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Understanding The Money A.K.A The Exchange Of Energy On A Deeper Level

Written by: Tugce Ozdeger, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Money is an enabler, a tool we humans created and yet gave a lot of different meanings. I call the money “she”. She is an energy like air, water, light, and the only difference is how we are treated and what kind of meaning we gave it to her. What if everything we know about money does not belong to us that we’ve just inherited from previous generations and learned from others. What if we were born to manifest money to experience the world in this physically formed human body? What a relief isn’t it? This mind shift alone can help us dissolve all the shame, pressure, and guilt about not having enough and not deserving money. What about that “Money is no different than the air we breathe in”? She is everywhere and is always around us to support if we can notice her and let more of her in our life.

None of us was not financially literate in this world and we learned different ways of how we can trade our time with money and how to work for money in school and university which is definitely not why we are incarnated in this lifetime. We are here to create and the more money we create the more options we have to contribute to human evolution in a positive way. We can only make a contribution to the greater good to the extent of our own growth and money definitely gives us the options to make the choice for the good. Therefore, the more we understand and improve the relationship with money, the more options we have in life. Building the relationship with money is a journey, not a destination, as we continue to crack open for any progress that will take us forward on this journey, we become better humans that are attracting more of what we desire in life.

Then the question is what the key aspects to consider are on this journey. Here are my 3 top tips to continue hacking the money journey:

  1. Start to see money as a person e.g. as your friend and notice how you treat her. Is there anything you want to improve to have a better relationship with your new friend?

  2. Notice how you feel when you receive and spend money. Whatever you feel, remember that money feels the same. Are there any emotions that you want to just let go and release?

  3. Date with money and make her feel special. The funny part of this is that the more you improve your relationship with money, you will notice.

Last but not the least, say “I love you money” because she already loves you so much <3

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and visit my website!


Tugce Ozdeger, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine Tugce Ozdeger is a Senior Software Engineer and a Career Acceleration Mentor for Women in Tech. After a long corporate career, Tugce created strategies to level up her tech career on her own terms. She has since dedicated her life to helping women to unleash their full potential by defining a lucrative career that allows them to experience the life of their dreams in tech. She is the founder of Heart-Centric Tech Mentoring, an online tech career mentoring academy with students from many different countries. Tugce was featured in various digital publications and podcasts. She was a speaker at SweTugg, which is one of the prestigious tech conferences in Stockholm. Tugce was also the project leader for one of the most appreciated IT-Conferences for Women in Tech in Sweden, which was arranged completely digital. Her mission: More women in tech.



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