Nick Komodina was a gym owner by the age of 21; a full time online entrepreneur by 24 and had a multimillion dollar empire by 27 years old. He found himself in his Houston home with 100s of loyal clients; a dozen employees and a huge following on social media. He had built a life that looked perfect on paper. Within months, he lost everything. It was shocking, raw and nearly drove him to take his own life. It was also the moment in which he realised how desperately unhappy and empty he had felt for years.
Nick is now host of the Headstrong podcast; and the founder and owner of Impakt Industries, which provides mentorship for entrepreneurs in the coaching space and hosts in person events. Joining from Austin,Texas, Nick spoke to Brainz about his journey and how he has found fulfilment sharing what he knows about self-mastery; business energetics and wealth creation.
One of the things that you now teach about is energetics? Can you explain what this is and why it’s important if we are to thrive?
The energy that you have when you're building things in your life is the same energy that gets reflected back to you. If you’re feeling scarce, unworthy or unfulfilled and you’re creating to try and escape that reality, it will get reflected back to you more.
Sure, you can make money in that state – I did – but it will feel worse. There’s a difference between being rich and being wealthy. When you’re stuck in survival mode, if I hand you $50,000, you will either put it in your savings and refuse to touch it because you’re scared about the future; or panic-spend it all on things you think are “smart”. You just have more to be scarce with, when you make more money in that state. Money doesn't change your internal state, it amplifies it. I help people overcome those stories and walk into their purpose - to find their place in the world. I thought money would save me and it never did. It turned me into a slave.
So our energy can be a barrier to true success?
Absolutely. At the events we run, I work with an array of coaches/entrepreneurs to help them face what’s really holding them back. We bring in guest speakers, facilitate workshops, and teach these principles, leadership development; meditation and breathwork to help them release all that energy, those stories and the ideas that make them believe that they're not worthy.
Can other people impact our energetics; and can their roles be both positive and negative?
We let the world tell us who we are. We often let our parents tell us and we follow a certain path; then we go to college, and they say: “Here's your degree and this is what you do with it.” This identity has been created for us and we feel like we're not allowed to change that. We live in a world of conformity. I remember feeling my soul telling me that I was meant for more and then convincing myself I should put a lid on it or ignore it. I would tell myself to shut up and get on with what I was good at; be grateful that I was making money; and not follow my dreams because what I had was enough. I feared that even if I did pursue something else, I might not make it and fail. I didn’t realise I was already failing by living this way.
People forget over their life, how powerful they actually are and how they can create any life that they want. Our big thing is showing people - or helping them to remember - that they have that power inside of them. It’s going to take a lot of work to let go of what no longer serves them to get that power back and build, but it works every time someone commits.
You encourage people to release any energy not serving them then move on and up. How hard a process is that?
If you want to hide anything from man, hide it inside of himself because he will spend his life looking everywhere but. When I work with people, I ask them to look at their absolute worst moments first and take their power back. They’re usually giving their power to the past, a pattern or a person.
I see people experience breakthroughs; break connections and enter into a state of full acceptance. And yes it is hard. I went through it myself. At my lowest point, I stood at 3am in my backyard with a gun to my head. A voice stopped me. I moved home to San Diego and I sat with myself for four months. I had to become fully aware that I had built a life purely to escape how I was actually feeling. Now I’m fulfilled, regulated and the most sure of myself that I've ever been. When someone can create from a space of wholeness - and they remember who they truly are - you better watch out because that person has unlocked the power to create entire worlds. That’s what we do at our event.
Nick will be one of the coaches at a three-day event taking place in Austin, Texas from 2nd November. Also confirmed are Chris O' Brien, Brian Mark, Amanda Bucci, Kendall Strampel and Caleb Fong.
You can find the details are here!