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Modern Mediumship: How Anyone Can Tap Into Their Psychic Abilities – Interview With Laurie Parente

Laurie Parente is an Intuitive Guide, Medium, Certified Angel Card Reader, and fourth-generation Energetic Healer who works with her gifts and education to connect you with your own inner wisdom and spiritual support team.

Her warm presence, her soft-spoken and nurturing voice, and her vast education bring comfort, connection, peace and healing to everyone she meets and works with.

Following a successful career as a music educator and after a profound awakening experience, Laurie Parente took a deep dive into studying Angels, Meditation, Quantum Healing, Intuition, Manifestation, Shamanism, Soul Retrieval, and a host of other modalities. With the support of her Spiritual team and her extensive knowledge, Laurie started uncovering pathways for her healing journey and for imparting healing wisdom to others. Combining her years of learning and diving deep into her healing journey, she began radiating her light and sharing her gifts with the world.


 ‘’I Believe that we all have the ability to directly speak to spirit, and it is my mission to help you discover how to communicate with your loved ones who have crossed over, your Angels, Guides, Mentors, Teachers and your entire team in Spirit. ’’ – LP


As the CEO and Founder of Parente Inner Harmony Academy, of the quarterly live ‘’Reclaim Your Light’’ Healing Course and creator of ‘’Awaken Your Spiritual Potential’’ online course, Laurie guides us with light and love as she provides us with the gifts of connecting with our loved ones in spirit, our spirit team, angels and our light.

Laurie’s presence is impactful, inspiring and uplifting and her voice has travelled internationally to support and guide us through meditations, Angelic light language and her wisdom in various sessions, classes, summits, podcasts and interviews.


Image photo of Laurie Parente

Laurie Parente, Spiritual Healer, Intuitive Guide, and Transformational Coach

What is mediumship and how did it impact your life and healing?


I believe we all have the one thing that sparks us to the knowing that we are more than just our physical bodies. For me, that was reconnecting to my mediumship. It was the remembrance of how connected I was as a child and how much my programming (either that I took on or was handed to me) had covered up my natural abilities.


I've always felt a deep connection with spirit, but it was something I was taught to keep hidden, to keep to myself. Over time, I learned to listen to this calling. My awakening seemed to ebb and flow throughout my life until my 40s when it finally became a constant presence.

The knowledge was always within me, but it wasn't until I took a mediumship course with James Van Praagh and profoundly connected with my Mom and Nana in spirit, that I fully embraced my gift of connection. It became clear to me that this was my purpose, and I knew I had to bring awareness to mediumship and show others that all of us can connect in this way. By exploring our innate psychic abilities, we are all capable of finding how we connect to our loved ones and our entire teams in spirit.

For me, mediumship isn't just about connecting with our spiritual teams; it's also a path to healing and transformation. As an Intuitive Guide and Medium, I see myself as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, relaying messages, information, clarity, or evidence from passed loved ones, spirit guides, angels, and other spiritual beings.

Connecting with spirituality, stepping into one's power and light, and practicing mediumship can bring a profound sense of support and can have a transformative impact on healing.

Before my mediumship training and deep dive into healing modalities, I was experiencing anxiety, overthinking, rumination on the past, worrying about the future, indecision, feeling stuck, and struggling in relationships.

Mediumship and spiritual connection lifted a veil in my life, allowing me to see the parts of myself I had been silencing. With the help of my spirit team, I began to unwind and release stored emotions and limiting beliefs, transforming my life and my healing journey.

My passion lies not only in connecting others with their spirit teams but also in guiding them to connect with their guides independently. It reminds me of the saying, "Catch a fish, feed a person for a day. Teach a person to fish, you will feed them for life." This is my approach to healing, connection, and transformation—providing wisdom, tools, support, and love for individuals to rediscover their inner wisdom and ability to connect. We are all our own healers. You are the healer of your life – in every facet of your life! My passion is to open you to tools and innate abilities that remind you how to heal. 


‘’As a spiritual mentor, It is my passion to genuinely connect you with your own inner wisdom and spiritual support team to begin living a soul-led life.’’ LP


How do your sessions, courses, angelic light language and meditative journeys help others navigate a healing journey?

In my sessions and group programs, I am passionate about creating an expansive, transformative, and comforting experience for individuals at any stage of their healing and connection journey. I pour my infinite gifts, wisdom, channelled messages, light language, and heart into guiding participants on a journey to create their very own Soul Sanctuary. This sanctuary is a place where they can connect with their Spirit Teams – Angels, Loved ones, Mentors, Teachers, and more for messages, support and validations.

