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Phases Of Women’s Menstrual Cycle And Relationship With The Skin

Alondra Forteza Cedeño is a Biomedical and Medical Esthetician who incorporates the best scientific evidence and technology, offering the best treatments for her patients. She is the founder of Mímate Aesthetic & Spa, a medical spa to improve the health of your skin.

Executive Contributor Alondra Forteza Cedeño

Have you noticed that during the days of your period or the days before, you begin to experience changes in your skin, such as "breakouts"? Every woman goes through phases throughout her menstrual cycle that not only have a direct relationship with hormones but also influence the state of the skin. Progesterone and estrogens are the main female sexual hormones involved in the phases.

A young woman sits on a sofa, clutching her abdomen with a pained expression,

Follicular phase

This phase begins at the beginning of menstruation and continues until ovulation. During this period, estrogens increase. They have a moisturizing action and are associated with collagen synthesis, so during this period, your skin looks more hydrated. Also, improving the function of the skin barrier.


During this phase, estrogen reaches its maximum level, so it is common for your skin to look with a healthy glow.

Luteal phase

Starts from ovulation until the start of the next menstruation. During this phase, more progesterone is produced, so your skin may present greater sebum secretion as the sebaceous glands are stimulated. It may look oilier. When the luteal phase is

about to end, it is common for acne breakouts to occur, before the start of menstruation.


During menstruation, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease, so it is common for your skin to look drier or duller.

What can we do to have better overall skin control during these phases?

  • Have a skincare routine according to your skin type

  • Use appropriate ingredients that, in case of acne, help control it

  • Have a balanced diet this helps improve the health of your skin from within

Start your journey today

As you have learned, it is common to experience these changes in the skin. The important thing is that you remember that we can help you maintain a balance in your skin during the different phases of the menstrual cycle. If you are looking for more guidance, visit our link for more information, tips, and skin consultations.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and visit my website for more info!


Alondra Forteza Cedeño, Biomedical, Medical Esthetician

Alondra Forteza Cedeño is a Biomedical and Medical Esthetician who incorporates the best scientific evidence and technology, offering the best treatments for her patients. She is the founder of Mímate Aesthetic & Spa, a medical spa with the mission to improve the health of your skin. She is certified in the most effective skin treatments and innovative technology. Alondra is constantly educated, and she uses her social media to educate and provide valuable information for the benefit of all.

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