also for rest.

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