My sessions bring a breath of fresh air, calm, and hope as I guide participants through meditative journeys to find the answers they seek internally. These journeys not only facilitate a connection to their sanctuary and team but also help release past burdens, bring clarity, find forgiveness and empower them to gain a different perspective on the past, no longer allowing the past to inform their present or project worries into the future; essentially allowing life to flow in the present moment.


One of my passions is helping others navigate grief, drawing from my own healing journey. I naturally provide acceptance, understanding, and compassionate energy to those processing the transition of a loved one and seeking to continue their relationship and connection with them in spirit.

I am dedicated to helping individuals uncover their "not enoughs’’ by guiding them through releasing old stories and limiting beliefs that no longer serve their highest good and well-being. My sessions are intricate, beautiful, and expansive, incorporating gentle visualization meditations, colour activations, and light language to deepen the connection to oneself and fuel momentum and curiosity for further exploration.

Throughout my career journey in helping others discover mediumship, psychic abilities, spirit connection, and reclaiming their light, I've poured my heart into creating free listening resources, courses, programs, podcasts, interviews, one-on-one sessions, and events. My goal is to provide support, guidance, and love to everyone as they navigate their connection, spirituality, and transformative healing.

What are 5 main ways Mediumship supports transformative healing?

Mediumship and connection to your spirit team, guides, angels and loved ones who have transitioned back to spirit can have a profound impact on healing for several reasons.

Mediumship changed my ideology on the connectedness of life, and it is my mission to help support others by learning how mediumship is a transformational tool for healing.

Here are a few ways mediumship supports a transformational journey of authenticity and well-being.

  1. Grief support: My expertise in navigating a grief-healing journey provides comfort to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one. Receiving messages through our sessions or receiving validations from the spirit of loved ones can offer emotional healing, reassurance, and a sense of calm and peace while opening our awareness to a new kind of relationship with our loved ones who have passed/transitioned.

  2. Validation and evidence of connection: I present messages which provide evidence of the continuity of life after death. Validations from the spirit world such as specific details or personal messages, can help you recognize that your loved ones are still present and connected to you, bringing healing and a sense of spiritual understanding.

  3. Healing messages: I will receive messages and guidance from spirit guides or higher spiritual beings that offer insights, wisdom or guidance for personal growth and healing. These messages can provide clarity, direction, and a deeper understanding of one’s life journey.

  4. Spiritual growth: Sessions with me can facilitate spiritual growth and development. Connecting with the spiritual realm can open doors to higher levels of consciousness, expand awareness, and create a greater understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings. This in turn can lead to a personal transformation and healing.

  5. Emotional release: 1:1 sessions provide a safe space for individuals to express their emotions, share their thoughts, and release any unresolved emotions or feelings associated with the loss of a loved one, or seeking spiritual connection. This emotional release can be infinitely powerful to the healing process.

Can anyone develop their mediumship abilities?

I do believe we are meant to be aware of our connections to the spirit world. In that sense, when we become curious and are ready to explore our psychic abilities, we open ourselves to a whole new way of being.

To help people connect, I have created a free guide, along with a guided meditation, to get you started on your journey. In this guide, I offer gentle step-by-step instructions to connect with your loved ones in spirit. The included guided meditation will open you to connections beyond anything you thought possible!

If you have been curious about meeting with your loved ones, but don't know where to start, this guide and guided meditation will get you started on your journey of connection.


As someone who embarked on a journey of spiritual connection and healing later in life, what empowering guidance do you offer women eager to unleash their inner healing potential?

The path to opening ourselves to connection and releasing our past stories and limiting beliefs is exhilarating and also something completely different than anything we have done before.

Try these tips below to ensure your journey is filled with kindness and self-compassion. 

  1. Put your own oxygen mask on first. Start with your own healing and connection. In the beginning, only trust your journey with those who fully support you. Think of yourself like a delicate flower bud that needs your full nourishment.

  2. Be aware of your thoughts. You have likely heard the phrase, “Your thoughts create your reality”. Often, many people are shocked when they discover their looping thoughts. As Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.” Often our thoughts are run by our unconscious beliefs and the first step to changing these patterns is to notice our thoughts and to remember to be kind to ourselves as we uncover these patterns.

  3. Find ways to calm your mind. Try a variety of methods until you find what works for you. Start with breathing techniques, tapping, guided meditation, walking meditations, etc and keep going until you find the silence. Calming our minds doesn’t mean that we won’t have any thoughts, instead, it means that we see our thoughts differently and are able to let go of the thinking mind for moments.

