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Empowering Leadership – Do You Lead With Gratitude?

Written by: Jennifer Sharp, Executive Contributor

Executive Contributors at Brainz Magazine are handpicked and invited to contribute because of their knowledge and valuable insight within their area of expertise.


Living with gratitude can be, at times, very challenging. As leaders, we are under scrutiny 24/7; particularly now all is online. It’s human nature for us to occasionally have a bad day due to a personal crisis, for example, and I am guilty of having many bad days, particularly this year. But when we are in that negative place, it’s really difficult to be grateful. How can we live in gratitude when we are not feeling it? It’s not easy to switch from a negative mindset to an intentional mindset of gratitude.

Before making decisions for positive outcomes, we need to learn to be reflective rather than reactive, particularly when our emotions aren’t in check. Whilst we all have negative emotions and reactive moments which can and do leave us feeling ungrateful, understanding how to place ourselves back in the centre of gratitude is paramount.

We can all site peers, colleagues, and many others who always seem to live within a negative mindset thereby living their lives ungrateful, always finding something to complain about. They appear bitter and angry and when around them your energy lowers – you have no influence over them. Because they haven’t learnt nor practice the art of gratitude, it is really difficult for them to motivate and inspire not only themselves but their teams.

The first step to living in gratitude is to simply use manners that we learned as children. By this I mean the way we meet and great people – are you smiling or frowning? Think about how you express “thank you” in a genuine manner. Social graces go a long way when working with a team of colleagues – “please” may be one simple word, but its also monumental. If we can’t be respectful of each other then the relationship will not be fruitful but rather challenging making it difficult to lead in an empowering manner.

Equally important is respecting yourself. If you don’t respect yourself, you most likely don’t fully believe in yourself. If you one hundred percent believed in the character, values, ethics you strive to embody; you would not allow yourself to be disrespectful towards others.

How often do you appreciate, express gratitude for the special moments that happen in life? We are learning, post-COVID to appreciate all that nature offers – walks on the beach, in a nature reserve, a simple walk around the block with the dogs greeting the neighbors as we pass by. When we are young, we want the money, the life style, the house – and there is nothing wrong with this, but growing older allows us to appreciate that we have, in actual fact, grown older – not everyone has that privilege, and we appreciate the friendships along with all that natures beauty offers us. We also become more appreciative of our coworkers. The ability to reflect and learn from these special moments creates an awareness that allows us as leaders to empower our teams and individuals within them. We are all unique – my weakness may be your strength, but together with mutual respect and gratitude, we make a formidable, strong team.

When was the last time you gave without expecting anything back? Generosity is gratitude in its highest form. When we are in a negative mindset, when all appears tumultuous, it is difficult to find the silver lining and live in the present. As a leader, the more you serve, the more you place the needs of others before your own, you are able to achieve greater levels of success not only for yourself but be influential to others so they can achieve the same.

If you can learn to intentionally focus your mind towards full gratitude each day, you will be working from not only the heart space but a place of mutual respect, appreciation and generosity which in turn, allows other to see your working authentically and transparently as a leader.

How do you empower others as leader?

Follow me on Facebook, LinkedIn, Daisy Lane Publishing, or visit my website for more info!


Jennifer Sharp, Executive Contributor Brainz Magazine

Jennifer Sharp is a leader in the publishing industry, having founded international award-winning publishing presses. She has assisted many with telling their success stories globally, whether it be in business or life and has created coaching and mentoring programs that develop the writer's confidence in themselves and strategies that help them stay confident within themselves in all areas of their lives authentically.

Jennifer is the founder of Soul Essence International Publishing Press which holds two exclusive, retreats each year for those in leadership. The leadership retreat encompasses a three day elitist, luxury event at an exclusive location that incorporates keynote speakers, and the celebration of a collaborative book written by leaders for leaders. Each author also has access to being in a documentary. Jennifer is also the founder of Daisy Lane Publishing – a multi award winning publishing press dedicated to and for inspirational, educational books that celebrate diversity and inclusion. She also successfully executes a book coaching program ‒ Breakthrough:6 Steps to Successfully Publish Your Story coaching program.

Jennifer is on a mission to support as many as she can with living their life fully with positive intentions and to assist them with publishing their story along the way. Jennifer is passionate about bringing to life stories that show how women and men have risen above the naysayers in leadership and everyday life to be who they are today, having stepped up regardless of obstacles to pave the way forward for others whilst working from their soul and heart space.

Jennifer is an international keynote speaker and awards presenter and has been seen in YMag, ROAR Awards, Brainz Magazine, Mo2vate Magazine, CEO, 28COE, The OTEL Universe, Ausmumpreneur and is also a multi published author having published 5-star children’s books, self-help, and authorship books amongst others. When not at her desk she is often found with coffee in hand, cat on knee or with her besties on the beach.

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