Leora Edut is trained deeply in family systems and helping to reweave the mind and body back together after trauma. Coming through her own journey with abuse and addiction fueled Leora to want to guide others to their own awareness.

Ok, ok, you never heard about family constellations before, or you instantly heard the word constellation and thought I could not follow another astrology thing that I couldn’t make sense of. Let’s slow down for a collective breath here. The word constellation in “Family Constellation” is defined as the energetic system that we share together with our family of origin.

We can all feel in our nervous systems that we inherited more then our parent's features (even if some of those blessed us with our attractive looks wink). When we begin to clear some of what is subconsciously carrying in our epigenetic system, we can begin to feel love flow easier where it may have been blocked before. This can look like a relationship with a sibling that has always been challenging transform into closeness or romantic love where in the past you may have attracted emotional unhealthy options open to a new spiritual loving and aligned partnership.
What is a family constellation?
Family Constellation was created by Bert Hellinger and is a study of systems that has a pseudoscientific therapeutic method. It was created after Bert spent time as a priest and a therapist and then spent ten years with the Zulu tribe and noticed that healing happened inter-generationally. He then uncovered that we have unspoken bonds, loyalties, and ways we identify with past and present members that impact us. This can show up in our lives as paralyzed fear of moving forward in all areas of life, from feeling safe to having healthy love to feeling ok with doing better financially than members of our family who suffered before us.
What typically happens in a session?
We begin by looking at where everyone is feeling stagnant, or there may be a pattern you’ve noticed, or you have a particular question about something. We then go into meditation to bring in the energy of our ancestors while also feeling as if we are receiving a piece of their support to assist us in the process. Following this we open up what is called the “morphic energetic field” to connect with your ancestors trapped emotions around the originating traumas that are still causing chaos in your current life. We begin to clear this up through a series of guided exercises where you can feel pieces of grief and anger leave your body and love return to its place. Your family granted you permission to heal in ways they could not. In the end, you feel as if you have released large pieces of a burden and are finally ready to go forth in your life. A session is typically an hour to 90 minutes and can be done in a group or one on one. Virtually or in person, depending on preference.
How should you prepare for a session?
If it’s your first time doing a healing session, look at what area is most important for you to begin with. Love (Self-Love/Romantic love), Money/Abundance, Feeling Safe to be Visible. Most humans have received a lot of unwanted baggage in these areas, so I usually recommend doing at least three constellations over the course of 3 months to clear this. A constellation not only begins to heal ourselves, it also heals those who came before us, and those who came after us (even if we don’t have biological children, our nieces and nephews can also experience the impact of something new in the shared lineage.) If you don’t know a lot of history around your family and you can ask your family some questions you may have that can help. However do not get discouraged if your unable to have this information in your session, the energetic field always opens up the root of what needs to be looked at.
What benefits does it bring?
A Family Constellation is a somatic healing so it releases trapped emotions of anger and grief that have been stored in your nervous system for what can be decades. It also has the possibility to shift relationships with family members. One of the most valuable things it does it helps us to meet ourselves with more compassion, our families, and other peoples families with empathy and understanding. It takes our small lens of life, families, and the world from one of judgement and anger to a full spectrum of understanding.
How family constellation helps clients heal love stories
My second constellation that I had ever done which was honestly a practice constellation that I was terrified to do I had client/friend who kept dating emotionally avoidant partners. When we looked the amount of time and energy she was pouring into her Mother blocked any space for a partner to actually enter her life. 6 months later she was engaged, a year later she met her Father for the first time in 35 years of her life after never even knowing his name. The second client was a clients fiancé who was struggling with many things in his life when we looked he had been estranged from his father most of his life. There was a lot of grief and upset that he was still carrying around from this. We did his constellation at 5p on New Year's Eve. I received a text the next day that right before midnight, his dad called him to wish him Happy New Year. A few weeks later, his dad found his address on the internet, showed up at his house, and began to repair their relationship. They are now going fishing frequently and having conversations about doing it differently with his sons.
Read more from Leora Edut
Leora Edut, Family Constellation Facilitator & Somatic Therapist
Leora Edut is trained deeply in family systems and helping to reweave the mind and body back together after trauma. Coming through her own journey with abuse and addiction fueled Leora to want to guide others to their own awareness. Leora believes that it is not our job to rid ourselves of our past but to gain understanding around this so we can make different choices that feel more loving and aligned with our highest self. In her work Leora has witnessed new relationships with difficult or estranged family members come to light, the complete transformation of abundance and money being different from the one the client was raised to know, and a feeling of emotional freedom with their body. Leora has worked.