Written by: Clive Jukes, Executive Contributor
Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

With so much information available in the personal development space, sometimes it can be really difficult to navigate what to do, and in particular where to start.
Most 'guru' lead courses tell us how broken we are and that we need fixing, and that fix starts with setting goals, and a raft of other 'methods' to improve our lives.
In reality, this may come as shock to most we are not broken, what we are doing is working, and the issue is what we are doing is not producing the results we want.

In recent years there has been an explosion in things like the Law of Attraction that invokes the ancient hidden power, that will magically create the results we want to see. The mysteries of the law of attraction were made famous in the 2006 movie 'The Secret' starring philosophers and spiritual masters like the late Bob Proctor, and Michael Beckwith.
The message contained in 'The Secret' contained a small section of the truth and in reality, left many people confused and with little or no change in their results.
So how do we change our results?
One of the keys to changing our results is our speech.
This is not a new idea however, the way we understand our words and how we use them has long been misunderstood.
Marisa Peers has a sound understanding of the concept and power of speech and frequently talks on the subject internationally.
What we speak has a profound effect on our results, but in recent years speech has become little more than a 'blab it and grab it' method that does not change our results and simply causes more disappointment in the lives of those who adopt the 'blab it and grab it' system.
'Blab it and grab it' finds its roots in a certain truth, and that truth is that when we speak there is some creative power that does affect our results. This method stems largely from the positive mental attitude movement, which leads us to believe that simply speaking positively will change the results we are seeing. There is some truth in this notion, but there is a deeper running power we all have and are tapping into constantly, and this deeper truth is what forms the results we are seeing.
Abracadabra is real and contains the power we are invoking all of the time
As a child I used to watch variety shows on television, regular acts at the time were magicians, who wowed us with amazing illusions. Often a magician would place a black cloth over a top hat and with the wave of a wand, and the magic words Abracadabra the cloth was removed, and a rabbit was plucked from the hat.
For years I used to think that the word Abracadabra was simply a word invented by magicians, to somehow invoke magical power and thus produce a rabbit.
The reality is that Abracadabra is a real word.
The word is from a real language called Aramaic, and Aramaic has its roots in the Hebrew language.
Now here is an interesting fact Abracadabra means
'I create what I speak'
The Aramaic language dates back centuries and offers proof that there has been an awareness for centuries of the power of the spoken word.
So why do we not see a change in our results when using this ancient knowledge?
Quite simple when we are thinking something different from what we are speaking, the thoughts we have, are the dominant factor.
What we think at a subconscious level will produce the results we are seeing
96%-97% of all results we are seeing are a direct result of the subconscious thoughts we have. Generally, people are not consciously aware of what is happening at a subconscious level.
No amount of speaking with change our results if we are having thoughts that are different from our speech.
So in reality, Abracadabra is true, but there is a condition, and that condition is our speech must align with our subconscious thoughts.
A quick side note when the term subconscious is mentioned most people think of this as a fixed automatic process we cannot change, whilst subconscious thoughts are automatic they can be changed and help us to become aware of the results we want to see.
How do I know what's happening in my subconscious mind?
When we mentor our clients they often ask well how do we know what is happening in our subconscious mind if it is automatic?
The answer is simple have a look at the results you are seeing, do you have enough money to do what you want to do? Is your health good and what do you want to live a full life? How are your relationships?
If any of these areas are not what you want then you can see what is happening in the subconscious, remember 96%-97% of the results you see are a direct result of those subconscious thoughts.
So what is the answer we need to change the subconscious thoughts we are having, once we have done that we find that our words suddenly have immense power, we become aware of the results we want and they naturally show up in our lives?
The most pivotal thing to note is that the process is working, we are using our superpower to produce the results we are seeing.
Quite simply if the results are not what you want, use the superpower to produce what you do want, it's already working, so use it to produce what you want rather than what you don't want.
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Clive Jukes, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine
Clive Jukes is a pioneer of the groundbreaking concept: the Law of Possession, which shows that no one is broken, and whatever it is you have been doing up to this point has actually been working and producing results; even if they are not the result you want. He has spent the last 30 years transforming the results of large corporate and government organizations, and individuals alike. The Law of Possession is the master law that, unleashes the power of the mind in a new and profound way, transforming those who apply its principles. Author, founder of Bitesize Motivation Radio and the Law of Possession course, Clive now shares these powerful, life-changing concepts with his clients all over the world.