Written by Lisa Mechler, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master
Lisa Mechler is a yoga instructor, Reiki master and speech-language pathologist who offers a unique perspective on wellness by incorporating science, Spirit, and personal experience into her teachings. She is the founder of Lisa Mechler Wellness and offers a blend of yoga, Reiki, somatics, breathwork and meditation to serve the whole person.

Oneness is a common word in the spiritual community, but what is it really? Keep reading to learn what it is and how the concept can enhance your life.

The foundation of oneness
Simply put, Oneness refers to our innate interconnectedness. It is the idea that we are deeply and energetically connected to other humans, all living beings, our planet, and Divine Source, or the Higher Power of your own understanding.
Although this term may be trendy, the concept is not new. Many different religions and spiritual frameworks refer to the idea that “we are all the same,” that we are all created from the same energy or by a Creator. It’s the idea that no matter where we live, what language we speak, what our families look like, or our political affiliation, we all have the same basic human makeup.
This concept can be expanded beyond the physicality of being human and applied to different human experiences as well. Although we each have our unique lens through which we perceive life, it’s fair to say that many of us share common emotions throughout our lifetime. For example, we all know what it feels like to worry about the people we love during times of challenge, such as an illness. We likely have all felt some sense of self-doubt, a lack of belonging within a certain group, or fear when something scary happens. Sure, we may not find the same things scary, but we all know what it’s like to experience fear. These commonalities keep us connected and remind us of our similarities despite our differences.
The expansiveness of oneness
Oneness takes these concepts one step further to convey that not only is our basic makeup the same, but our energies are deeply intertwined. Have you ever walked into a room and felt tension? Or perhaps you know someone who makes you feel at ease just by being around. These are simple examples of how our energy is constantly in relationship with the energy of others. All living beings are made of energy, so wouldn’t it make sense that the energy of one would interact with others?
Oneness is the inextricable existence of all living beings and our planet. It is instinctive, deeply rooted knowledge within our hearts that we are all interconnected. Although we are unique individuals, we are not separate from one another. We are all reflections of the Divine, and our spirits are as expansive as the Universe.
This interdependence and connection is why we can jump in an emergency to help a perfect stranger. It is why we can feel compassion for a wild animal who is suffering. It is why we can sometimes think of a person, and they call the next day. And it’s why we can feel grief when nature’s beauty is destroyed by fire or human intervention.
How to connect with a sense of oneness
Connecting to Oneness may not be as hard as you think. Have you ever been in nature and felt utter awe? Maybe you were on a beach soaking in the vastness of the ocean, or in the mountains witnessing the sweeping views, or watching the beauty of the sun rise or set. These moments, when we feel a deep sense of wonderment and reverence for Mother Earth, are often some of the easiest to connect with a sense of Oneness.
To connect even more deeply, try this brief exercise:
Sit upright, place your feet on the floor, and close your eyes. Place your hands over the center of your chest, one hand on top of the other, and gently press into your sternum or breastbone. Take several deep breaths and invite any shielding of your heart to soften.
Bring to mind someone you are deeply grateful for, and allow the love in your heart to expand with each inhale. Once you can no longer contain this amount of love, begin to share it with the person, not through words but through an energetic outpouring of your heart. Imagine them receiving your gratitude, allowing you both to experience this moment of tenderness and appreciation.
To continue exploring the expansiveness of Oneness, repeat the above exercise with something in nature that you feel drawn to. Then, if you have a spiritual or religious practice, repeat with any possible Creator of your own understanding.
Benefits of connecting to oneness
When we connect with Oneness, we can deeply understand that our communities, countries, and the human race can only thrive if we all thrive as individuals. When one person is suffering, it affects us all. The way we each behave and carry ourselves in the world has a profound ripple effect. With this understanding, we can begin to see how important it is to offer others compassion, understanding, and support despite any differences between us.
Oneness also allows us to recognize the sense of responsibility we each have for getting to know ourselves, doing our own inner work, and becoming the best person we can possibly be. Through the lens of Oneness, self-care and self-love are not selfish but, rather, become vital in allowing us all to thrive and flourish within the collective ecosystem.
As poet Rumi wrote, “You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop.”
If you feel called to explore this concept on a deeper level and want some guidance, reach out to Lisa here. We are all in this together, after all!
Read more from Lisa Mechler
Lisa Mechler, Yoga Teacher, Reiki Master
Lisa Mechler, RYT500, RPYT, CCC-SLP is a Reiki master, yoga teacher with additional specialization in Prenatal yoga, licensed Speech-Language Pathologist, mom and animal lover. She was drawn to yoga in 2006 as a form of exercise but after continued practice, she noticed her inner dialogue shifting: she was kinder to herself and life began to feel more peaceful. She has completed extensive training in yoga, energy work, and somatics, and has a passion for sharing their physical, mental and Spiritual benefits with others.