Adam Zargar is a Life Coach and the founder of UAE Coaching. Adam has been a coach since 2008 and had clients all over the world- in Dubai, Saudi, German, UK, Australia to mention a few. Read the full interview with Adam below!

We know you have a lot of qualifications/certifications, how important is for you to always learn new things?
Personal and professional growth is essential. If you are not growing in any aspect of your life, then that aspect and a little part of you is dying. In coaching, I talk about meeting my clients' spiritual needs with my clients, the need for growth and contribution. Since 2008, I have been striving to consistently step out of my comfort zone and develop new skills and knowledge and, most importantly, share that knowledge with friends, family, and clients. I have been on TV, in magazines and papers across the UAE and England, got multiple degrees in Psychology, Teaching and Masters in NLP Life Coaching and TimeLine Therapy, and have read countless development books as well as attended and run a number of wellness and personal development seminars and webinars.
It never used to be that way. I look back in the decades before 2008 to the shy, frustrated teenager to the procrastinating indecisive young adult. It is as if I am looking back at another person. I now know that it was not being lazy, that prevented me from stepping up. It was a fear and a lack of a why. The fear that I would not be good enough and simply not knowing my reason for doing and being was. It’s the same things I help my clients through now. You would be surprised how many influential and successful leaders I have worked with who on the surface have everything yet feel ‘not enough’ or unfulfilled underneath. Now my clients and I realize that you have to be consistent in raising your standards by learning. The energy and confidence you get from that consistent journey of growth and development beats any other feeling.
Changes I have made to lives
Since starting out as a Coach in 2008, I have been blessed to have helped so many people, and love that I am still in contact with them celebrating their next milestone achievements long after the formal coaching has finished. From clients who have got double promotions to helping leaders get organized and more productive, all the way to teens that have been bullied and gone on a journey of forgiveness and self-love, I have worked with a vast array of clients.
The big change that clients get from me is the gift to understand themselves better and have the tools to take ownership of their own state, which then leads to better behavior choices and long-term results. When I can get a person to see that it is an inside out job, that the way they think and feel about themselves
What do you enjoy helping people with the most?
I love helping people who really want to make changes. They have had enough of their current life and know they want more yet are not sure of how. As I used to be very shy and unconfident, I love helping people break through that belief barrier and then watch as every area of their life improves. Other areas I am passionate about are helping people take the next step in their careers or help them find their strengths and confidence in a new role.
If you could give 3 tips to someone who wants to improve the quality of their life, what would they be?
Laser focus on what you can have influence on, your mindset or actions, and take full 100% responsibility for these areas. Accountability is king!
Create a balanced structure to your day, centered around an early morning wake-up and success rituals across important areas, e.g., Health, work/learning, me time, family/relationship, and contribution. Take constant and never-ending improvement planned steps towards this.
Work on your thinking and the questions you ask yourself because literally, the quality of your life is based on these. It is an inside out job, so get great at understanding your conditioning and the wording of what you tell yourself.
The driving question I used is aligned with my needs. It is ‘How can I grow and contribute even more today?’ The even more states I am already enough yet can do more and opens up to the possibility of options for meeting the spiritual needs.
What do you have in front of you, and what is your next big goal or project?
My immediate goal is to learn even more to help my current clients and to build a community of support for them. I know I will enroll in the Gallup Strength Finder course in 2021, and that year will also concentrate on building up my personal brand (@coachadamzargar) to go alongside my successful UAE based coaching brand ‘Uae Coaching’ so I can create more opportunities in Europe on zoom or face to face.
My long term vision centers on giving back and centers on opening up an orphanage in India to help street children and equip them with everything they need to excel in life. As a former teacher, kids youth worker, and parent, I know there is a great need.