  4. Trust yourself. Know that you have the innate ability to feel what is right for you. When you listen to teachers, take in what works for you and leave the rest. Your journey is as individual as your fingerprint. Hone your self-trust by listening to your inner guidance. That little voice inside that knows the way, the truth and the light.

  5. Allow your journey to flow without any set expectations. Be surprised! Be delighted! Be open and willing to explore. You will have profound insights and experiences. Avoid putting the expectation on your practice that all insights and experiences will be profound. Some will be small and simple. Allow every experience to be exactly as it is.


What inspires you most in your work?

There is always a distinct moment when I am leading others to discover their connections. I feel it so deeply. It is the moment they connect with a loved one in spirit on their own. There are always tears of remembrance for them as they connect soul to soul. Each time this happens, I am overwhelmed with gratitude and love for the connections that are facilitated through my work.

What services do you provide for your clients?

Throughout my career and journey in helping others discover mediumship, spirit connection, and reclaiming their light, I've dedicated myself to offering a wide array of resources. Whether it's through readings, courses, programs, podcasts, interviews, one-on-one sessions, or events, I aim to ensure that there's something for everyone. I want each individual to feel supported, guided, and loved as they navigate their connection, spirituality, and transformative healing.

It has truly become my mission to guide others to their inner knowing, to help them see that they are far more than just their physical bodies, and with trust in my distinct ability to see past the surface of the root cause of pain and discomfort, I am able to provide wisdom and healing tools appropriate to help others adapt to new situations and find their way forward.

Can you share some of your most impactful podcasts and interviews?

Sharing my voice, my truth and my wisdom with the world and helping others discover that they have access to these practices and abilities, has been so rewarding and a very impactful part of my journey. Over the years I have been so grateful to share connections, conversations and healings that raise the vibration of the collective and bring us back to the oneness and continuity of life.

These are a few of my most memorable connections that truly bring forth clarity around my teachings, practices, modalities and gifts and the essence of who I am.

  1. As an Angel expert I had been invited to speak on Guided Spirit Conversations with Dr. Marla Goldberg – Connecting with your angels with Laurie Parente and Kimberly Marooney. During this show, we discuss how to ask for protection plus other ways to connect with your angels, and how working with angels helps your spirituality. Connecting With Your Angels with Laurie Parente and Kimberly Marooney

  2. I also loved sharing my wisdom at the Self-Doubt Summit with Mitzi McMahon at the Your Voice Matters Women's Retreat. I channelled the most expansive and beautiful meditative journey to identify your limiting beliefs and release the old stories holding you back. The Light Language in this journey is brought through to guide you in letting go of all of your not-enoughs and to leave you feeling lighter and full of light. I Dive deep into my journey with self-doubt and imposter syndrome throughout various stages of my life and share in detail how everything shifted when I realized that life is happening for me, not to me, and I get to Co-Create it. Laurie Parente Summit with Mitzi McMahon

  3. In my latest podcast with Christina Rae (Founder of Power For Good Podcast) – Path to authentic living, intuition, Self Love and light language- I dive deep into my passion for using my intuitive guidance, shamanic journeys, and angelic light language to connect you to your spiritual teams to facilitate healing, in all areas of your life. Power for Good Podcast

It has been such a gift to share my voice, my truth, and my abilities to help guide you back to your inner wisdom to facilitate more peace, joy and acceptance in your life.


Are you able to share some of your clients' experiences in working with you?

I'm delighted to share testimonials from some remarkable clients who have generously shared their inspiring tales of healing and personal growth.


I feel immensely blessed to have had Laurie‘s compassionate support following the death of my dad.

Initially, I did not know that working with her would progress me into learning how to connect with my dad through meditation by myself. What a tremendous gift! It is an enormous source of comfort to now have the ability to “meet” with my dad’s spirit whenever I choose to do so. Laurie’s masterful techniques have also provided me with the opportunity to hear from my guardian angel, an Archangel, and other spiritual guides. This is a whole new world for me, but Laurie’s guidance has made me feel safe to explore it. I am impressed by how grounded and authentic Laurie is. It is obvious that she has strong connections to the spiritual realm, and I am grateful for all that she has taught me. – K.S.

A little background, I have been suffering from headaches for many years. When I woke up in the mornings. 95% of the time I would have a headache, always in the same spot. Over the years I had scans and tests done to ensure there were no problems happening in my brain, thankfully everything was normal. I tried on many occasions to get through the day without taking medication but sadly most days were not successful.

