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The True Meaning of Success

Written by: Kim Wagner, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


What does success look like to you?

Growing up, I always thought success was having a high-paying career, a fancy car, luxurious homes, and first-class travel. Everywhere I looked, marketing campaigns were showing that was how successful people lived. And let’s not forget that successful people are beautiful and have the perfect body and life.

But what if we all got it wrong? As we get older, many people realize that this is way off and that success is different for everyone.

“Success is really nothing more than the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. This means that any person who knows what they are doing and where they are going is a success. Any person with a goal towards which they are working is a successful person” — Earl Nightingale.

Success is not one size fits all. The trick is to get past all of our subconscious, preconceived ideas to find out what true success is for you.

In client sessions, we work through the layers of conditioning and subconscious beliefs to find their real meaning of success. By focusing on areas such as expectation, limiting beliefs, worthiness, equality and perception of freedom, we can start to explore what success means to each individual It’s such an amazing journey!

By the time we are 7 years old, a large portion of our belief blueprint has been installed. We literally are what we see, hear, feel and experience from a young age. However, you’ll notice that many children repeat the patterns of their parents and also earlier generations. If the belief systems are not changed, children often don’t break the cycle, and it simply keeps on repeating.

The damage that this perception of success does is massive. We are already carrying around negative and limiting beliefs about ourselves. Our self-talk is harsh and non-relenting - we certainly are our own worst enemy when it comes to being judgemental. Every time we cannot achieve one of these perceived levels of success, we feel like more of a failure. The cycle continues until we feel completely useless and have not achieved anything worthy. Unfortunately, these belief systems are also generational, so they have potentially come from many years ago and will continue until the beliefs are changed.

But what if we looked at this with fresh eyes? We cannot all have the same definition of success. It’s not possible to all be the same, and we all know people who seem to have it all but are very unhappy.

The ultimate proof of success is being happy. That’s it. Having the best paying job or biggest house does not fit anywhere in that world.

My definition of success is doing what I love, spending time with my tribe, and helping as many people as I can. Once I was able to let go of what I was supposed to do, the possibilities were endless. The opportunity to choose what I wanted was really exciting, and I’m so grateful to have had that realization so I can live a life full of success on my terms.

As long as we are doing things that make us happy, we have true success. Imagine not feeling like you have to do or be something that you’re not. And that you could choose your career, life partner, how you spend your time based on what makes you happy.

When we forget about what society deems as necessary for success, we open up a pandora's box of possibilities. With no limits or judgment, we can be free to choose our own destiny.

That is the true meaning of success.

For more info, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, or visit my website!


Kim Wagner, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Kim is a PSYCH-K® Facilitator, PER-K® Catalyst, Reiki Master, Intuitive Healer, Author, Speaker, and Educator.

After losing her mother to cancer whilst pregnant with her second child, Kim started to research and train in the field of belief systems and trauma. The learnings and results have been astounding.

Kim helps people to transform their lives. Her expertise is to heal trauma, replace negative and limiting belief systems and change the perception of stress.

With a corporate background, Kim's unique ability to help clients allows her to transform lives across the globe.

Kim is co-author of Upself Guidebook and an article contributor for multiple publications.


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