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Picture Your Path – 8 Steps To Making Smarter Life Choices Through Creative Visualization

Written by: Dr. Kapil and Rupali Apshankar, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Dr. Kapil and Rupali Apshankar

Life is a constant series of choices, and at times, it can be overwhelming. The sheer number of options and the fear of making the wrong decision can leave us feeling paralyzed. Whether it's choosing a career path that aligns with our passions, making important life decisions, or simply seeking happiness and fulfillment, the choices we face can sometimes feel like an insurmountable mountain to climb.

Woman standing in brown field

But fear not, for there is a powerful technique that can provide clarity and guide us towards smarter decision-making creative visualization. Creative visualization is the practice of using your imagination to create vivid mental images of your desired outcomes. By visualizing your goals and dreams with intention and focus, you tap into the power of your subconscious mind and set the stage for success.

So how exactly does creative visualization work? It begins by recognizing that the mind is a powerful tool capable of influencing our reality. When we visualize our desired outcomes, we activate neural pathways in our brain and send signals to our subconscious mind, which then seeks to align our thoughts, beliefs, and actions with those visualizations. In essence, creative visualization helps us create a mental blueprint for the life we want to live.

To harness the full potential of creative visualization, master these eight steps that will guide you on your journey towards making smarter life choices and living a more fulfilling life.

Step 1: Define your bliss 

Before you can effectively visualize your path to success, it's crucial to gain clarity on what truly brings you joy and fulfillment. Take time to reflect on your passions, values, and aspirations. What activities make you feel alive? What are your core values and beliefs? Understanding your bliss will serve as the foundation for your visualization practice.

Step 2: Create a vision

Use a vision board, treasure map, ideal scene or life book. All of these are very powerful tools that help bring your desires to life in a tangible way. Gather images, quotes, and symbols that represent your goals and aspirations. Create a physical or digital collage that you can refer to regularly. By visually representing your dreams, you reinforce your intentions and keep them at the forefront of your mind.

Step 3: Practice meditation 

To make the most of your creative visualization practice, it's essential to cultivate a state of inner peace. Set aside dedicated time each day to quiet your mind and focus on the present moment. Engage in breath work, gratitude and energy work practices to center yourself and enhance your ability to visualize effectively.

Step 4: Engage your senses 

When visualizing your desired outcomes, engage all your senses. Imagine not only how your goals look but also how they feel, sound, taste, and smell. By incorporating sensory details into your visualizations, you create a more immersive experience that activates multiple neural pathways in your brain and strengthens the impact of your visualizations.

Step 5: Use positive affirmations 

Positive affirmations are powerful statements that reinforce your belief in the attainment of your goals. Incorporate uplifting affirmations into your visualization practice to boost your confidence and motivation. Repeat them aloud or write them down to program your subconscious mind with positive thoughts and beliefs.

Step 6: Align your actions 

Creative visualization is not a standalone solution; it must be accompanied by aligned actions. Break down your goals into manageable tasks and take steps towards them every day. By aligning your actions with your visualizations, you create momentum and increase the likelihood of success.

Step 7: Seek inspiration 

To enhance your creative visualization practice, seek inspiration from others who have achieved similar goals or faced similar challenges. Explore books, articles, podcasts, or documentaries that share success stories and provide valuable insights. Learning from those who have gone before you can give you wisdom and guidance to make smarter life choices.

Here are some starter ideas for you…

  1. "The power of now" by Eckhart Tolle This influential book explores the concept of living in the present moment and its transformative effects on personal growth.

  2. "The secret" by Rhonda Byrne This best-selling book delves into the law of attraction and how visualizing desired outcomes can manifest them into reality.

  3. TED talk by Angela Duckworth  In her talk titled "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance," Angela Duckworth discusses the importance of perseverance in achieving long-term goals.

  4. "Man's search for meaning" by Viktor Frankl This philosophical memoir explores the search for meaning and purpose in life, offering profound insights into personal growth and decision-making.

  5. Documentary "Jiro Dreams of Sushi"  This acclaimed documentary showcases the extraordinary dedication and passion of sushi chef Jiro Ono, inspiring viewers to pursue their dreams with unwavering commitment.

Step 8: Take action now 

Creative visualization is a powerful tool that can help you make smarter life choices and live your bliss. By following these eight steps defining your bliss, creating a vision board, practicing mindfulness, engaging your senses, using positive affirmations, aligning your actions, seeking inspiration, and taking action you can harness the full potential of creative visualization.


Live your bliss today


Now is the time to take action. Embrace the power of creative visualization and unlock a world of possibilities. Visualize yourself making those smarter life choices, achieving your goals, and living a life filled with joy and fulfillment. Remember, the choices you make today shape the path to your future. Picture it vividly, believe in yourself, and take inspired action towards the life you envision.

Don't wait for tomorrow; start visualizing today! Your bliss awaits you on this incredible journey of self-discovery and transformation.


Are you ready to chisel away the excess, paint your masterpiece, and step into a life of vibrant bliss? Join our global movement at Blissvana, take the reins of your life, and start living your bliss today.


At Blissvana, we believe that everyone is capable of creating a life of joy, peace, and profound satisfaction. Using the principles of success and happiness outlined in this article, Live Your Bliss is a Transformational Lifestyle Design System that Kapil and Rupali have meticulously crafted to empower you to DISCOVER, CREATE, and LIVE your very best life.


We invite you to book a free session with Kapil and Rupali and become the Michelangelo of your own life. The time is now to carve out a masterpiece of your life.


Say yes to bliss, yes to transformative living, and yes to a future where you are the architect of your joy. Don't wait for the perfect moment—create it. Book your free session now and let’s embark on this beautiful journey together.


Live boldly, live joyfully, live your bliss.

Follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, and visit our website for more info!

Dr. Kapil and Rupali Apshankar Brainz Magazine

Dr. Kapil and Rupali Apshankar, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Kapil and Rupali are Amazon's 1 bestselling authors and globally respected business and life strategists. They are founders of Blissvana, a boutique personal development, self-growth, and success studio. Their coaching methods have been proven at the highest levels of success in every dimension of human life. Kapil and Rupali's lives revolve around love, happiness, abundance, and bliss ‒ at home and work. Kapil and Rupali's purpose is to create the highest possible quality of life they can for themselves, and the people they love while helping others around them do the same.


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