During day 1 healing exercise, you guided us to ask for healing for shame or self judgment and to identify where in our bodies we were holding it. For me, my headaches were what I identified as the place I have been holding this. I asked for healing and for release. It took me a few days to notice that I was not experiencing the morning headaches! They are gone and I have not suffered from any since that session! I thank you every day for guiding me into a safe place filled with love and peace that allowed me to let go and truly heal. For anyone who has not experienced the Reclaim Your Light session or any other amazing programs and services that Laurie offers, do yourself a favour and sign up. It can change your life. 

Thank you Laurie for all you give of yourself, I am Blessed to have you in my life. JT


Laurie has helped me identify as more than my physical body and pain. She has taught me that pain is not always telling us something is wrong, often it's our body's way of communicating with us. Laurie’s visualization techniques with colour help me connect to my chakras and channel centers, that help me bring love and light into the painful parts of my body. With her vast knowledge and infinite wisdom, she guides us to find comfort within ourselves and creates a sense of peace and calm that we can bring into each day. I have been able to connect with my spirit team, my transitioned best friend and have met with my Nan, by incorporating Laurie’s practices to my own life, connection and healing. Laurie truly has been an Angel that helped me see my power, light and worth again, and for that, I will forever be grateful and inspired. – J.D


The Reclaim Your Light series with Laurie has allowed me to come back to my own energy and light. I have a history of burnout and unprocessed grief, and working with Laurie’s Central Channeled breathing has been so powerful for me to return to my own energy. Laurie is one of those earth angels that radiates a beacon of light and provides a safe space for transformational healing.

Throughout the Reclaim Your Light program I had so many powerful experiences that helped me ground into my own energy. One of the most impactful takeaways I got from working with Laurie is that 70%-90% of the energy we pick up is invisible, and we can hold on to that and start to believe those energies are our own (which has definitely been the case for me) By utilizing the central channelled breathing I have been able to identify what my own energy feels like. I am so grateful for Laurie and have been able to move forward with so much more grace and gentleness with myself. –Dr. Riva


Could you share some of the techniques that you work with?


Yes, beyond offering my Intuitive Guidance and Mediumship abilities, I often work with the following three practices.

  1. Intentional breathing practices: I have loved seeing how transformational this technique can be and with my latest review from Dr. Riva, I know this is a powerful tool that everyone is able to access. Intentional breathing empowers you to reclaim your sovereignty of your own energy field. It fosters a deep sense of self-awareness, inner peace, and energetic autonomy, allowing you to breathe in your own energy and release anything that does not align with your authentic self. I work with this technique to facilitate the clearing of energy blockages. As individuals engage in deep, intentional breathing and visualization, they promote the flow of energy throughout their energetic system. This process can help dislodge stagnant or unwanted energy that may be lingering within the body, allowing it to be released and replaced with fresh, revitalizing energy. I have been so grateful to share the power of this practice after learning from Dr. Sue Morter.

  2. Angelic light language: I channel Light Language in my sessions. Light language is a Quantum language that has the unique ability to bypass the thinking brain and go straight to the heart space. Light Language provides comfort, peace and love for healing and activations. Angelic light language is a sacred and transformative practice that connects us with the angelic realm, fostering spiritual growth, healing, and alignment with divine purpose. Light Language has been a precious gift from my guides that I am so grateful to share with everyone.

  3. Meditative journeys: I believe it is a deep part of my soul mission to guide others through meditative healing journeys where they discover their true essence beyond their limiting beliefs, human conditioning, and ancestral and societal conditioning. Guiding clients to work with their soul records, their spiritual teams, their angels and transitioned loved ones is truly both life-changing and life-affirming. 


If someone is interested in working with you, what information would you share with them?


  1. Firstly, I would want them to know that if they are thinking about working on their healing and connections, it is coming into their field for a reason.

  2. Secondly, I would say that connecting with our Spiritual Teams is completely safe, and you will be held throughout the entire process. Mediumship is something that we have perhaps been taught is scary or we are hesitant because of something we heard or experienced in the past. Simply put, mediumship is opening ourselves up to being much more than our physical bodies and having the ability to communicate with our teams in spirit.

  3. My last piece of advice would be to do what feels right for you. Follow your inner guidance and truly believe that when you get beyond the stories and conditioning of the past, your heart will guide you and you can trust that implicitly.

If you are interested in working with Laurie further, I encourage you to sign up for her next Reclaim Your Light series, available on her website. Whether you are able to take the three-day healing classes in person or watch the replays, you will love working with Laurie!

Interview in collaboration with Jenn Tulk.

Read more from Laurie Parente


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