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Feminine Wisdom Through The Corporate World – Enhancing Productivity Through The Menstrual Cycle

Written by: Agapi Apostolopoulou, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.

Executive Contributor Agapi Apostolopoulou

In today's dynamic corporate world, women often find themselves at a crossroads, navigating two distinct working paths. One is the path that leans heavily on their masculine energy, where they think, act, and behave predominantly from a logical, controlled mindset, aligning with societal and corporate norms. And another path that embraces a harmonious balance of masculine and feminine energies. This path leads to achieving goals, finding success, maintaining relaxation, health, and a profound connection with one's body. Finding equilibrium between these two paths is crucial not only for personal well-being but also for enhanced productivity in the workplace.

A happy woman with her laptop.

Understanding the menstrual cycle's impact on productivity

To understand this journey, we must recognize the fundamental distinction between the female and male bodies. The menstrual cycle is at the heart of this difference, dividing a woman into at least four unique personas, each influenced by the secretion of distinct hormones in various phases. These phases include Menstruation, the Post-Menstruation phase, Ovulation, and the Pre-Menstruation phase. Each phase triggers the release of varying substances in the brain, profoundly shaping a woman's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Recognizing the distinct phases unveils a powerful tool for optimizing productivity while living a healthy and relaxed life.

On the other hand, when a woman attempts to live a uniform, masculine-driven life every day, she is essentially suppressing her body's natural rhythm, striving to operate as if she had a male body. Unfortunately, many aspects of the corporate world are rooted in masculine energy, emphasizing logic, action, goal orientation, and a linear approach. This endeavor to fit into this mold can lead to various health issues, including anxiety, stress, depression, PMS syndrome, and various gynecological ailments.

Harmonizing work with natural body rhythms

The good news is that there is a way for women to be both productive in the corporate world and stay attuned to their body's innate wisdom and the phases of their menstrual cycle.

Some tips across menstrual phases are:

  1. During Menstruation, take time to rest! Consider taking a few days off, or if you must go to the office, regulate your energy and avoid overworking. This will enhance productivity in the following phases.

  2. The post-menstruation phase is excellent for concentration and executing meetings. During this phase, women feel very extroverted and full of action.

  3. The ovulation phase is a time of unparalleled inspiration, creativity, and passion. Take advantage of it by allowing yourself to come up with new ideas!

  4. The pre-menstruation phase is not suitable for extroversion, communication, or meetings but is preferably a time for office work, creating strategies, and planning. Avoid meetings and external activities during this phase.

Creating a holistic work environment

By embracing women's multifaceted strengths, corporations can foster a more enriching work environment that transcends the limitations of a traditional male paradigm. Recognizing and accommodating the unique needs of women in the workplace contributes not only to individual health and satisfaction but also to the company's overall success.

In essence, the journey toward success involves not just setting goals and taking action but also tapping into the innate wisdom of the female body. When tuned to the harmonious balance of feminine and masculine energies, the corporate world becomes a space where women can not only thrive but also lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.

If you want to know more, especially different sessions and workshops that could support you on this topic, you can visit my website.

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Agapi Apostolopoulou Brainz Magazine

Agapi Apostolopoulou, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Agapi is a Self-development Teacher coming from the rich cultural tapestries of Greece and Ethiopia. She encompasses the roles of a Clairvoyant, Shaman, Tantric Teacher, and Medicine Woman. Her profound connection to the spiritual realm allows her to access the Akashic Records and channel information directly from the Spirit. She has a global presence and founded "Alithi Gi," an online school that provides a nurturing space for inner exploration and self-realization. Whether through individual sessions or experiential workshops, Agapi shares her wisdom and gifts in various corners of the world, creating a harmonious fusion of Knowledge and Experience.


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