Greg Singleton is well known for his ability to get the best out of the person across from him. He is the founder of CSB Coaching, and he has transformed his experiences into a powerful coaching framework designed to help others empower themselves to live fulfilling lives.

When we expand our vision beyond the narrow focus on the expectations of our outcomes, we lay the foundation for true connection. Connection is fundamental to the human experience, it is where we find love, support, meaning, fulfillment, and so much more. Yet, why do so many of us choose to live with the tunnel vision of self-interest when what we are truly searching for is found in others?

The way we choose to live our lives is entirely up to us. Our experiences are shaped by the people and environments we surround ourselves with, and those experiences, in turn, define the reality we perceive to be true. Perhaps it is time to broaden our perspective. Only by looking beyond ourselves and embracing the art of creation can we discover the true path to empathy and connection.
A creative life
As I sit and watch the snow fall on the landscape outside in Raleigh, NC, I cannot help but see a blank canvas forming, a fresh layer of white snow transforming what was once green and full of life into something entirely new. A blank slate, if you will.
When we decide to create something, we weave our life experiences, failures, successes, and ultimately our own reality into the outcome. Creativity is not limited to art or construction; it is about bringing something to life. Think of it like an adult coloring book. When you flip to a page, there are borders forming the outline of a picture waiting to come to life. You have the framework, and now it is time to choose from a palette of colors to shape the image into your unique vision. Color the sky green, the tree royal blue, or the bird magenta, no one cares.
This concept is no different from how we approach every area of our lives. To bring the vision of our lives to fruition, we must look beyond just ourselves. Countless people will become woven into the fabric of who we are, yet we often focus solely on ourselves. This is a struggle many of us face, myself included.
I used to believe that if I could just make myself happy, everything else around me would naturally fall into place. In my early attempts to create what I thought was internal happiness, I chose the path of becoming a people pleaser. While I included others, it came at the expense of my own well-being. I overemphasized others' happiness and excluded my own. As a result, true internal happiness never materialized because I was basing it on external circumstances. It took years, and some experiences that nearly broke me, to realize that while my happiness is ultimately my responsibility, including others in that journey was the only way I could truly find support, love, empathy, and understanding.
You are responsible for defining what makes you happy and following through diligently with that plan. However, we must also include others in the process. Only then can the picture of our lives be colored in a way that accurately reflects the vision of who we want to become.
Shift your perspective
Life mirrors this process whenever we step into something new, a relationship, a location, a job, or any fresh experience. These moments are exhilarating because they engage the right hemisphere of our brain, the side responsible for emotions, imagination, creativity, intuition, and more. When nurtured, creativity becomes a powerful tool for finding clarity, purpose, and fulfillment in all areas of life. This is when the magic happens, when life begins to unfold in ways we could never have imagined.
The delicate balance between honoring your boundaries to cultivate happiness and allowing others to join you on that path highlights the importance of shifting your perspective. We all yearn to be heard and understood in one way or another. But the only way to achieve this is by surrounding yourself with others who can provide the very thing you seek. This doesn’t mean they validate who you are; it means that once you recognize others truly see you, you gain insight into how to reciprocate and help them feel equally fulfilled.
Empathy is the key to unlocking your true potential. In the myopic, me-first mindset, we often crave empathy from others, longing for them to understand what it’s like to be us and what we are going through. But empathy can only be offered by others. Once you experience the transformative power of empathy, it inspires a profound life shift, calling you to soothe the same yearning in others that you’ve felt yourself.
To understand yourself is the key to understanding others!
There is an incredible saying in Africa called Ubuntu, which can loosely be translated to, "I am who I am because of who we all are."
When I first heard this saying, it took me some time to grasp its full magnitude. None of us have ever achieved anything entirely on our own. At the root of everything we do is connection. We are connected to those who raised us through the unconscious behaviors they instilled in us, whether wanted or unwanted. We are connected to the people we choose to surround ourselves with: our families, friends, and coworkers. Each of these individuals plays a role in shaping the "I" within each of us.
When I think back to my childhood in a small neighborhood in upstate NY, I remember being surrounded by my group of neighborhood friends and my family. None of my friends attended the same school as I did, so during the day, I formed a completely different set of connections. Each group played its part in giving me a sense of belonging, which ultimately shaped those years of my life.
As life progresses, we encounter new connections and develop a deeper understanding of who we’re becoming. We are no longer the children we once were; that season of life has transformed into the people we are today. From here, we continue forming new connections, each subtly or boldly contributing to the outlines of the picture in the adult coloring book we are now creating.
Beyond yourself
To me, there is no greater explanation of connection than this: I am who I am because of who we all are. While we must learn to master ourselves, we must also create space where empathy and connection can flourish. Internal peace will always radiate outward, and external peace will always permeate inward. Forming genuine connections in your life is essential to keeping this cycle alive.'
One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned about going beyond myself has come through the incredible, non-verbal connection I share with our adopted racing greyhound, Penelope. What she provides in the form of connection transcends words, it’s a silent calm I feel when she gently lays her head in my lap. In those moments, she is there for me, and I am there for her. Connection, in its purest form.
Strive to see the world in a way that allows you to replicate that same natural connection. Let your internal peace radiate to others, even without words. Extend empathy as often as possible, and foster connections so others can feel truly seen and understood.
When you finally go beyond yourself, life becomes much lighter.
Steps to bring this to your everyday life
Sometimes, all we need is a starting point to launch us toward the life we’ve always wanted. I hope this article has done just that by providing useful insights to help make your life a little lighter. To support you further, I’ve created a five-step process to help you incorporate these ideas into your daily life, ensuring this becomes a lasting practice and not just a passing fad. You can find my guide here.
Each day you open your eyes is another opportunity to create empathy and connection with everyone you encounter. Connection is the driving force behind living the life you’ve always dreamed of. I hope this guide helps you on your journey!
Read more from Greg Singleton
Greg Singleton, Perspective and Mindset Coach
Greg Singleton is a certified NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) peer-to-peer leader, and his coaching guides people with the correct perspective and mindset to overcome imposter syndrome, build confidence, and embrace a healthier mindset. He has dedicated the last 10 years to helping others overcome their fear and embrace their inner confidence to become who they strive to be. He is the CEO of CSB Coaching. His mission: Celebrate others, don't Alienate others.