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How To Create An Everyday Union With Your Spirit Team

Written by: Ulrika Sullivan, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


If you asked me a few years ago what is your connection to your Spirit team and the Universe, I probably would have given you a blank face. I wouldn’t have ANY idea what you were talking about.

So why am I sharing the possibility of creating an everyday union with your spirit team? It’s because I’ve during the past few years channeled my spirit team regularly. And I want to share some of that experience with you because for me it’s been life-changing.

If you want to learn more get my 7-Step Guide to Listen to Your Intuition

I used to be a scientist, very logical and detail-oriented.

I loved making to-do lists and plans. Planning and “figuring things out” was a must and it came easy to me. I thrived on having everything planned out and pre-determined. It made me feel safe.

Until…something didn’t go as planned…

Then I freaked out and felt lost.

I couldn’t see or accept an alternative outcome.

I believed that what I can see and touch is the only real experience. And I placed much self-worth and value on my career and material things to show off how well I was doing. Particularly, I loved shopping for new clothes and having a perfectly decorated home.

I related to my life experience, through the lens of the physical and material.

Fast forward a few years I hit rock bottom.

My entire material world got shaken up as I was faced with a career (and self-worth) crisis.

In hindsight I now consider rock bottom being the best thing that ever happened to me.


Because it allowed me to expand my perspective of who I am, not only as a human but to consider myself as a soul.

The experience brought me home to me.

My true self.

I know who I am now.

The rock bottom and the awakening to my true self cracked me open to a completely different life experience that had been available to me all along, but I hadn’t tapped into.

Realizing now that so many with me have never tapped into this expanded view of their true self or their spiritual connection.

This means, that the way we’ve been living is very much based on our physical and material experiences. Not so much about the perspective that we are a soul with a “life” in Spirit meanwhile we’re in a physical body.

This is so much more than what I had experienced before when I considered me “only” being a body with a very logical mind.

What I’m talking about here is the awakening to our true selves. And that is not based on an external experience, it all happens within ourselves.

In my opinion, the awakening to our true self is not connected to a religious experience. In my opinion, we all have a soul irrespective of which religion we identify with and our true self in this lifetime is the highest expression of us in this lifetime. Our soul travels with us through many lifetimes.

In addition, we have a Spirit team that is around us at all times so that we can form a relationship. One of the purposes of our Spirit team is that they are here to help us express the highest version of ourselves in this lifetime, our true self.

When we express our true self, we live our purpose.

So, how do we connect with and create a relationship with our Spirit team?

1. Be open to changing perspectives of what’s possible.

At first, I struggled with trusting that there indeed was a Spirit team that was “following me around” at all times. As the logical person I was (am) I didn’t know what to believe, so I decided to stay open and not judge.

But when I started to notice signs and synchronicities, and situations that I strongly felt were placed on the path of my life, it became clear to me that the interaction with the spirit realm is not based on time or a sequence of events or hierarchy in the material sense.

It’s all about alignment of energy and divine timing (which is nothing like time as we want it to occur). For me, it only occurred when I was in alignment with the next right step for me.

Believing that there is a greater force at play is the first step to trusting your Spirit team and the Universe.

2. Prioritize going inward.

For the past number of decades (and long before that), we’ve been conditioned to value building material status to show others our power or prominence. There’s been very limited focus on our inner world.

These values have created patterns, habits, and ways of living that ignore our connection to our true self, and instead, override our innate intuition and body consciousness.

This has caused us to live with spiritual status quo, limited soul growth, feeling stagnant or developing mental and/or physical illness, and constantly repeating lessons that our soul is here to learn in this lifetime.

So the importance of going inward, spending time with ourselves, and connecting to our inner world is key.

The challenge is to put going inward higher up on the list of priorities in our lives.

3. Connect with your intuition.

Once we believe that our inner world is important paying attention to connecting with our intuition is the natural next step. It’s through your intuition you connect with your true self and your Spirit team.

Everyone is intuitive.

The tricky part is to know how your intuitive skills express themselves to you. Is it through an inner knowing? Is it through inner visions? Is it through inner hearing? Is it through a sensation of smell? Or a combination of some or all?

The ways we can be intuitive are very personal and your job is to trust how intuitive hits come to you.

The way I connect with my Spirit team is through inner knowing, inner vision, and intuitive journaling. Writing comes easy to me so journaling is the way I download intuitive messages and conversations with my Spirit team. It may be different for you. Be open to the ways you could receive messages. I’ve found that the most important part here is to surrender completely to what can come through.

This takes practice.

If you want to learn more get my 7-Step Guide to Listen to Your Intuition

4. Create a daily spiritual practice.

The more you connect with your true self and Spirit team the more you hone this skill and the clearer the messages become. I believe it’s very important to create a daily spiritual practice. It’s like a daily routine, just like brushing teeth!

Many start a spiritual practice with meditation and journaling. After that listening to your intuition and connecting with your Spirit team is not far away.

A spiritual practice is also about tapping into your body consciousness as many intuitive messages can come through body sensations. I have found yoga to be a great way to increase body-mind-spirit awareness.

How your spiritual practice looks like is up to you.

There is no right way or wrong way as long as your spiritual practice helps you feel good, grounded, and balanced.

Expanding trust in your Spirit team and the Universe can help to increase trust in yourself and your own wisdom.

For me, it has helped me increase my sense of empowerment, confidence, self-acceptance, and freedom and provided me with more ease and flow.

If you’d like help to for example listen to your intuition, or create a spiritual practice Click here now to schedule a call with Ulrika, or visit

Ulrika Sullivan is the Best-selling Author of Wisdom Beyond What You Know: How to Shift from Being Driven by the Mind to Living from the Heart and Intuition, visit, and the founder of the Beyond the Mind membership community which is created to help integrate heart-centered multidimensional living into our daily lives. You can also find more inspiration on Ulrika’s podcast New Light Living See Your Life in a New Light.

Follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and visit my website for more info!


Ulrika Sullivan, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Ulrika Sullivan is an intuitive spiritual life coach, yoga teacher, and energy healer. After leaving a stressful multitasking corporate career that left her feeling on autopilot, Ulrika realized she didn’t know who she truly was. A complete inner shift led her to her “point of no return” when she with clarity connected with her true self, natural talents, and life purpose. Ever since Ulrika is successfully helping busy working women to connect with their own intuition, find their inner calm, self-love, and life balance, so that they can live with more ease and flow. Ulrika is the host of the podcast “New Light Living ‒ See Your Life in a New Light”.

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