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How to Rest as An Entrepreneur

Written by: Danielle Perlin-Good, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


When COVID-19 ransacked my home in early November, my husband and I needed to find ways to not only rest and take care of ourselves but also take care of our 2-year-old son. Even though we all had COVID-19, our son still needed to eat, play, and sleep. We were able to get through our 14-day quarantine thanks to Elmo, “The World Needs More Purple People” picture book, my husband’s job flexibility, and the fact that I had procedures in place to ensure my business could run smoothly.

The idea of “hustling” has never appealed to me, but even more so when I was sick. We can’t necessarily plan for tragic deaths, illnesses, or anything of the sort. But as entrepreneurs, we need to have a plan-of-action so our businesses can run on their own.

Have systems in place.

Make sure you know what your daily, weekly, and monthly tasks are to generate revenue seamlessly in your business. Do you need to prepare videos in advance? Do you need to record podcast episodes a month before they go live? Do you need to write out 18 pieces of content on the first Monday of the month? Whatever is on your list, make sure you use a project management system like Trello, Asana, or ClickUp. This will make your life so much easier in the long run, and you’ll easily be able to delegate tasks if you do need to take a break from your business.

Get yourself a Virtual Assistant.

The minute I became sick, I Voxered (is that a verb now?) my incredible assistant, Brooke. She took care of my social media, my messages, and my inbox. She even helped me reschedule client and networking meetings to ensure I could get the proper amount of rest. Because of her help, I was able to get the rest I needed to recover.

Your Clients Will Understand.

If your cousin tragically passes away one afternoon, or if you get a positive COVID-19 diagnosis (which, unfortunately, both happened to me this quarter), your clients will, in fact, understand. If you pretend everything is kol besedar, or “everything is just peachy,” you’re ultimately not only doing yourself a disservice, but also your client. There’s no way you’ll be able to produce quality materials when your mental state and/or physical state of needing to rest, for whatever reason. Be honest with yourself, and be honest with your clients. Trust me, they will want you to get better, and when you do, you’ll deliver them fantastic results.

This holiday season, spend some time preparing your business for the New Year. Take some time off. Rest with your family and friends, even if it’s resting via Zoom. Happy holidays to you and yours.

Follow Danielle on her Instagram and Facebook group. Visit her website and feel free to take the “What Type of Writer Are You?” quiz today.


Danielle Perlin-Good, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Danielle Perlin-Good is The Written Legacy Coach. She works with emerging C-suite leaders to unleash their memoirs, self-help, and personal growth non-fiction books so they can share their powerful legacies and transform lives. Since 2008, Danielle has written and edited hundreds of articles, books, social media content, e-newsletters, and more. She went from working overnight shifts at the Tribune Company to corporate digital marketing gigs, one of which was at Albert Whitman & Co., an esteemed children's publishing house. Danielle uses mindset techniques, exceptional editing skills, and quantum healing modalities to ensure her clients develop a beautifully crafted and publishable book that they will forever cherish. In her free time, Danielle enjoys swimming, practicing yoga, being outside, and spending time with her husband and their son.


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